This week Adelita met with Felipe and found out the truth about what happened with her father. After that, she met with Galindo and made him an offer. Unfortunately for Galindo, Lincoln Potter had other plans. Leti also finally had enough of her grandma and manipulated Coco. My name is Kent and I write the questions every week and I have a great group of people who answer them. If you are familiar with some of the other TV Show blogs that we do on the site, then you will recognize most of the names. If you would like to participate in the blog and answer my inane questions, please contact me at Please enjoy!
- EZ took the heat off the club and got the cops to chase him. Bishop got totally pissed about this. Did EZ do the right thing in your opinion?
Kristi: I do think he did the right thing. I was surprised at how angry the club got about it. I think that’s kinda BS.
Raylene: He sure did to save his own ass since he asked them if they were looking for him and they were like yes. I would think that the mc would’ve wondered why the cops wanted EZ. (Yeah, I was waiting for that question to be asked. I think it will be.)
Eric: Yes because they were looking for him and not the rest of the club. He is still a dum dum. (Haha, I think that is the first time we have had the term dum dum used on this blog. Fantastic.)
Melanie: He saved his own ass and the club. He did the right thing.
Kent: I was hoping that somebody would present an argument that sided with Bishop. Nobody did, and I have none either. I don’t see how that ends well if EZ doesn’t do what he did. I’d like to see the alternate outcome just for clarity.
- What is Letty or Leti trying to accomplish by enraging Coco?
Kristi: She’s a shithead. She’s trying to become part of his life and thinks that Gram was going to get in the way of that. She saw who she really is and just trying to get in good with the club. Misguided little whore. (I don’t have the words, but maybe Senator Clay Davis does.)
Raylene: I see it as she was proving to her gram that Coco will always side with her and the fact that she didn’t want to go hooking it on the streets like her. Letty knew exactly what the results would be enraging Coco. (She didn’t want to live that particular life, and I don’t blame her.)
Eric: She was trying to let Gram know what’s up. Gram definitely found out what’s up.
Melanie: Coco has taught her she is worth more than hooking. She wants to let Gram know she ain’t shit and Coco agreed. (Coco has definitely upped that girl’s self-esteem.)
Kent: Being with all of the dangers of the MC is still preferable to the life that she was in while living with Gram. Maybe she will end up being a whooore for the MC, but at least it’s the safer option.
- Did Adelita expose too much of her hand to Galindo, and was it necessary to accomplish what she wants?
Kristi: I don’t think she expressed too much. She’s a smart woman. She knows exactly what she’s doing. She has so many people behind her. I think we are going to see some craziness with her crew. Thinking she will be the one to get Galindo out of his current predicament. (Yeah, she probably will be the one that helps.
Raylene: I will say yes because it obviously got the results she was looking for by him letting his guard down to partner with her
Eric: I am not sure if it was needed. (I’m with you.)
Melanie: She had to show Galindo some of her cards in order to gain his trust.
Kent: As Kristi said, she is a smart woman, no doubt. And I get what most of you are saying that you have to give a little to get what you want. Still, like Eric, I have a sinking suspicion that she gave away a little too much which will result in a setback. I think she could have accomplished just as much with less exposure if you will.
- How much trouble is Riz going to be in with the MC based on getting caught at the end coming out of the tunnel by some of the members?
Kristi: I think he will get a slap on the hand. He is trying to do good. He may get some shit for not sharing what he is doing but I think he will be good. (I think I agree mostly with your response.)
Raylene: I would say he’ll get in some trouble it looks like he was transporting people across the border. (In trouble from who?)
Eric: He is fucked. (I really enjoy videos this week.)
Melanie: I am not sure he will get in trouble for transporting people across the border. Kind of like Robin Hood… (I have to do this. Damn you Bryan Adams!!!!!!)
Kent: Normally, I would agree with Kristi in that it normally would result in a slap on the wrist, and maybe they hear him out. The problem here is that the club is still looking for a mole. That could very well play out in this. I think he may take some shit but in the end be okay.
- Felipe told Adelita the full story. Will Rodrigo feel the wrath of Los Olvidados?
Kristi: I don’t think so but it is quite possible. As we know from Sons, no one is safe. (I think Game of Thrones gets too much credit for starting the whole “No one is safe” in a TV show thing. Sons were doing it before GoT, and I would speculate others did before that, but I’m not 100% on that.)
Raylene: Yes I think he will definitely feel the wrath of Los Olvidados since she wanted to get Felipe for thinking he was the rat.
Eric: I don’t think so. Felipe has more power.
Melanie: No, he has more power.
Kent: So many different viewpoints today. I love when nobody agrees! I think Los Olvidados gets Rodrigo. Although can they take another PR hit after the nun disaster? I am still going with Los Olvidados because Adelita is not one to trifle with.
Final Thoughts – Galindo’s crew got apprehended by Lincoln’s crew. How will Galindo get out of this one?
Kristi: Adelita will have a hand in this. To get Galindo to join her.
Raylene: I would image the cartel has some pretty deep pockets and long reach. So he will be just fine.
Eric: Galindo is going to pay his way out.
Melanie: He is going to blame it on everyone else and pay his way out.
Kent: I’m agreeing with Kristi. Los Olvidados will be the key to this one. The other possibility, in my mind, isn’t him paying out. It is him offering Lincoln up a set up of Los Olvidados. Los Olvidados get in trouble and this is how it exposes the mole for the MC. Come on, you know that’s not a crazy idea.
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