American Horror Story Television

American Horror Story Apocalypse Ep 5 “Boy Wonder”

This week, Mead proved to be the badass that we knew she could be at the expense of John Henry, Langdon passed the test and brought back Misty, and Stevie Nicks returned and sounded like on Stevie Nicks can sound.  Oh, and we’re heading back to Murder House in the next episode.  If you’re new to the blog, my name is Kent and I ask the questions and get some unique answers.  Any comments in bold are from me unless otherwise stated.  Please enjoy!


  1.  Is John Henry (Cheyenne Jackson) really dead?


Raylene: I hope not because that was not much of a showdown between him and Langdon. (It was non-existent really.  Mead whooped a warlock’s bitchass though.)

Cece:  He’s gone… for now. We’ve all seen witches being people back many times. Maybe they’ll bring him back to fight.  (This seems to be the most likely scenario to me.)

Eric:  He is dead. (I’m going to say that it’s never safe to safe someone is dead in AHS, especially when dealing with Murder House and Coven, no matter how impractical it is.  It’s worse than a soap opera.)

Melanie:  I am sad he is dead already, but yes dead. (I’m a bit saddened by your pessimism.)

Tom:  Yeah, the ol’ broad did a pretty thorough job finishing him off.  I’d guess we’ll see the same actor in a different role (based on what we’ve seen so far this season). (The thing with Cheyenne is that he wasn’t in seasons 1-4.  So that doesn’t give us an obvious character unless they go with Will Drake from Hotel, but doubtful.  I could see him in a new role or flashback role.)

Kayleigh:  Oh absolutely. I am sad he’s dead, but it’s badass when Kathy Bates kills people. (Kathy Bates is still the baddest bitch in the room, and that is among the highest compliments I can pay someone.)

Kelly:  Nope! He’ll be back and I believe he’ll fight against Langdon beside the witches. (His disdain for Langdon set the stage for his feel-good return, so I concur.)

Kent:  He’ll return in some capacity. Whether he will be alive or undead, I am unsure.  Think about what they did to Evan’s character in Coven.


  1.  If Langdon can retrieve Queenie, Misty, and Madison, do you think that it’s possible that he can place them right back where they were?


Kristi:  Absolutely! He is clearly a higher powered supreme than they have seen. He is capable of the destruction of life and has created the apocalypse.  Perhaps it’s why we haven’t seen them from the beginning. (It’s still my guess as to why we haven’t seen them, but I am always open to surprises.)

Raylene: Oh for sure I am hoping that Lange can be helpful in some aspect of his demise.  (I could go for a Mead and Lange showdown.)

Cece:  I am not too sure honestly. We will have to see how it goes.

Eric:  Yes. He is the devil so he can do as he pleases. (But could he make me grow hair?)

Melanie:  I think he can as the devil, but I think that Mallory will play a large role in bringing them back. (Mallory is going to own an episode or big moment before too long, and Coco may too.)

Tom:  I don’t think so, besides re-killing them which I think he’s plainly powerful enough to do.  They came willingly from hell, I don’t think he can just will them back to where they were. (Ye of little faith!)

Kayleigh:  I would assume the only way to put them back is to kill them. As for Queenie, he’d have to kill her in the hotel. Otherwise, she’d go to the chicken shack and serve crispy chicken.  (Damn, now I want chicken.  Queenie is a tough one to take out.  But I think that’s almost the show-off kill.  If he killed off Zoe, Madison, Misty, or Myrtle, none of would be terribly impressed.  Queenie is a whole precious beast.)

Kelly:  More than likely, he could, but then if you assume that you assume he can do ANYTHING. He’s got to have some limitations… right?  (RIght, or else it gets boring.  That’s why they had to make Superman weak to kryptonite.  Everybody, every entity, has to have a weakness. For me, it’s midgets.)

Kent:  Not only is that possible, but he can also probably put them somewhere worse, like Utica.


  1.  Misty is back.  That’s cool. Do you think that she brings much to the table in regard to this upcoming clash against Langdon?


Kristi:  Well after the last question, I really don’t freaking know! He brought her back. I feel like he may be able to do some mind control business now. (Sorry, I should have had this one at #2 in hindsight.  Also, since you used the word freaking, imagine how good Pamela Rabe would be in this show.  She played Joan Ferguson in Wentworth.  You know that would be awesome.)

Raylene: Yes every group needs the healer character (Yeah, unless it’s Eric in ESO and he continues to let Tom, Twan, and I die.  I’m not bitter at all.)

Cece:  Yes. I think she’s going to appear weak to start and then she will regain her powers.  (Like a healing snowball?)

Eric:  no (I will laugh if Eric is more correct than any of us.)

Melanie:  Yes. She will be a key player in healing people. (I can see her keeping Mallory alive, who is probably the key to victory, hopefully with the same hairstyle.)

Tom:  Well if nothing else Misty proved she’s hard to kill in season 3.  She was in contention to become supreme, I think she’ll bring something to the table in the fight against Langdon.  (You’re right.  She was a tough one to take out.  She is unestimated due to her demeanor, I think.)

Kayleigh:  Well I think that’s a toughy. If she was so powerful she wouldn’t have gotten stuck in hell the first time. And when she got brought back she admitted she was rusty. I hope she brings something to the table this season, otherwise bringing her back was a complete waste.  (Well now you’re looking at things a bit more practical.  No sense in bringing her back unless it serves a purpose, right?)

