This week, we get flashbacks on Penelope and Henry’s past, Jane leaves the Matron Saints, the revolution is happening at the NFFA party, and Joe is about to destroy 3 punks. It’s Kristi and I trying to go over the important developments of the week. Any comments in bold are made by me, Kent.
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- Sooo, that NFFA party went to Hell in a hurry. Are you disappointed by this?
Kristi: Not really. I’m a little pleased with this. Maids and cooks unit! (While I am guessing you meant to write “unite” I actually love the Maids and Cooks Unit better. Like G Unit, only cooler.)
Kent: Yes! I am absolutely disappointed and possibly angry. I cannot tell you how excited I have been to see the fucked up stuff that they had planned for this party. I had so many cool things planned out in my head, and POOF, it’s all gone. This may be the most disappointing twist of this show, for me at least.
- Will Jenna force Rick to go back to help Lila, and will Rick refuse?
Kristi: I was considering this as well but I’m not sure. If she was going to do that, I feel like they wouldn’t have left in the first place. (I keep getting this shit wrong. I will say this. If they don’t go back, where is the next logical progression for their story? To be hunted?)
Kent: I feel that Jenna is going to go back for Lila and try to convince Rick. The silver lining is that one of these three characters seem likely to get got. I fear it will be Rick, but I am hoping it’s Jenna. Rick may not get talked into helping, but he will inevitably do it. I think he may refuse though and then go back on his own. They need to get some different clothes on though.
- Henry now has Miguel and Penelope. Will Henry stall long enough to ride out the Purge, or will he kill at least one of them?
Kristi: I mean one of the main characters has to die eventually right? I’m rooting for Miguel and Pen to take out Henry though. I don’t think Henry is mentally strong enough to defeat them both. (Henry is one of the weak-minded youths of America who has no concept of accountability. Seriously, he is the poster child for things I hate about society. Always blaming others. This guy is a pussy. He lacks the intertesticular fortitude to do what he claims he is going to do.)
Kent: Henry seems like he really has this master plan, in his own mind, but he may lose track of time. I can see him stalling and stalling. I can even see him killing Miguel after the Purge is over and getting arrested perhaps. Miguel doesn’t make it, I don’t think. I really wanted to see some good torture before Miguel joined in. Oh well, I may have to rewatch Grotesque and feel better.
- DId Penelope and Henry’s flashbacks serve a purpose this week?
Kristi: Yes. I always enjoy a nice flashback. I like knowing the characters background. It helps me to understand what is happening. (I will always appreciate flashbacks. They do serve a purpose to help us understand. This was necessary. I may have been a bit moody when I wrote this, haha.)
Kent: The only thing I picked up which leads to my theory in question 3 is that Henry is bad at following up on things. That’s it. I found these flashbacks irritating. I did like seeing Tavis at the end though. I would like more on that situation because that had promise early on.
- Was Jane wise to leave the Matron Saints? Do you feel that branding of some kind has its merits?
Kristi: She should have stayed but I’m glad she didn’t. She is highly irritating to me so I’m really hoping she gets taken out. I like the Matron Saints. The branding is a little much but I like their overall deal. (Completely unrelated, but have you ever seen The Warriors? The Matron Saints would so fit into a modern remake because they would have to include a tough all-female gang.)
Kent: I keep wanting to call the Matron Saints the Red Right Hand. Hell, the leader reminds me a lot of Kaz Proctor. I think it was in Jane’s best interest to stay safe with the Matron Saints, but she was on a mission. Safety hasn’t been her priority this whole show. I do like the idea of branding to a certain extent. I think in certain situations where there is 100% proof of like a bad child molester, yeah, I say brand them. See, it gets into all kinds of grey area though as to who deserves branding and this is why I wouldn’t push for it because society is beyond fucked at the moment. I still feel that all of us can agree that child molesters are human trash and nobody really should feel bad for them.
Final Thoughts – Joe is about to take on 3 dudes. Out of everything next week, is this what you are most looking forward to?
Kristi: I am looking forward to it but I also want to see what goes down with the Miguel story. (The thing I am most looking forward to is the joe flashback episode. It can be a whole episode. I would be fine with that.)
Kent: Nooooo, I am sooooo looking forward to what happens with Jenna next episode. Bitch please, of course, I am excited to see Joe beat the piss out of these 3 guys that have no idea about what shitstorm they just stirred up.
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