Film Reviews Horror

Pumpkinhead (1988)

This is one of those classic 80’s horror films that I never got around to seeing for some reason or another.  It has Lance Henriksen, so I was ready to be pleased.

The plot to this is that Ed Harley (Lance) has a son named Billy.  They have this tiny general store, and their faithful dog, Gypsy.  One day, these 6 “teenagers” are heading to a cabin and stop there for supplies.  While there, 2 of the teens get on their dirtbikes because they were super fucking impatient.  I know today’s youth gets a lot of shit, but these guys were just as bad.  Well, there is an accident and Billy ends up getting hit and dying.  The guy who did it already is in legal trouble, so he will be screwed.  The teens basically bail, except for one who tells Ed.  Ed is at such a loss, he seeks out Haggis, who is an old woman who can conjure up Pumpkinhead to get revenge.  As you can imagine, the teens slowly but surely get got and Lance also has his issues to deal with.

I really liked the music and tone of this film early on.  It felt unique.  Remember how Children of the Corn just felt different very early on?  The same idea here.  There are country folk and these kids that know the Pumpkinhead nursery rhyme.  It feels unsettling.

I don’t really know what the fuck Pumpkinhead is.  It’s a vengeance monster, that’s the best I got for you.  I didn’t think it was that cool.  I was expecting something significantly cooler.  The whole second half of the film was a bit of a snoozer as far as I’m concerned. I don’t have the nostalgia factor clouding my judgment on this one.  I get the story, but it wasn’t that great, in my opinion.  Sorry.  This has a 6.2 on IMDB, but I certainly have no interest in seeing this one again.

I will leave the nursery rhyme/poem here for your enjoyment, which I thoroughly liked.

“Keep away from Pumpkinhead, Unless you’re tired of living. His enemies are mostly dead, He’s mean and unforgiving. Laugh at him and you’re undone, But in some dreadful fashion. Vengeance he considers fun, And plans it with a passion. Time will not erase or blot, A plot that he has brewing. It’s when you think that he’s forgot, He’ll conjure your undoing. Bolted doors and windows barred. Guard dogs prowling in your yard. Won’t protect you in your bed. Nothing will, from Pumpkinhead.”

Rating: 4.5 – I wanted to love this, but really, the Pumpkinhead monster itself bored the piss out of me.  I like the story at the end in regard to what happens to Ed.  The story isn’t bad, but I was just not feeling it.  I recommend people who have never seen it to give it a shot if they are interested.

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