This is another movie I had recommended to me via IMDB. The short synopsis from there read “A group of cooks at an asylum for the criminally insane get locked in with the inmates during a massive thunderstorm.” I’m sold.
We are a third the way through, and I haven’t made a single comment. I’ll be honest, if you don’t have patience, this will not be the movie for you. It is taking forever to get to the point. As I typed that last sentence, midway through, the power just went out. Business is finally about to pick up. This is somewhat of a terrifying concept.If you have ever worked with people who have mental issues as well as violent outbursts, I think you’ll agree. And I just saw some male ass and wang. Well, equal opportunity and shit.
This is actually pretty decent. Just enough suspense and tension. Given the layout of this asylum, the options are extremely limited. One of the 4 cooks locked himself in a small room in the kitchen and the other guys could have stayed in there, and they would have been fine. Each armed with a knife, single entry point, barricade the shit out of that entry way, you survive the night. But of course, what kind of movie would this be if they did the smart thing. They found themselves an office with a phone. naturally who they assumed was a nurse or guard was obviously a patient, but once that is taken care of, I go back to the barricade idea. They even got to make a phone call, and supposedly nobody is coming for at least an hour. Fuck that noise.
Hey the smart guy that barricaded himself, he’s crying, and I don’t think he is smart enough to make a weapon. By the way, I’d be killing mother fuckers. Anybody got close, I’m slitting throats. I’m sorry, but why have a conscience in this situation when it’s all about survival? These gentlemen are criminally insane, they do not give a fuck.
I can’t go into details buut by the 2/3 mark, shit has gotten so bad. Yet, still no real method of protection aside from a kitchen knife. They have passed up longer weapons. Terrible mistake. You want to keep as much distance as possible. I wouldn’t be content with a butcher’s knife.
My biggest problems with this movie are the complete waste of time the first 20-25 minutes were. Honestly, getting to barely know these guys didn’t make them anymore more or less sympathetic, it didn’t add much if anything to the real story here. You could have accomplished that in under 5 minutes. My guess is that they ran out of ways to elongate the good shit.
OK, so ignore what I just said. I know I could edit this and make myself come off intelligent, but where’s the fun in that? This movie will leave you wondering and theorizing. Now I have something to sink my teeth into. So the first 25 minutes may have all been extremely important. It would explain why it seemed harmless and bland, only by the end to be like, well now I gotta watch this again. I am giving this a 7.7. I have so many questions now. I don’t get why anybody thinks this is torture porn. there’s very little in the torture realm. It’s more tension than anything. The violence is minimal to average in the realm of horror. i just spent 10 minutes reading theories. I am recommending this to anybody and everybody. Very enjoyable horror flick.
T & A Totals remain the same
29 Bare breasts
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