Film Reviews Horror

The First Purge (2018)

As you can guess, this film is about the very first Purge in US history.  It gives you some insight on how things started.

This is about how the government funded the first Purge.  They offered money to people to release their anger and record it using these special contact lenses.  This started as a small-scale experiment in Staten Island.  Every Purge film has some moral story, but this was just beating you over the head with the black people are poor and the rich white man will take advantage of that by any means that they can come up with.  Seriously, I just summed up the film.  I don’t think that there is a single white protagonist in this film.  Every white person is inherently evil in this one.

While watching this I thought about how nobody would have watched this film if it was about power black people and poor white people.  That wouldn’t have sold a single ticket.  It’s the mentality of society now, for better or worse.

I know this sounds like I didn’t like this film.  On the contrary, I really enjoyed this one a lot.  It made a lot of sense and there were some great characters.  Skeletor was by far my favorite, but Dmitri was also very good.  I liked Dolores too.  I didn’t like Nya at all, and Isaiah was meh.  Still, most of the people did a great job.  Marisa Tomei was in this as Dr. Updale.  This is different from the other Purges, but in a good way to offer a bit of variety.  I also liked the OG’s in this.  They were awesome characters.

I even liked the idea of the NFFA making the decision to make sure that The Purge was a success.  It was a nice little twist that worked well.  This was a film strictly about the balance of rich and poor but displayed as white vs black in many ways.  I would definitely recommend this.  I don’t know where I rank it with the other Purges.  I have liked all of them.  I don’t remember much from part 3, but I think part 2 is still my favorite.  This may be preferred over the original.  I do wish that I got the see the church massacre, I must admit.

Rating: 6.3 – Totally rewatchable.  If you like The Purge films, you should enjoy this one too.  I really had a lot of fun and definitely recommend it.  There is a character named Skeletor, after all.

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