Oh shit, Eli Roth is attached to this. Sigh.
This guy, I assume his name is Martin, shows up, knocks on a door and is looking for Ana, but she doesn’t live here no mo. Sorta like Shaniqua. If you don’t know what I am talking about, look up Shaniqua. You’re welcome. He asks the boy if he knows where he can find her, and the boy says yes. Martin ends up in a graveyard. He sees her name on a cross.
16 years ago flashback when he is wondering why Ana didn’t clean up. He is looking for her and sees blood on a chair. She doesn’t want to open the door. He breaks it down and Ana’s mouth and neck are covered in dried blood. There is a girl on the floor who has been bitten. He asks who she is, and Ana just cries, so he snaps the girl’s neck and kills her.
In present, it’s night and 3 younger guys approach Martin on the bench and the lead guy is like, you’re in my spot. Martin doesn’t acknowledge him. So the lead guy calls him a pussy and tells him to move. Is this guy trying to be the next Keiffer? So he pulls out a knife and puts the blade under his eye. Martin just sits there. Some teen shows up nearby with crack and a crackpipe and he watches the 3 guys beat the fuck out of Martin. I think it’s the boy from the opening that answered the door. He tells then to stop. The guy plunges his knife in Martin’s belly. The boy leaves and gets the attention of an officer, and he tells them. One of the guys is pissing on Martin when the cops show up. The cop is like, what the fuck happened, and this guy claims self-defense. The officer slaps the guy. The cop wants him to help move him before somebody sees them. Corrupt cop. The cop gets a shovel and starts digging. The cop is Lt De Luca. I think the asshole is Caleb. De Luca says to cover him up and he will take care of it later. The kid sees all of this.
The boy tows the body back on his bike, with like a trailer. Martin is alive and shivering. I think Pete may be the boy’s name. He gets his mom to help. She wants to bring him to the hospital, but he told her about the LT, so she will help fix him up. Martin tells her not to touch him, that he’s sick, not to touch his blood. Martin says to let him die or he will kill both of them. This kid has a tat. She tells him to wait until night time to bring him to the hospital.
The next day, LT looks to finish the job, and no body, but lots of cans of spray paint I believe. LT knows it was the kid. Peter reaches into Martin’s pocket, and Martin is asking where he is, and is just being a prick. He wants to be left alone to die.
LT stops into Caleb’s home to tell him the bad news. Caleb is pissed and wants to get the kid, and LT is like, you’re a fuck up. This is LT’s house, so it sounds like his mom and LT are a thing. Peter is smoking from his pipe, and his mom, who is a nurse, said that nobody said anything odd last night. Mom is looking for Eva the cat I think, who is in Martin’s room licking up the spilled milk. Mom realizes that he’s been smoking. Ohhhh, pissed off mom. She says the next time, he is getting kicked the fuck up outta there.
We have a black cop called Harris. LT if any reports came in, newsworthy. Mom wants Peter to take care of Martin now that it’s dark. But he doesn’t see Martin, but he finds a dead cat. And there’s some glass breaking, it’s Caleb and his cronies. He threatens to burn their house down after she threatened to call the cops. Jesus, Caleb is a treat. Peter wants to go out, mom is trying to stop him, but Peter goes out, and they want him to get closer. Time to beat his ass. Mom goes to come out and protect her son, but Caleb says to stay inside, and he won’t repeat himself. Caleb is asking where the dead guy is. Caleb is getting stomped, but he sees a figure, and the guys start getting their asses handed to them. Well, we know who that was.
Martin is in the graveyard washing his hands. Flashback time. He has Ana tied to a building’s ladder. She is all bloody. Martin says that they have found us. He pours gas all over her. She tells him that she’s pregnant and animals aren’t enough. He pours gas on himself and says it is too dangerous. Before he can light the lighter, a group of guys comes up to the roof where they were, so Ana escapes, and Martin gets punched. One of the guy’s sisters was killed.
We see LT at I assume, Caleb’s hospital bedside. LT asks Peter what he did with the body. He tells LT that he wasn’t dead, and that’s why he helped him out, but now he doesn’t know where he is. Harris interrupts and tells LT that they found Caleb’s friend, and his throat was slashed. So now the cops are on the lookout for Martin, Caleb had a heart attack from the burns. He could have another thrombosis or embolism and die. More embolism shit. Scary.
