Film Reviews Horror

Return of the Living Dead II (1988)

Why not go right on to an awesome 80’s sequel? The first one was so grand, what could go wrong in the sequel?

We start right off with a military guy driving more barrels of the bad stuff from part 1.  Well there we go, a couple of barrels rolled off. The first piece of the puzzle is in play. Next thing you know, we have a boy digging in his comics, snags a Spiderman comic. He brings it out to 2 older boys and mentions something about their clubhouse. The one boy is a dick, I like him. They bring him to a mausoleum, and the boy gets scared, so he runs away from the 2 older boys. Kid finds a drainage pipe to hid in. The boys find him and are pissed. Guess what else is in the drainage pipe? You guessed it, the barrel. It has a glowing blue hole. SO the 2 boys in their infinite wisdom decide to open it. Of course, gas was in there along with a body. The boys throw the young boy in a building.

Now we have 3 people. The guy who played Freddy is back this time as Joey. Frank is now back, this time his name is Ed. Then there is Joey’s chick, Brenda, who was also in Night of the Creeps.  Joey and Ed find the young boy, Jesse in there and Jesse heads home where his hot ass sister in full 80’s workout ensemble, is doing her TV workout. Her name is Lucy. The 2 older boys, Billy and Johnny are back to fucking with the barrel, and of course, out comes the gas, and wouldn’t you know it, they happen to be near a cemetery. What a TWEEST!!!

Ed and Joey are cutting heads off and Ed is stealing rings off of fingers.  Lucy is rocking the sweatshirt top where the neck is too big so it hangs off of one shoulder and she shows her bra strap look. Ahhh, the 80’s. Some guy who graduated high school the previous year is at the house to repair the TV and rape Lucy. Only one of those things are true sadly. His name is Tom.

Wouldn’t you know it, Billy is home and sick. Jesse is investigating it. Oh, and there’s our zombie. Now we have the awesome 80’s rock music as the zombies rise up out of the ground. It reminds me of the South Park episode that was an homage to Heavy Metal and Kenny and Randy were getting sprayed with cat piss. That sentence may come off weird to those who haven’t seen the episode.

Brenda is seeing the zombies at night, and so she punches one’s face in after being scared. Uh oh, a zombie is in there with Ed and Joey, and Ed is hilarious as are the zombies. Without these movies, Shawn of the Dead would not exist. Fact.  Ed and Joey are running, trying to escape the cemetery. Lucy is pissed at Jesse for having left the house.  Jesse makes a phone call to the military.  Ed, Joey, Brenda end up with Tom, Jesse, and Lucy. SO we have our 6 main characters together.

Joey is feeling adverse reactions to being exposed. The head that was in Ed’s bag has come to life and bit Ed’s finger. Everybody is panicking. Tom steps up and stabs the head with a screwdriver, so the head talks to Tom. By the way, the guy who plays Joey in this also played the role of asshole Tommy Jarvis in Friday the 13th Part VI. Knowledge is power.

Billy’s dad got ate. Billy has turned, and he just ate his mom. No further comment needed,

So our group gets this old Doc, and they use his car to get to the hospital. The Dr is trying to treat Ed and Joey. After inspecting Joey, Doc says to Brenda that they are gonna do a biopsy. She asks “Is it cancer?” and Doc says “If we’re lucky.” It was funny how it was delivered. Lucy, Jesse, and Tom go out to get help. They find some gun, and come to find out, Lucy was a high school shooting champion of some sorts. How convenient!

Hey, Ed and Joey are dying and in early stages of rigor mortis. Where have we seen these exact same 2 actors have this happen? I don’t know if this was just lazy or intentionally funny.  Brenda just stole Doc’s car and is taking Ed and Joey away. So that strands the other 4.They find 3 military guys. Brenda wants them to help, but they aren’t biting. Needless to say, Ed turns and bites one of them. The other 2 take off, Brenda takes Joey in the car. Our other 4 take an ambulance, and they hit a zombie and electrocute him. This works well. There’s Billy! Joey is after Brenda’s brains. 

Joey has Brenda trapped and she gives Joey permission to eat her brain, and it was borderline orgasmic for her. The ambulance is trying to take a bridge out of town, but the soldiers are opening fire on them instead. They somehow escape in the ambulance.  They get on the radio asking for help. A zombie gets on the other end and tells them to go to the hospital. Doc isn’t buying it, so he asks the zombie who the president is. The zombie naturally replies “Harry Truman”. Jesse turns to Doc and asks who that is.

They get some beef brains and feed the zombies, luring them to this power plant, and they just get the shitty gates closed. They are setting up and electrical trap for these zombies. Billy climbs the fence, and he opens the fence/gate. Ohhhhh nooo. Jesse, Lucy, and Tom get in the pack of a delivery truck, seal themselves in. Jesse has to climb through this tiny ass hole, hehehe, I said asshole. Jesse is now driving the truck. Billy is chasing Jesse. Jesse kills Billy. Then he turns on the power, and those zombies get fried. Doc is tanked. Oh shit, Billy is still alive!!!! The struggle is on!

Doc smashes his bottle of whiskey over Billy’s head and then Jesse kicks him into an electrical conductor of sorts. Outside, the zombies are still getting fried. Hey, there’s a Michael Jackson from Thriller looking zombie that was supposedly improvised. Military with some flame throwers. We’ll be seeing those on the 31st, hint hint hint. And roll credits. They are playing some rock version of The Monster Mash. Yes, I am singing along out loud. I have no shame.  I rarely attach videos, but here’s this movies version, you’re welcome.

In conclusion, I always favored this to the original, but it’s a lesser film. As I grow older, it’s not as good as the first. That’s not to say this is a bad movie. It’s quite the opposite. I happily give it a 6.3, but it isn’t as good as the original. The characters weren’t s good or as funny, the plot was a rehash or sorts, and they used the same 2 guys in the same role. That felt a little hackneyed to me. Still, if you like the first, you should like this one. Solid effort for a sequel. I don’t think the rest of the sequels come close to this one’s quality sadly. But maybe, just maybe we’ll find out…real soon.

Final Rating: 6.3

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