American Horror Story Television

American Horror Story Cult – S:7 Ep:9 “Drink the Kool Aid”

Hey, at least I am posting this prior to this week’s episode airing.  That’s something, right?  Melanie is the only person sticking this season out with me.  Give that lady a medal…..or better yet, a big bottle of wine.  Let’s do this!

  1.  Are you going to miss Ivy’s character at all?

Melanie:  Eh…maybe a little.

Kent:  I liked the actress more than the character, so like Melanie, a little bit.

  1.  Would this have been more interesting if Kai was Ozzy’s father?

Melanie:  I feel like that was an easy move to make, to make him his father.  I think that Ally making him think he is his father is by far more interesting.

Kent:  Somebody getting something over on Kai is tantamount to rest of this season’s story arc, so it was the right move, but I also would have been interested if like 3 episodes ago it was revealed that Kai was the father.  Too late in the season for that in my opinion.

  1.  Evan Peters has now played a handful of roles this season.  Which one has been your favorite of his?

Melanie:  Did he drink wine at any point?  Person drinking wine would be my favorite.

Kent:  Hmmmm, I think I gotta go with Jim Jones.  It reminded me so much of the film by Eli Roth called The Sacrament.  It’s potentially worth watching if you like cult stuff.

  1.  Will we get a mass suicide before this season ends?

Melanie:  A stopped at the right time mass suicide.

Kent:  This seems like one of those seasons where everybody is pretty much destined to die, except Ozz, who will form his own cult in 29 years.

  1.  With 2 episodes remaining, is there any stories that you want to see more of or wrapped up?

Melanie:  How does Ozzy’s father play a role in all of this.  Does she try to find him?

Kent:  How does Frances Conroy play into all of this, if she does at all, moving forward?

Were you Kentertained by this week’s episode?

Melanie:  Mildly

Kent:  Yeah, this was some guilty pleasure shit with Evan having 5 or 6 roles.  This is just silly.

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