Television The Purge

The Purge Ep:5 “Rise Up”

This week, we get flashbacks on Penelope and Henry’s past, Jane leaves the Matron Saints, the revolution is happening at the NFFA party, and Joe is about to destroy 3 punks.  It’s Kristi and I trying to go over the important developments of the week. Any comments in bold are made by me, Kent.

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  1.  Sooo, that NFFA party went to Hell in a hurry.  Are you disappointed by this?

Kristi:  Not really. I’m a little pleased with this. Maids and cooks unit! (While I am guessing you meant to write “unite” I actually love the Maids and Cooks Unit better.  Like G Unit, only cooler.)

Kent:  Yes! I am absolutely disappointed and possibly angry.  I cannot tell you how excited I have been to see the fucked up stuff that they had planned for this party.  I had so many cool things planned out in my head, and POOF, it’s all gone. This may be the most disappointing twist of this show, for me at least.


  1.  Will Jenna force Rick to go back to help Lila, and will Rick refuse?

Kristi: I was considering this as well but I’m not sure. If she was going to do that, I feel like they wouldn’t have left in the first place.  (I keep getting this shit wrong.  I will say this.  If they don’t go back, where is the next logical progression for their story?  To be hunted?)

Kent:  I feel that Jenna is going to go back for Lila and try to convince Rick.  The silver lining is that one of these three characters seem likely to get got.  I fear it will be Rick, but I am hoping it’s Jenna. Rick may not get talked into helping, but he will inevitably do it.  I think he may refuse though and then go back on his own. They need to get some different clothes on though.


  1.  Henry now has Miguel and Penelope.  Will Henry stall long enough to ride out the Purge, or will he kill at least one of them?

Kristi: I mean one of the main characters has to die eventually right? I’m rooting for Miguel and Pen to take out Henry though. I don’t think Henry is mentally strong enough to defeat them both.  (Henry is one of the weak-minded youths of America who has no concept of accountability.  Seriously, he is the poster child for things I hate about society.  Always blaming others.  This guy is a pussy.  He lacks the intertesticular fortitude to do what he claims he is going to do.)

Kent:  Henry seems like he really has this master plan, in his own mind, but he may lose track of time.  I can see him stalling and stalling. I can even see him killing Miguel after the Purge is over and getting arrested perhaps.  Miguel doesn’t make it, I don’t think. I really wanted to see some good torture before Miguel joined in. Oh well, I may have to rewatch Grotesque and feel better.


  1.  DId Penelope and Henry’s flashbacks serve a purpose this week?

Kristi: Yes. I always enjoy a nice flashback. I like knowing the characters background. It helps me to understand what is happening.  (I will always appreciate flashbacks.  They do serve a purpose to help us understand.  This was necessary.  I may have been a bit moody when I wrote this, haha.)

Kent:  The only thing I picked up which leads to my theory in question 3 is that Henry is bad at following up on things.  That’s it. I found these flashbacks irritating. I did like seeing Tavis at the end though. I would like more on that situation because that had promise early on.


  1.  Was Jane wise to leave the Matron Saints?  Do you feel that branding of some kind has its merits?

Kristi:  She should have stayed but I’m glad she didn’t. She is highly irritating to me so I’m really hoping she gets taken out. I like the Matron Saints. The branding is a little much but I like their overall deal.  (Completely unrelated, but have you ever seen The Warriors?  The Matron Saints would so fit into a modern remake because they would have to include a tough all-female gang.)

Kent:  I keep wanting to call the Matron Saints the Red Right Hand.  Hell, the leader reminds me a lot of Kaz Proctor. I think it was in Jane’s best interest to stay safe with the Matron Saints, but she was on a mission.  Safety hasn’t been her priority this whole show. I do like the idea of branding to a certain extent. I think in certain situations where there is 100% proof of like a bad child molester, yeah, I say brand them.  See, it gets into all kinds of grey area though as to who deserves branding and this is why I wouldn’t push for it because society is beyond fucked at the moment. I still feel that all of us can agree that child molesters are human trash and nobody really should feel bad for them.


Final Thoughts – Joe is about to take on 3 dudes.  Out of everything next week, is this what you are most looking forward to?

Kristi:  I am looking forward to it but I also want to see what goes down with the Miguel story.  (The thing I am most looking forward to is the joe flashback episode.  It can be a whole episode. I would be fine with that.)

Kent:  Nooooo, I am sooooo looking forward to what happens with Jenna next episode.  Bitch please, of course, I am excited to see Joe beat the piss out of these 3 guys that have no idea about what shitstorm they just stirred up.


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