Television The Purge

The Purge Ep:7 “Lovely Dark and Deep”

This week, we got Joe’s backstory this week, Rick continues to be Jenna’s bitch, Jane has totally botched her mission, and Miguel and Penny are still at the Carnival.  It’s Kristi and I trying to go over the important developments of the week. Any comments in bold are made by me, Kent.


  1.  What relevance did Jane’s flashbacks have to this episode?


Kristi:  I don’t know that it really did. I’m a flashback girl but this one really didn’t add anything for me.

Kent:  It felt like a wasted opportunity, in my opinion.  Kristi and I are usually all about dem flashbacks. This week, it simply proved that Jane was stubborn and wanted to prove that she could get by without resorting to using her looks.  How that was relevant to this episode is beyond me.


  1.  Joe rescued Jane from whatever was gonna happen.  Will we find out where Joe is taking the people that he helps?


Kristi: We will eventually.  

Kent:  The preview of this week’s episode seems to imply that we will hopefully know the answer to this soon.


  1.  The Matron Saints arrived as Joe was leaving.  Do you fear that they may try to track down Jane and have a showdown with Joe?


Kristi:  I don’t think so. That would piss me off so I hope not. (I’d totally be pissed because Joe isn’t winning that one.)

Kent:  I thought they were going to show up as Joe was outside with her.  I don’t think they will track him down, but I cannot shake this feeling.


  1.  Rick suggests that Lila may be hiding something.  Is he just being a bitch or could he be on to something?


Kristi:  I think she is also. She has been sketchy to me right from the beginning with her walking down the stairs in her first scene. Something is going to go down here. (Right!  The first time we see her, the way it was filmed, you knew there was something there.)

Kent:  I believe that we are getting some flashbacks on Lila this week.   I don’t trust her. As Kristi said, from the first moment we see her, the way that she has been filmed has consistently left us questioning this girl.  Rick’s still a little bitch, but I think he is right to be suspicious.


  1.  Is Rick going to kill someone before this season ends?


Kristi: Yes he is.

Kent:  Yeah, not until the finale though. I think he will finally have his moment.  He needs some redemption, in my opinion.


Final Thoughts – Miguel and Penny made their escape from the Carnival and went into the woods.  Rick and Jenna’s neighbor, Ross entered their home and pulled a gun on Rick and Jenna. Which of these 2 stories were more interesting to you?


Kristi:  I always have to go with Miguel and Penn. Ross was a little overkill.

Kent:  Ross was like this weird extra part that played very little sense.  So are we led to believe that he has been waiting around all night in hopes of sneaking in there?  Seriously, because this is the middle of the night at this point, and he had to be waiting outside the house.  Totally stupid At least Penny and Miguel’s story had some reasoning behind it. They could use another good story arc, hopefully with Tavis, before the night is over.  Tavis is the one character that feels like untapped potential. I still think we may see the girl from the first episode that Miguel helped. Just speculating. I haven’t had time to read any rumors.



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