LT finds Peter at night, they have a conversation to finish. He tells Peter to get in the car, but Peter sees a bottle of booze and is very hesitant. Peter asks him what he wants as he’s told him everything. LT tells him to get out of the car. Oh boy. Martin is looking inside a house for something. I assume trying to find traces of Ana. Yup, that’s it. Peter is Ana’s son perhaps. LT wants him to cuff himself to some piece of metal in the middle of the woods. LT doesn’t believe that Peter. He has a lighter, and a can of spray paint. He lights Peter on fire. No shit. Martin sees LT grabbing Peter’s bike. Oh man. LT, you are fucked, sir. Martin goes in the woods and finds a badly burned Peter. LT comes from behind, shoots Martin repeatedly, so Martin takes LT down and beats his bitch ass.
Martin carries Peter home, and mom wants to bring him to the hospital. Martin is performing some ritual to save him. She calls the ambulance, Martin spread blood all over. He asks her about Ana and if Peter is her son. The doctor is asking mom, Monica, if she is sure that this was an accident based on his burns. Monica is home and Martin asks if Peter is Ana’s son. Monica says that she was running away from Martin, so he asks what happened.
Flashback. We see Ana in the hospital bed with the baby. Monica asks if Ana would like the curtains closed and she says that she would like to see the sunrise. As the sun comes up, her face is getting worse and worse looking, and then she dies. Monica says that nobody knew what happened. She says that Peter was born healthy and he hasn’t caused any problems. The only dangerous one is Martin.
Martin is walking at night and 2 police vehicles spot him and they are chasing his ass down. Well, he gets locked up. LT says that he will die in the cell, and he is threatening him. Martin says to send his regards to his son, and LT draws his gun, but he’s a coward and doesn’t pull the trigger. Harris interrupts and LT tells him to quit breathing down his neck.
At the hospital, Peter wakes up and Monica is next to him asleep. They are going to change his arm bandages. You know they are going be damn healed. Yup. Peter says that it doesn’t hurt at all. this is 12 hours later, and aside from some minor marks, he looks good. They go home and they are going to take a bus. Peter says that they can never go back. Caleb is still out. LT notices that Peter is gone and has been discharged. Well, LT is not happy.
Peter and Monica are on the bus. LT is going fast and chases down the bus. The bus driver pulls them over. LT says that he is looking for 2 passengers, and he is shocked at Peter’s recovery. He asks him how it happened, as he wants to help Caleb. Why the fuck should they help LT or Caleb? LT is getting all pissed off. So now they pull off on a dirt road. He pulls a gun on Peter. Peter says not to tell him anything. LT says if they talk, he will let them go. Of course, she is gonna talk like an idiot.
LT brings Monica and Peter into Martin’s cell. Harris says that LT can’t get a blood sample without a court order, and LT tells him to get off his back again. Harris should kill LT. Harris says that he will call the chief, and LT threatens Harris. 2 other cops beat the fuck out of Martin. Martin tells Monica not to do this. He tells her that she doesn’t know what she is doing, and he explains how contagious his blood is. LT tells her to continue. She starts drawing blood and he is speaking a foreign language. She puts the blood on Caleb and he starts gasping.
There are cops saying how LT doesn’t need to be a jerk to everyone. Martin is handcuffed to his bed. He rips the cuff from the bed and sees s a dead rat in his sell. Caleb is puking up blood. Monica tells him to take a deep breath and that she will call his father as he should be here. She then gets punched in the face. Peter can’t reach his mom. LT goes in Caleb’s room to find Caleb feasting on Monica. LT says “What the fuck” and Caleb says that he feels better. LT tries to just walk out with Caleb, and a doctor sees this and calls it in and Harris gets the call. He is getting the chief. Bout fucking time.
