Chris and I are back to discuss the fourth episode of HBO’s House of the Dargon titled “King of the Narrow Sea”, which is Daemon, and we get a lot of Daemon doing Daemon things, some good, some bad, but mostly entertaining. This episode felt like a precursor for the exciting things on the horizon.
Tag: Daemon Targaryen
Much like Backstreet, Chris and Kent are back! We spend almost 15 minutes at the beginning of the show discussing various topics not associated with the show, so that is me fairly offering a heads up. After all the video game conversation, we break down the conversation that was mostly enjoyable, until the end.
Chris and Kent are more comfortable pronouncing the names of the characters this week. We still only focus on a select few characters, which helps us get more attached to what we assume to be the main players in the series, at least for this season. We also see what the Crab Feeder is all […]