Television The Purge

The Purge Ep:4 “Release The Beast”

We go to the Carnival of Flesh, meet some hardass feminists, watch Lila and Jenna get closer, and Joe cries.  All that and a little more this week!  It’s Kristi and I trying to go over the important developments of the week. Any comments in bold are made by me, Kent.


  1.  Let’s start off with the flashbacks of Jenna, Lila, and Rick.  Out of the 3, who was the biggest asshole of the group? Also, what sort of shit is about to go down at the party?


Kristi:  Jenna for sure. She is the one that was cheating. He came home with flowers for his wife and she’s in bed with someone else. Nothing is ok about that. I know some purging is about to go down, but as of now, I’m not sure. I do like your idea of the lottery deal.

Kent:  Jenna was the asshole.  She broke the promise, and then she slapped Rick on top of that.  He should have left her bitch-ass that moment. Maybe Rick wasn’t as innocent as he is portrayed, but based on the information that we were provided, Jenna was the asshole to me.  As for what is about to happen at the party, I could see there being like a lottery perhaps and whoever “wins” their family gets a lot of money but they gon get got. Maybe there is first year hazing.


  1.  Miguel is now with Rex, thanks to Pete the Cop.  We have discovered that Rex is a collector. Will Rex try to help Miguel or turn him in for money?

Kristi: I didn’t think of that actually. I don’t believe he will turn him in. He would be going against what Pete asked and I don’t believe he will do that. Pete seems to be a leader of sorts.

Kent:  I will say that Rex will try to help Miguel out of respect to Pete.  But if he doesn’t, maybe that would get Pete in the game, and I would prefer that.  So I am hoping that Rex turns on Miguel and tries to sell him.


  1.  The Carnival of Flesh made its debut on this show.  Penny got auctioned off and of course, Henry won the bid.  This is actually the best case scenario for her, considering the alternatives at the moment, right?

Kristi:  No comment

Kent:  I’d argue that this is the best case for her longevity.  Henry is going to be so talky during this trying to prove a point like every villain in an 80’s action film once they have the hero tied up.  That’s what I see from Henry. Hell, I am hoping this turns into some Hostel shit myself. If she comes away from this unscathed, I will be superfly pissed off.


  1.  Jane was out and almost got raped but was saved by the Matron Saints.  Will Jane join the Matron Saints or will this just be a vessel to get from point C to point D?

Kristi:  I think if there is a season 2, she will join. I don’t see her joining this season. She’s too focused on herself and her douchy boss.

Kent:  I can see it going both ways.  I can see her being willing to help them or feel guilty and maybe she lasts a couple of episodes with them, but long-term throughout the night, oh helllll no.  She’s on a mission. She’s on a mission and she doesn’t have her hammer. That sucks for her.


  1.  Joe, the badass was too late to rescue 2 older people.  Who do you think they were? Also, do you want more screen time for him, or is it smart to continue to show him for only a few minutes an episode to build him up?

Kristi:  I really just think he has a list of people to save. Maybe he goes to that shop and they have helped him in the past. He seemed very emotional about it so I have to believe he knew them in some way. I would like more screen time with him. Although, he was way cooler to me before he took the mask off.

Kent:  I’ll answer the second question first.  I think it’s very smart to limit his screen time.  Right now, most people are most intrigued by this guy.  No need to blow your load. Keep up the suspense until maybe episode 7.  Then gives us the payoff As for the 2 people, I know the obvious thought is that they were his parents, why else would he cry, right?  I will say that this is a man so determined to do his thing that these 2 people relied on him and it simply hurts him that he failed them.  

On a side note, Kristi and I talk some music and she brought up the idea that when she sees Joe, it makes her think of Slipknot, and I have to agree with that.  So I asked her what song she associates with him and this is what she gave me.



Final Thoughts – Let’s be realistic, do you call bullshit on the rhetoric that the Matron Saints was spewing out about the 3 to 1 female to male death ratio on Purge Night?  If you think it could be accurate, how do you rationalize those numbers?

Kristi:  It could be true. I think rape is probably a big deal for a lot of men, where the men are more getting murdered. Women get it from both ways. Rape and murder.

Off topic. How about those teeth glasses! Totally thought about the tooth child.  (Yes, I did really enjoy those glasses.)

Kent:  Well, those numbers are telling me a story.  That women in the Purge are idiotic. First of all, you know that there would be specific women’s shelters for Purge night.  We can take that leap of faith and make that assumption. Also, if you think your house is fortified enough or you have good protection, you just stay home, right?  So how in the blue hell am I supposed to buy this ratio? Logically, we have seen most of the aggressors on the streets have been male, like damn near every one of them.  Which I honestly believe that would be how it would play out. Women are survivalists, it makes sense. Men are reckless and careless when violence is involved, so I would suspect the vast majority of purgers would be male, but most of the victims that we have seen are also males because they’re the dumbasses going out and purging.  A more reasonable ratio would be to flip the 2 numbers due to the likelihood of men being out on the streets trying to act like badasses. So yeah, I have a huge fucking problem with this bullshit of painting women as victims, as always. They could have made a valid point in a different way and I wouldn’t have called them out on it, but this was blatant pandering to people who don’t second guess things.  Getting off of my damn soapbox now.

Also, the term gendercide in this contest was straight up ignorant, in my opinion.  We get it, you’re trying to pander to your main demographic of women.  No need to act like jackasses about it.


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