Chris and Kent review 5 movies. Chris watched The Girl In The Photographs. Kent watched Hell Fest, The Heretics, The Intruder, and Pet Sematary (2019).
Category: Podcast
In this episode, Chris reviews Asylum (1972) (15 minutes into the podcast) and Southbound(32:40) while Kent reviews Jacob’s Ladder (6:20) and Us (24:30). Overall, it was a mainly positive experience. Southbound and Jacob’s Ladder appear to be the clear favorites among the group.
You know how important it is to have a memorable horror movie scene. Some films have owed a lot of success to them, like Scream. Chris and Kent go over their favorite horror movie opening scenes. Classics like Jaws, The Conjuring, The Ring, Candyman, The Burning, Dawn of the Dead remake, Night of the Living […]
Chris and Kent discuss 2 films each and go off on some ridiculous tangents. Chris reviews The Sentinel (2 minutes into the podcast) and Frontiere(s) (20:20 in) while Kent reviews Wolfen (14 mins in) and Split Second (38 mins in). It’s quite the variety. Hopefully, there is something here for you to enjoy.
We get it, reboots and remakes are a sensitive topic within the world of horror. The thing is, not all of them are horrible. A lot of them have been really good and some even improved on the original film. Look at The Thing, for instance. Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, Friday the 13th, House on […]
Chris and Kent review The Autopsy of Jane Doe, Fragile, Mirrors, and Lights Out. This is a continuation from the conversation in Episode 3 about supernatural horror in the 2000’s. I have provided links to the written film reviews if you are interested.
Chris and Kent are back to go over one of the single most polarizing events in our TV watching lives, the finale to Game of Thrones. Bet it didn’t go exactly as you thought, did it? Who the hell thought Arya would go sail away? Who thought that the kill count would be so small? […]
Chris and Kent are back to discuss the fifth episode of Game of Throne’s final season titled: “The Bells”. Dany’s assault on King’s Landing happened, along with Cleganebowl, and then Dany lost her shit. We lost 7 major characters and no fans are happy. Way to nail your landing Game of Thrones. You have one […]
Chris and Kent are back to discuss the fourth episode of Game of Throne’s final season titled: “The Last of the Starks”. This one is more politically driven as we continue to watch Dany’s descent into possible madness and those who support her continue to die or consider changing allegiances. Hey, Varys finally got to […]
Chris and Kent are back to discuss the third episode of Game of Throne’s final season titled: “The Long Night” better known as the longest episode with more big-name characters killed than any episode of GoT ever. Yeah, that one.