This show is already getting really good and I am happy that we are doing this blog so we can discuss some business. My name is Kent and I write the questions every week and I have a great group of people who answer them. If you are familiar with some of the other TV Show blogs that we do on the site, then you will recognize most of the names. If you would like to participate in the blog and answer my inane questions, please contact me at Please enjoy!
- There is clearly a power struggle between Los Olvidados and Miguel Galindo. Which side of that power struggle are you on, and which side do you think will win?
Kristi: Los Olvidados.
Raylene: I will say Los Olvidados will win perhaps by striking a deal with Miguel
Eric: Los Olvidados will win.
Melanie: Los Olvidados will ultimately win, but at a high price. (One BILLION dollars??)
Kent: I just want to say that The Purge airs at the same exact time and it’s male lead is named Miguel. I just like saying Los Olvidados so that is my pick, but then they wear masks…..just like in the Purge. What the hell is happening? Is Mayans really The Purge on bikes? Nah, Mayans is a better show after 2 weeks. Galindo has to die so that EZ can have his romantic interest in his life, right? Also, it will be funny if everybody is wrong.
- Are you looking forward to any more scenes at The Pew?
Kristi: Hell yeah!!
Raylene: Of course
Eric: No (Good for Eric being the sensible person and not being a sick person like the rest of us on here.)
Melanie: The kid one killed me, so as long as it is just dumb adults…sure.
Kent: Hmmmm, let me think on that? Are you asking me if I want to see more scenes of horrible violence? YUP!
- What are your first thoughts on Devante (nicely dressed middle aged man with Galindo) and Nestor Oceteva (The mercenary with dreads)?
Kristi: I really like the guy that plays Devante so I enjoyed his character. I also thought he was the father. Nestor is just a badass type dude. I dug him as well. (I was wondering if he was the father. Very unique role. I like it.)
Raylene: I thought perhaps Devante was Miguel’s real father and Oceteva was just a henchmen (The speculation on Devante being a father is intriguing and I am speculating is a decent chance of coming true.)
Eric: Too early to tell
Melanie: Devante I think is Miguel’s real father.
Kent: Devante seems like a guy not to be trifled with. Not necessarily tough, but smart. I think he could play a good lead villain for a season. He’s the consigliere of the Galindo Cartel, basically Tom Hagen (Robert Duvall) from The Godfather. Nestor, he just existed. I don’t foresee him living too long. Maybe Los Olvidados will get him got.
- Random question here, do you recognize any of the actors from other things, aside from Sons, of course? We already discussed Robert Patrick and Edward James Olmos is pretty well known. If you recognize others, what were they in and was the show or film any good?
Kristi: Yes, Tony Plana. He was the Dad on Ugly Betty and on Lethal Weapon the TV series. (There are apparently a lot of people from the Lethal Weapon show that I like. I guess I should binge.)
Raylene: Not yet let’s not have a repeat The Devil the movie who was the main character snafu. (Lin Shaye says hello from Insidious.)
Eric: Gilly, Vincent Vargas, was in Range 15. (Dude, I have never heard of this, and immediately see Danny Trejo and Keith David, along with Sean Astin, Shatner, Ron Jeremy, Randy Couture, Brendan Schaub, and Mindy Robinson. This has October written all over for me!)
Melanie: Devante, Tony Plana played many great characters. The earliest I remember is Jefe in The Three Amigos. Next, the dad in Ugly Betty. Next, Lethal Weapon as Riggs dead wife’s dad. Then, the director of homeland security in The Punisher. (Three Amigos was the other thing I really knew him from. I haven’t seen that in so many years.)
Kent: I recognized Devante, but couldn’t figure it out. He was Rafael in The Punisher and actually has been in a ton of stuff. I knew I recognized Emily and sure enough, she was in a film called The Lazarus Effect. It’s a cool horror flick with Evan Peters (AHS), Donald Glover (Community), Mark Duplass (Creep), and Ray Wise (So many awesome things).
- Hey, we got to see Chucky this week. Do you think we will continue having cameos throughout the season to help transition Sons fans to Mayans?
Kristi: I think we will definitely have more cameos. I’m certain we will see more Gemma and I’m guessing Clay. Of course, I’d love to see Chibs also. I miss that Irish Mo Fo! Really any member of SoA with the exception of Juice. That dude annoyed me. (Chibs was probably my favorite character in that show. He was consistently excellent.)
Raylene: I believe we will especially since many times we go 8 years earlier
Eric: I didn’t watch Son’s, so I didn’t notice this cameo.
Melanie: Same as Eric
Kent: I want to see Chibs, Tig, Happy, Unser, and Filthy Phil. In that order. If we can get Venus back for an episode, even better. An appearance by Clay or Bobby is always welcome.
Final Thoughts – Did you feel that this was a good follow up episode?
Kristi: I really do! Starting it off with some violence is always a good start in my book. I’m excited to see more! (Nodding in approval. Violence solves everything in TV.)
Raylene: A little less Emily would’ve been nice but that’s not going to happen (Tara says hello, as does Anna Gunn.)
Eric: Yes
Melanie: I thought it was good, but Emily has got to go. (Haha, Emily is already a disliked member of the show. Good stuff. I will say this. I know that you didn’t watch SOA, but while Gemma had many irritating story arcs, she wasn’t the typical female that end up in these shows. She was very unique and one of the best written females on TV. I am hoping that Adelita gets to be a cooler female presence.)
Kent: I thought this was a really good second episode. A lot of them tend to be boring before really getting into moving the plot. This just goes for it.
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