Film Reviews Horror

The Rezort (2015)

I found this one on NetFlix and it surprised me a bit.

The plot is that people pay money to go to this resort where you can go kill zombies.  They have it set up so the zombies can’t attack you or get to you.  It’s all safe with tons of protocols.  As you can imagine, there is a problem and the system goes to hell.  Then it’s just a race against time before the final sequence goes down.

This plays out exactly as you would guess, by and large.  There may be a plot twist here or there, but nothing that will rock your world.  I think the creators of this film know that.  The thing is, what they do offer, they do it well.  By and large, it’s pretty logical in its progression.  There is a bit of a surprise at the end.

I think that Archer is the character most people will like in this one, as do I. I really liked Sadie too, in a weird way.  The young guys who won the video game tournament are pretty funny too.  Just don’t go into this expecting to be blown away and know that it’s like a popcorn zombie flick.

Rating: 5.7 – I would watch this again.  The action is really well done.  The narrative is thin at times, but that’s okay.  I didn’t expect Citizen Kane here, just a bunch of zombies killing people.  I got that.  I was happy.

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