Fear The Walking Dead Television

Fear The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:4 Ep:5 “Laura”

This week,  we finally get the backstory on John and Laura.  It’s a masterfully done piece of television.  It’s a simple, yet sad tale.  Of course we discuss what we saw and sometimes wildly speculate on stuff.   My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever.  The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.


  1.  Did John Dorie cement his place as your favorite Fear The Walking Dead character in this episode?

Bob:  No. This episode just affirmed why he was my favorite.  (I expected nothing less from you and you delivered.)

Chris:  Agree with Bob.  He was already clearly my favorite.  It was between him and Nick, and…. I don’t think he’ll be back….  (Well, we still have a few episodes with flashbacks and Madison can always bring dead people back to celebrate the holidays, so there is still hope.)

Kent:  I am torn, and I am going to take the cowardly way out.  I love Morgan, and I always have. He has longevity and familiarity.  John has grown on me and is such a welcome addition, but just because he’s shiny red ball, he’s not my favorite…..quite yet.


  1.  Laura spoke of losing her child one night in one line.  What do you make of that particular line?

Bob:  I just feel like she is a master manipulator, like maybe she is bipolar.  Or she is just coping with the grief.  (I love any accusations of manipulation, so I’m sold on that.)

Chris:  It was kind of strange.  I’m not sold on everything she says being true.  (Does she know if what she says is true or not?  I’m wondering if her reality is distorted, like Morgan seeing dead people.)

Kent:  I find it weird how she arrived at John’s.  I took it that she had to escape and maybe had a Carol and Sophia type incident and has no idea where her child is.


  1.  Why do you think Laura is so focused on the need to run?  She seemed to feel a sense of safety with John, but had a pre-existing sense of urgency to her and obviously left.

Bob:  Some people are movers. Some are shakers.  And there is Dorie. Laura is a mover but not a shaker.  She is always thinking of leaving.  (She’s kind of a white girl version of early seasons Glenn on TWD.  That dude could move!)

Chris:  I think she feels it’s the only way to survive.  Things that seem too good to be true usually are.  (Yeah, it seems like valuable lessons have been learned.)

Kent:  It seems like a pattern or instinct that she has learned that has led to her survival.  This may be the closest we get to a female Eugene. Someone who does whatever to survive in a smart manner.


  1.  If John does find Laura alive, hypothetically, would he take her back?  Should he take her back? Keep in mind with so much mystery, we still don’t know what Alicia, Strand, and Luciana saw, so they may have seen Naomi die, or they may have simply seen a big explosion and made assumptions while escaping.

Bob:  I think he would take her back.  I am excited to know what happens next in this part of the story.

Chris:  He would definitely take her back.  I really hope she’s not dead. I want to see what happens.

Kent:  Yeah, it’s unanimous, he would take her back.  He’s that kind of guy. He’s loveable and yet you feel like he is destined to make another mistake by season’s end.  You know, the whole “nice guys finish last” cliche.


  1.  Where do you think Morgan and John are heading to next?

Bob:  They are going to regroup.

Chris:  Probably to try and catch up with the rest of the group.

Kent:  I am hoping the stadium.  I don’t know if that necessarily means catching up with the group or not, but I want to see what that place looks like now.  Is it full of Vultures?  Is it abandoned?  Is it burned to the ground?  


Final Thoughts – Was this the best episode of Fear the Walking Dead that you have ever seen?  If not, can you recall one that you liked more?

Bob:  I really liked watching Troy get “Tyreese”Ed. As far as whole episodes go, yes.  (You make me remember one of my top 5 favorite scenes in TWD.  It was when there were 4 of them in a car, like Daryl, Michonne, Bob, and Tyreese.  I probably am wrong on that group, but they get surrounded in the car and Tyreese comes out and destroys like 40 walkers with his Hammer Time routine.  I may have to find that episode now.)

Chris:  This was the best I’ve seen.  Fear just keeps getting better.  (It’s incredible what can occur with the right people at the helm.)

Kent:  Yeah, this set the new standard for this show.  Prior to this, I would say that maybe the opener to season 3 because it had an intensity to it, but the Travis death did hurt it significantly.  I’d go so far as to say this ranks among the best of Walking Dead, period.



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