Film Reviews Horror

Feardotcom (2002)

Ugh, this fucking movie. Why am I rewatching it? I was terribly disappointed the first time I saw it via a terribly done bootleg theatrical copy back when encoding was garbage and people didn’t know how to get good visual and audio simultaneously. I hated what I saw. But then it came out on DVD. And I was so pumped, I thought this has to be good. My original viewing sucked, not because the film sucked, but more due to the terrible copy I had ascertained. This was probably back in the day of Kazaa. Yeah, no, this movie just sucked and robbed me of plenty of happiness.

We did get breasts early on, so there is that factor. I don’t know what happened to my copy of this film. I used to own it on DVD, but I don’t seem to have it anymore. If you know my DVD collection, you’d be shocked to learn that i don’t know the whereabouts of every single one of them.

I’m saying that we are at 2 boobs. There is a very tiny strap covering the nips, but we see the vast majority of the boob, so i am quintessentially rounding up. My blog, my rules.

There is is this website and 4 people locally have all died within 48 hours of each other and they all visited the site. Think like the Ring only much, much, MUCH dumber. Raylene asks me why I’m watching it since I don’t think it’s good. And this, THIS is how you can tell a real horror fan from everybody else. Those of you that are true fans know the answer. Let’s face it, if I was only watching good horror movies, like legit good ones, I wouldn’t be able have a 100 film blog for just one year. It wouldn’t happen.  The same thing applies to comedies. Think about it, some comedies are funny, but rarely are they considered great films. Consider IMDB’s top 10 films all time. Only 3 of them weren’t considered Drama. You had Dark Knight, The Good The Bad & The Ugly, and Lord of the Rings. God people, Lord of the Rings in the top 10 but not Star Wars? What the fuck has this world come to? All 3 LotR movies are in the top 16. That’s fucking sad. My point is this, the genre is not home to many great films, but what we lack overall beloved films, we make up for with ridiculousness. So a movie that the general masses may consider a 5 may be a 7 to a horror fan because we get it. There’s an artwork to making a good horror film. It’s not just scares, vast amounts of blood, and iconic figure, torture, ghosts, creatures, dread, hopelessness, the girl will win at the end attitude, although oftentimes a mixture of those components can be found in the greats. Horror has a distinct challenge. Take a superhero movie, and think about the components that are required to go from good to great. First, you have to have a memorable storyline. Now you need a minimum of 2 great characters. then you sprinkle in an emotional connection to the audience. That is so key. You need to have vulnerability in your superhero, otherwise, what’s the point? That’s why most Superman shows and movies suck. Do you ever think, well this guy has Superman beat? Hell no, he’s mother fucking Superman, he is going to win every time with a handful of exceptions. Meanwhile, with Batman, he’s just a normal, albeit rich and highly skilled individual, but he doesn’t have any super powers. When Bane breaks his back, ok that is debilitating. What’s Bane gonna do to Superman? Henceforth why Batman will always be favored over Superman by the film masses. I swear, I had a point in all of this.

Oh yeah, the amount of “good” horror movies are such a small percentage, but as a fan, that number grows exponentially because we are looking for different characteristics that make a film great to us as opposed to a typical movie goer. This is is why I could realistically do 200 films this month and not put much thought into it. There’s a lot of average to bad movies in the horror genre, but to horror fans, those translate to good to great films. All about perspective.

This movie is still happening.It’s still dull as hell, even by simple horror standards. I admit I was falling asleep towards the end.

Nothing about that movie felt remotely satisfying. It absolutely lived up to it’s dreadful billing. There were some passable points, and the plot itself was decent. If you got somebody in there who understood horror a little better, tweaked a few things, and I think you have a winner. Instead, like a fish out of water, it spent the vast majority of it’s time flopping. I give this a 5.1 because there is some good in there, you just have to do a lot of digging. I am going to recommend this only to people who really want a somewhat unique idea that failed.

Breasts Total I think there was 2 pairs

39 Bare breasts

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