Kelly:  Based on how Cordelia assured her she’s done enough, I think she’ll contribute in some fashion, even if it’s healing the witches as they get hurt. However, this is all assuming there’s going to be a big battle but they are alluding to it. (I can just imagine a month from now when people are like, where was this big showdown?  Then we find out it’s been a witch reality show all along. Dun dun dunnnnnnn!)

Kent:  I love Misty, so I hope that she brings something big to the fight.  I think it’s to help Mallory in some capacity, but possibly Coco or Adina’s character.


  1.  You all wanna talk about the White Witch, Stevie Nicks.  How mad would you have been if Landon had killed her before she finished her song?  (I was hoping for this outcome.)


Kristi:  I would have enjoyed that but I’m glad it didn’t. (Wow, I expected people to tell me how bad of an idea that would have been.)

Raylene: Nope. Just kill her on the first note coming out of her mouth (Goooo on.)

Cece:  I mean, it would be have been interesting to the story. As much as I love Stevie.(Really, 3 people in and nobody is thinking my idea was terrible?)

Eric:  I wish he did kill her. (This is my favorite response of yours yet.)

Melanie:  I don’t know what she exactly brings to the table. I did like her music though. The song in this weeks episode she sang was rough. (Rough in what capacity?  I thought it sounded pretty bad, but I am not a fan of hers, so I am biased as all hell.)

Tom:  I thought the music break was a little too long and drawn out.  Maybe if they worked in some more goings on during the song. I think it brings an interesting element, linking the AHS universe to the real pop culture we all know.  (Still better than the Name Game!)

Kayleigh:  Definitely think the song was drawn out. I don’t think they would of killed Stevie. I do think they should of shown more storyline while she was singing. Loss of an opportunity.  (Missed opportunity for a lousy musical number.)

Kelly:  It doesn’t affect me the way it does you, Kent. She can show up, she can not, doesn’t matter to me. Bringing her back might insinuate she’s going to have an acting part other than just hyping Misty up.  (Okay, so maybe I get slightly wound up when I see her on my screen.  It definitely was for Misty, no doubt, which made a lot of sense.)

Kent:  I can’t believe that people didn’t just shit all over my idea.  I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t know who you people are.  I thought that everybody would tell me to go F myself.  Can we get Gaga to sing a song?


  1.  Did or does Coco actually have a legit power?


Raylene: Stupid power for a useless character so far.  (The world needs laughter!!!)

Cece:  She is absolutely annoying. She may have actual powers that she hasn’t harvested yet.

Eric:  She is complete horseshit.

Melanie:  I think she has some power or the power to be killed to avoid someone else dying. (That is a fascinating suggestion and damn, are you looking at the amount of hate she is getting here?

Tom:  I hate the Coco character and hope she’s actually powerless…. but, it feels like they’re building to a reveal of some hidden powers in her.

Kayleigh:  It sucks that not more info was revealed about her powers. But I think there’s more to come from her. I don’t think they would of kept her in the safe house if she was a useless witch.  (Soooo you don’t hate her?)

Kelly:  I think she does and we’ll find out soon enough. Cordelia told her when she came to the school that her gluten detection was a great start. There’s more to develop on her story.  (Right, Cordelia found some way in her, and Cordelia has pretty good perception.)

Kent:  Either she can detect danger in some useful way or maybe she can figure out a weak spot.  That really is a useful trait. And shame on some of you. We have ZERO comedy this season, except from Coco.  She brings the world joy and laughter. I appreciate a bit of comedy.


Final Thoughts – Next week, we’re heading back to Murder House and Jessica Lange will be there.  Go ahead, tell me what you are most excited for next week.


Raylene: I hope we get to see Lange’s daughter also. (Addy  is her name, and I would love to see her return.)

Cece:  I haven’t had the chance to see the preview, but I love Jessica Lange so it should be exciting!

Eric:  No idea  (Eric, I would say that you may enjoy the house.  If all goes well, we may get to see the maid, Moira, and she’s awesome.)

Melanie:  Everything! I am also interested in what pieces they will put back into the opening credits from creepy murder house. (That’s the beauty is that there is so much potential.  They really could have given us a 14 episode season this year and gave us more nostalgia.)

Tom:  Ummm, I guess just looking forward to some more dots getting connected.  It will be nice to have Jessica Lange back but I always feel like they need to reference the similarities between characters played by the same actor or actress.  (They could just call her Sister Constance Elsa Goode.  As long as she has Axe Man with her, I’m fine.)

Kayleigh:  Definitely excited for Lange. I honestly had a secret wish that Langdon would have brought her back from hell too. But seeing her in murder house is just as good.  (What if Langdon brought back Fiona and Axe Man from their hell to help him?  Come on, you know that it’s not the dumbest thing I have said today.)

Kelly:  Lady boner. My heart is happy. That is all.  (My heart skips beats.)

Kent:  I am going to say Tate and hopefully Dylan and Connie.  Definitely, want to see Alexandre Breckinridge most all.  If they can squeeze Denis O’Hare in episode 8, that would be appreciated.  Still, Lange most of all. I’ve always been a fan of many side characters more than the leads, but when Lange left, it left a huge hole that they filled up with a great cast and story in Hotel, but have since been lacking Lange’s leadership.

On a final note, I saw a preview for a show called The Cool Kids on FOX.  It has David Allen Grier, Martin Mull, Vicki Lawrence (Mama from Mama’s Family), and Leslie Jordan who played Quentin Fleming in Coven and Cricket in Roanoke.  I love that guy.  I love the cast as a whole, so I will check it out.


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