Film Reviews Horror

28 Days Later (2002)

Would you believe me if I told you that I don’t think I’ve ever fully seen this movie? Yeah, it’s surprising. So for #120, let’s take on one of the modern-day classics and see how I like it, or possibly love it.

I think I may hold off on the play by play stuff for this one. I want to simply watch it, and reflect upon it afterwards.

So I have watched it despite a few interruptions. I don’t believe that I did ever see the full movie. It was good. I’m not really sure what sets it apart from other movies in the same genre though. It has a 7.6 on IMDB which is extremely high for a horror flick. I liked the movie a lot, but I was expecting to be utterly wowed based on that rating. Instead, I found myself saying it was a very good epidemic/zombie flick. This isn’t meant to demerit the film, there’s a ton to like or love about it.

Frank was obviously my favorite character. Naturally, large gentlemen typically are my favorites. His whole personality was solid, aside from taking the tunnel. I can’t say that I agree with that. I think this was one of, if not the first of the rage virus type zombie films. Please don’t try telling me that this was not a zombie film because A) you’re wrong, B) your opinion of what constitutes a zombie movie greatly differs from mine, and C) you’re wrong.

The military aspect is always in effect it seems. I liked how they changed it up though by wanting to keep the women. I know the movie tried making it so we felt that they were the bad guys, but the reality is, it makes 100% sense for them to do what they are doing. If the thought process is that the zombies will starve themselves eventually, you do need to repopulate the Earth. Now, in their mind, they have a sweet set up there in which they can protect themselves and their investment. So what if they have to kill off one dude? It’s nothing in the grand scheme of things. Survival comes first, but you also need to have a longer-term end game plan. It’s not just about fighting for today, but also fighting in hopes that there’s a better tomorrow. That shit gets overlooked so often.

I can’t get past how highly rated it is. It’s a 7.6, The ring is only 7.1. Stuff like that…..nope. Anyway, I myself would recommend this to anybody who likes this genre, and even for those who are on the fence, you will indeed find some characters that you like. The story snowballs and builds up, so be prepared for a “slower” beginning. I’m going to give this a 7.2. It’s really good. The picture is of my second favorite guy in the whole film.

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