American Horror Story Television

American Horror Story Cult – S:7 Ep:7 “Valerie Solanas Died for Your Sins: Scumbag”

We are back, and trying to be better than ever.  My PC has now crashed, so I don’t have a lot to say at the moment.  Melanie, Teddy, and Cece are here to offer their insight while I don’t say anything remotely relevant.  It’s ow we do things around here.  Enjoy.

  1.  Is this just plain silly to you at this point?

Melanie:  I don’t even know.

Teddy:  oh man it’s been intense idk man but its still better than Roanoke  (Kent: You know, in hindsight, I still liked the first half of that season……but fucking hell that got so bad.)

Cece:  Honestly? I think it’s pretty entertaining.

Kent:  As a whole, this episode was very fucking funny.  It was so over the top.  I find this beyond silly.  


  1.  Would you like to see Lena Dunham come back for next season?

Melanie:  Yes. She was highly entertaining.  She is a wonderful writer as well.  I was wondering if she wrote her whole part.

Teddy:  I loved her performance, it was hella meta. People claim she is a woman who wants to kill all men lmao so they play her as that. It was pretty clever. I would bring her back

Cece:  I definitely would love to see her do more. I follow her closely as she is one of my writing inspirations. I know she’s been dealing with some health issues, so I was glad to see her in this.

Kent:  I came into this episode groaning about seeing her.  I had only seen her 2 other times, wasn’t a fan.  I rather enjoyed her performance.  Her character was one of the worst things ever, but her acting was very, very good, so kudos to you Lena.  Yes, bring her back.


  1.  What was the most cringe worthy part or scene of this episode?

Melanie:  Andy Warhol was the worst. I ended up googling how he died, something about AHS makes me google weird shit.  He died in a questionable way to say the least.  (Kent: You aren’t alone in looking stuff up because of this show.)

Teddy:  Andy Warhol to be honest. Or crazy lena dunham.

Cece:  The ultra feminism stuff. Like, as a woman, of course I am all for women’s rights, but starting a cult to ‘kill all men’?

Kent:  The girls being the Zodiac Killer or Andy….too close to call for this man’s tastes.


  1.  First Meadow and now Harrison.  If you could kill off one character that is still alive in this season, who would it be and why?

Melanie:  Beverly Hope

Teddy:  I would kill Ally. Sarah paulson has been the “survivor” too many times.

Cece:  Probably Kai. He’s fucking evil. But then again, he’s smart as fuck. So, probably Ivy. She just annoys me.

Kent:  It’s really a tough one for me between Ivy and Ally.  Ivy has been some a flip flopper that she has lost all credibility, but at least she nailed RJ.  Ally is just irritating and Paulson can afford to let others shine.


  1.  Do you even care about Ally’s role in this season moving forward?

Melanie:  No

Teddy:  I don’t care bout Ally or Ivy period really. Then again that’s just the sarah paulson effect for me.

Cece:  I mean; I think she’s gonna end up getting pinned for everything.  (Kent: That would be an interesting take on it.)

Kent:  We all know that I hold great disdain for her character, BUT I honestly am excited for her “aha moment” when she figured out Dr Rudy Vincent’s involvement.  That could be funny as hell.


  1.   Did you like their take on the Zodiac Killer?

Melanie:  I do like their take.  How interesting!  It was one of my Holy Shit moments.

Teddy:  I mean it certainly an interesting take. Multiple people doing the murders would make sense on why they never could pin it down on one person.

Cece:  It was different. Didn’t really expect that but it worked.

Kent:  I was not Kentertained by this idea.  What the fuck is this, Ghostbusters 2016?  Get the fuck outta here with this bullllllllshit.  Just a bunch of women trying to take credit in herstory for some a man did.  Andy Warhol would be spinning in his grave if he knew about this.


  1.  Beverley Hope’s character seemingly came off as a smart individual.  Do you still think that she’s smart or are you starting to question her a tad bit?

Melanie:  Her character is awful. Smart yes, but annoying as hell.  (Kent: Is that wine flavored hatorade that you’re drinking?  I want some.)

Teddy:  I think she is going to be a rival cult leader.  (Kent: I’d be intrigued by that. )

Cece:  She is smart, no doubt about it. But, she is kind of overboard sometimes.

Kent:  I’m not so sure that she’s all that smart.  Leaders utilize their workers strengths.  What if the reason that we perceived her being so smart is just how the show chose to focus on her and realistically, how Kai talked her, much like he did Meadow, who wasn’t terribly smart.  I think it’s all perceived hype.


  1.  Have you ever seen the film, Zodiac?

Melanie:  I know who is in it, but I don’t think I have seen it.  

Cece:  I have not.  

Kent:  I have seen it……like that surprises you.


  1.  We have only 4 more episodes to go.  Are you disappointed in the role that Dr. Rudy Vincent has played in this season, or do you feel that he will still have a relatively large role in this season?

Melanie:  He is involved behind the scenes.  I think he is still the mastermind behind it all.  

Teddy:  he definitely is going to get involved.

Cece: I believe he is definitely involved in this, in a muuuch bigger way. After all, he is the sibling of Kai and Winter.  (Kent: I won’t spoil anything, but you should check out the names of the next 4 episodes.  They may provide some hints…or not.)

Kent:  While he’s going to have a bigger role, this is tricky.  It’s sort of like trying to rock a rhyme.   Just because a role shines in the end, is a case of too little too late or just saving a big bang for the end?  I think I would have enjoyed him having a bigger role, he’s actually a decent actor that I somewhat enjoy.  I will reserve judgement, for once, until I see how it plays out, but I admit to growing impatient.  


Were you Kentertained by this episode?

Melanie:  I did enjoy this.  I think the SCUM angle was the tits. It brought it that historical place I enjoy.  (Kent: Don’t you mean herstorical?  Come one now!)

Teddy:  I like when they take historic things and add twists to them. So this episode was decent.

Cece:  Yes. I love flashbacks to real life stuff.

Kent:  This episode was fucking silly.  Was I Kentertained?  Yeah, but for all of the wrong reasons.  Also, hearing the word “turd” so much made me want to hear Shelly on South Park say it a lot.  I hope next week that we can return to a semblance of normalcy.  I wish I had worn a NO MA’AM shirt during this episode in honor of Al Bundy and my hatred for ultra feminism.


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