Film Reviews Horror

The Changeling (1980)

I have never seen this, but Tom Pratt recommended it. It stars George C Scott, so that’s a plus. It looks like a family is on a winter vacation to upstate NY, I mean they actually said Upstate NY. Hey….that’s where I live!!!  Their car is not working, so they push it on the side […]

Film Reviews Horror

It Follows (2014)

I have heard great things about this, so fingers crossed. A girl comes running out of her house with like PJ’s on. A lady asks if she is ok, but she is scared. Her dad asks, she says that she’s fine. The house # is 1492. Her name is Annie. She runs back inside, now […]

Film Reviews Horror

The Ring (2002)

I am doing this blog live stream of thought goodness. This may be weird, I have had a long hard emotionally draining day. So without further adieu, I bring to you what I consider one of the 3 scariest movies ever!!! SO we start off with these 2 strumpets, teens I guess. I wouldn’t fuck […]