American Horror Story Television

American Horror Story Apocalypse Ep 2 “The Morning After”

We got to get to know Michael Langdon a lot more this week.  We may have seen Joan Collins’ character die already.  We now know that Kathy Bates’ character is certainly not human, but what is she/it?  Oh and guess who’s back….back again.  Latex Man is back, so tell a friend.   If you’re new to the blog, my name is Kent and I ask the questions and get some unique answers.  Any comments in bold are from me unless otherwise stated.  Please enjoy!


  1.  Our old pal, the latex suited guy, is back!  What or who is he/it?

Kristi:  I think it’s a manifestation of something. I really haven’t a clue what it is!  (Manifestation is an apt word for this one I think.)

Raylene: I believe it is what is perceived in the eye of the beholder so man, women, child, animal

Cece:  He’s what he always was. A way to make you see what you want to see. However, I do feel it is Tate somehow.  (Which makes me wonder, what exactly was Tate?)

Eric:  Langdon? Really unsure on that one. (That does intrigue me in that we don’t know the extent of his powers, if any, yet.)

Melanie:  Whoever it is, it looked like he was holding in a fart. (Why???  Why was this your response and why have I laughed at it 3 times now?)

Tom:  He’s the devil!!! (As momma from The Waterboy would say.)  This apocalypse is the foretold reckoning and the collective is helping in bringing hell to earth.  (I did not anticipate a Waterboy quote, but it worked, and his momma was Kathy Bates.)

Kayleigh:  I think it is definitely supernatural. Whatever it is, I’m sure Langdon knows it’s lurking around.  (I’m officially hoping that it kills Langdon and leaves everybody super confused.)

Kelly:  Carnal Desire. A hallucination of the person’s deepest desires. (Like a Slim Jim covered pizza!  Seriously, this may be the first time the term carnal desire has been used on my site.  Kudos.)

Kent:  I don’t think that it’s Lexington Steele, but I’m not fully ruling him or Keith David out.  Is it simply a shapeshifter? Is it simply an evil entity? As some people have said, it’s at least partially what you want to see.  I asked this to get some fun responses. In that regard, I feel this question succeeded. I don’t know if we will ever truly know what it is, and that’s okay.  Some mystery is good.


  1.  Michael Langdon appears to know plenty.  Last week, many raised the suspicion that he is the antichrist character.  Did this week confirm those suspicions, are are you not 100% yet?

Kristi:  I’m like 98% sure. (At least you have 2% doubt.)

Raylene: He does get some shit done although I would’ve like to seen him inskin-tightt blue jeans and a sexy mullet baby can you dig your man.   (Randall Flagg would destroy Langdon within seconds…I think.)

Cece:  He most definitely is. Didn’t you watch his birth in Murder House?  (If you’ve ever seen a cartoon called A Pup Named Scooby-Doo, you would recall a great character named Red Herring.  How often are the supposed obvious things on AHS truly the right answer?)

Eric:  I am not sure  (Playing it safe.  I probably should too, but I think my readers expect me to look like an idiot by the end of the season, so gotta give them what they want.)

Melanie:  Yes, he is the devil who shapeshifters. (While I am assuming that was a typo, I am just going to say “devil who shapeshifters” sounds at least 29% more badass, so I’m not correcting it.)

Tom:  No, he alludes to taking orders from the collective.  I’m very interested in learning more about this character but I don’t think he’s the antichrist.  (Yeah, I am with you on this.  This could just be a really smart dude.  He may have powers but not be the antichrist.  This episode actually talked me out of believing that he is the antichrist.)

Kayleigh:  I’m 50/50. I still think there is a chance, but maybe the antichrist is a part of the collective giving the orders.  (What is the Collective is a coven?  I have yet to read anybody suggest that as a possibility and I think it is very plausible.)

Kelly:  I’m not sure what he is yet. (I’d say that he is of Nordic descent.)

Kent:  This week did more to make me think that he is not the antichrist.  This a perfect scenario of “Things are not what they seem”. We know that there is an antichrist character this season.  Then you end the first episode with this guy, and in the second episode, you set up scenes to make him appear as all knowing.  I feel like we are being played at the moment. So I will either come out of this looking smart, or nobody will believe any of my theories again should I be proven wrong.  


  1.  Why do you think Mrs. Venable (Paulson) forbid having sex in the shelter?

Raylene: Perhaps to save on food rations sex can lead to babies which increases the need for more rations that are limited.  

Cece:  She probably didn’t want anyone having babies. Fewer rations and more chaos.

Eric:  More mouths to feed

Melanie:  They were not equipped to have a baby in that house.  (Yeah, they certainly didn’t have any of those things for the electrical plugs.  It just wouldn’t have been safe.)

Tom:  I think she’s trying to prevent the antichrist from being conceived.

Kayleigh:  I think that bulbous lump on her back is one of the reasons. Also, maybe she simply gets off on the power trip from having all the control. Hence why she made up so many rules.  (It’s almost like we talked about this, yet I don’t think this was a topic during the walk, but we have similar views.  More importantly, this may be the first time bulbous has been used on this site.)

Kelly:  I think it plays into her back. Possibly scorned from a past lover and so she doesn’t want fornication going on to remind her of that time.  (Okay, at least I have one person here thinking like me on this.  Also, fornication is yet another word that may have never graced this website.)