Peter comes to the hospital and wades through the crowd to see his dead mom. Caleb gets dressed and is at the door when LT stops him. Caleb wants to get the fucker who did this to him, and LT is like, no we gotta go into hiding because people will be looking for you. Caleb doesn’t care, but cops, as well as the Chief, are there. Peter comes in to see Harris and wants to see Martin. He asks him to let Martin go free since he’s the only one who can heal his mom. Peter grabs Harris’ gun and forces him to let Martin go. Well, Harris fools Peter, gets the gun back, but Harris backs up enough where Martin can grab a hold of him. Martin has him in a sleeper hold. Peter frees Martin. Martin says that he can’t heal those who are dead. He needs to know where the infected one, Caleb is.
At LT’s house, they want LT to open the door and he is stalling and telling Caleb to go out the backdoor. Caleb just stands there angry. Caleb turns the lights off and is staying. Martin and Peter force a fireman out of his truck so they can steal it. They get to LT’s place. Peter is eyeing the fireman attire. Martin tells Peter to stay in the car. Martin goes in. The cops are down and bleeding. It’s a massacre.
An officer doing a roadblock gets a warning that the suspects may be approaching, and sure enough, they do. They won’t get out of their vehicle, and LT shoots the cop. Fucking idiot. The chief is alive but looks like hell. Peter says that he knows where they are going. Martin breaks the Chief’s neck because he was infected. LT tells Caleb to go south, and Caleb doesn’t want to, but LT is insistent. LT says that he knows that it’s been all of his fault, but to try not to hurt anyone else.
Peter asks if Ana was like Martin. Martin said that she was stronger than him, but she gave her life for her son. He asks how many more are out there, and he was the last one, until yesterday. He asks if he would have killed his own son too. BOOM, they get hit by LT’s vehicle. LT starts shooting. He was about to shoot Martin in the head, but Peter put a bullet in his bubblegoose. Martin tells him not to touch him, or else he will be infected and then Martin will have to kill him. Martin gives him hell and starts threatening Peter, and screaming. Wow. Peter starts to walk away and then stops. He turns around puts gloves on and tells Martin that they need to stop Caleb, so he pulls him out from the truck. Martin knocks Peter out with a rock and then apologizes.
Caleb is driving and having a bad time. Peter wakes up tied to a tree. Near the tree, Peter finds the picture of Ana holding him at the hospital. Caleb breaks int a barn, and there’s a little girl inside. Caleb tells her not to worry, he just wants to rest but is also undoing his knife behind his back. A lady unties Peter and says that she will take him to a doctor as he is puking up blood. Martin has most of his face covered. Martin enters the barn. The little girl is tied up and bleeding out her throat. Martin has to rest and Caleb comes up from behind and stabs him in the chest. He puts a hook in Martin’s back and starts raising him off the ground. Caleb says that now Martin will burn. As he goes to pull back the curtain, Peter attacks while wearing the fireman outfit and drags Caleb to the sun. He is just dragging him And holding him down as Caleb screams. Cool.
Peter lowers Martin. They sit down to rest. Martin thanks him. Martin notices that Peter’s mouth is all bloody, he has eaten. Martin puts a handcuff on Peter and Peter is confused. Martin says that now Peter knows what they are. He says that there has to be a cure, and Martin says yeah, there you have it and points outside to the sun. Martin says that he has inherited his mother’s strength, otherwise hell will be awaiting him out there, and then undoes the handcuff. Peter gets up and offers to help Martin up. Martin asks that Peter opens the curtain before he leaves. The curtain is pulled, and Martin turns his face and closes his eyes. Peter is now in the vehicle, in the fireman outfit. We see the lady’s dying dog that is all bloody. And Peter drives off.
End Film
I liked it. It was something different, and that’s what this 100 movie marathon is all about. It’s about opening my mind to try movies that I would otherwise pass up. It’s an excuse to find some old classics, and find new hidden gems.I don’t know if I have seen this type of story told in such a way, and that’s important. The synopsis made this sound like an entirely different film, and this was better. I thought the acting was solid, I especially liked Peter, Martin, and Caleb. The gore was what it should have been. A good vampire story, that’s the best I can offer.
Final rating: 6.3 It didn’t revolutionize anything, but it was a narrative-based film and it succeeded quite well, and it more than exceeded my expectations. I would absolutely recommend this to people.
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