Kent:  So it is apparent that the vast majority here thinks that it is baby related.  That is very reasonable. I can see that being a very logical reason, but I don’t think it’s among the top 2 reasons.  As Kelly alluded to about the back, there was a reason that was an important scene. They wouldn’t take that kind of time to do it unless it served a purpose.  I would also suggest that it helps her maintain authority. All you need is a few people to start backing you and then you make it a rule. Look at how crazy ass lady in The Mist got so many people on her side.  I think this was a power play move.


  1.  Did Mr. Gallant (Evan Peters) really kill his grandmother?

Kristi:  Yes. I believe he did.

Raylene: Well if he did I am hoping that if this is a combination of Covent/ Murder House when they get killed in the house they do not die. (My answer is somewhat similar, but not quite.  I would be fine with this, except I don’t think they will be here for more than half the season, so it would be lacking in screen time for her to be a spirit.)

Cece:  Yes, Yes he did.

Eric:  Yes

Melanie:  Yes

Tom: Oh yeah, by his own hand but he was manipulated to do so.  If he was manipulated to kill someone, I wonder who he was manipulated to have sex with. (Zachary Quinto???) (Spock?)

Kayleigh:  That bitch is definitely dead. I’m kind of sad though. She was so rude I loved it. And yes, I believe Evan Peters did the deed under the influence of latex man, but I also believe Langdon. I mean was it a coincidence that he walked in right after he stabbed her?  (I do believe Langdon too.)

Kelly:  Touching on my answer of number one, I think the latex man is a metaphor for carnal desire. Therefore, in his first appearance, Gallant wants to have sex with Langdon and he fulfills his fantasy. In the second appearance with Gallant, he has already been informed of his grandmother outing him so he releases his desire to kill her for all of her torment and lack of love through his life. He follows through and murders her all the while being disguised as the latex man. I think he really did because I think Langdon has made an appearance to get the houseguests to actually fight to their own deaths and in the end he’ll end up only taking one person with him to the sanctuary, the one person still alive. (Or maybe the two young lovers. Not 100% sure yet.)  (Yeah, this isn’t some Walking Dead type thing where 90% of the group survives.  Whoever does survive, it won’t be many. Langdon appears to be there to cause chaos and find the best people to keep for the Collective.)

Kent:  They didn’t bring Joan Collins on here for just 2 episodes.  I don’t believe that. So fudge it, I say that he is a witch and can be resurrected in some capacity.  She used her powers to make all the connections that she did in life. Joan being around in some capacity is what’s best for business.  After reading all of the people saying that she’s dead, this song and video came to mind.


  1.  What the hell is Ms. Miriam Mead (Kathy Bates)?

Kristi:  Some kind of robot type alien? (Alien?  Shit, are we about to bring Asylum connection in too just for the hell of it?  I am not ruling anything out this season.)

Raylene: I don’t know if she’s a robot or alien

Cece:  A milky android.  (I enjoyed the milky adjective.)

Eric:  A cyborg (I am guessing that you probably never watched Teen Titans on Cartoon Network, but now you got me thinking about Cyborg, and that got me thinking about his favorite song.  You unintentionally just led me down the rabbit hole. What I am about to post is going to make no sense, but the song kicks ass.)

Melanie:  Human skin suit over a mechanical body  (As a horror fan, seeing the words “Human skin suit” tends to titillate me slightly.

Tom:   Cylon… (Tom, could you stop making up words?)

Kayleigh:   Megaman? (Megaman 2 may be the single greatest Nintendo soundtrack ever.  Also, Megaman is my Xbox avatar, but you may have known that.)

Kelly:  An android.

Kent:  I am inclined to agree that she’s an android of some sort.  This reminded me of some old episodes of the Twilight Zone, so that is why I chose android and not iPhone.


Final Thoughts – Will we see any other songs from past seasons show up this season?  If you say yes, do you have any in mind? If you say the Name Game, I am going to boo you a lot, and I am sure at least one of you wants to say it.

Kristi:  Probably

Raylene:  Only one I really can remember (Asylum is getting love this week.)

Cece:  We’ve already had ‘You Belong To Me’ in the first episode. And, Gold Dust Woman was played, so I foresee more Stevie/Fleetwood!  (That makes me sad.  I thought Stevie’s appearance in season 3 was the absolute low point that season.  I know I am in the minority, but damn. I feel that it’s inevitable.  I hope the Stevie fans enjoy it, but I also really hope it doesn’t happen.)

Eric:  Not sure

Melanie:  Stevie Nicks songs! Any and every! (I must admit, I do like Landslide, but that is it.)

Tom:  Screw the name game, I want to hear Dominique!  Repeatedly! (We can play a whole season of Rocket League with that on repeat…or Yakety Sax.)

Kayleigh:  Dominique!

Kelly:  Even though it’s from Asylum, maybe Dominique! 🙂 Not that I like it, it’s just the first song that came to mind. (So you never sat down and tried learning all the words in French?  I sure as hell did.)

Kent:  Huh, so people either really have an appetite for more Dominique or Stevie Nicks.  If I had the option, I would choose Dominique, every time. When I watched that documentary called South Park, I learned that Stevie was secretly a goat.

My choice is “Right Place, Wrong Time” by Dr John, which would be amazing.

Also, am I the only person that really liked Hole’s version of Gold Dust Woman?


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