Mayans M.C. Television

Mayans M.C. 9 Deuce S:1 Ep:8 “Rata/Ch’o”

This week Galindo refused Lincoln’s deal, Riz had to accept the club’s decision and punishment, and Ez and Angel got caught being morons.  My name is Kent and I write the questions every week and I have a great group of people who answer them.  If you are familiar with some of the other TV Show blogs that we do on the site, then you will recognize most of the names.  If you would like to participate in the blog and answer my inane questions, please contact me at  Please enjoy!


  1.  Why does EZ seemingly touch everything on a crime scene with his bare hands?  Seriously, I cannot be the only person that gets angry at this.


Kristi:  He really is just making rookie moves. I guess that’s all part of the Prospect thing. Learn from his mistakes?  (I guess so.  I just feel that as fans, we are smarter than the prospect at doing criminal shit.  Plus he already served time!)

Raylene:  He’s a dumbass. That’s why you think his time in prison smartened him up some but apparently not.  (Right.  You would think having already been a criminal and serving time, he’d be slightly more careful.  Slightly.)

Eric:  It has something to do with him being DEA.  No fucks given! (Absolutely, zero fucks given by our lovable, yet stupid/naive prospect!)

Kent:  Clearly I am angry since I asked the MF’ing question.  Unfuckingbelievable!!!!


  1.  Was Riz’s punishment fair?


Kristi: I do think it’s fair. He kept something pretty important from the club. Had he have just told them from the beginning, it would be a non-issue.  (Yeah, like it seemed irresponsible.  For someone who has been around the MC long enough, he knew better.)

Raylene:  I did say last week that he would be punished for keeping secrets and you questioned for who so yes I believe the punishment was fair.  (I doubt that there is written proof of this conversation anywhere online.)

Eric:  Yes. He is still important to the MC. (Yeah, and that’s why I felt the percentage was entirely reasonable, considering the shitstorm that could have come down.)

Kent:  Yes, when you factor in that he knowingly was doing something that may be counter-intuitive for the club, why else wouldn’t he just talk to the guys?  This was seemingly the best case scenario, from my perspective.


  1.  Do you feel that Lincoln’s strategy is going to pay off for him?


Kristi:  I don’t think so. Miguel got where he is for a reason. He will figure something out. (I am not asking this mockingly, just to be clear.  Didn’t Miguel get to where he is because of his father and listening to Devante or do you think he did much more outside of his father’s shadow?)

Raylene:  God I was hoping and wishing that Emily turned on Miguel providing evidence and got taken out by the cartel. Hell no I don’t think Lincoln strategy will work Miguel is determined to not have the same fate as his dad. As he says that the CIA deal killed him.  (I can picture the celebration that you will have when Emily gets got.)

Eric: I don’t think so. (I feel like I am on an island here.)

Kent:  Yeah, I think the strategy will pay off.  I still believe that Miguel is gon get got this season, and I would think Lincoln has a part to play in that.  I get everybody’s reasoning, but I think we are all assuming that Galindo is just going to make smart decisions because of his reputation.  Why do we expect that but aren’t shocked at EZ’s propensity for stupidity?


  1.  It seems like Galindo will take Adelita up on her offer.  Will Galindo go on to regret this decision?


Kristi:  I actually think this will be an interesting story. I think he is smarter than Adelita thinks he is. I don’t see things going well for her in the end.  (I keep fearing that this comes to fruition.  Adelita is not going to survive the full run of the show, but wow, I don’t want to lose her too early.)

Raylene:  I think he’s damned if you do and damned if you don’t but I see him having more of his strategic control being carried out with Adelita. (Yeah, he has more control in the Adelita situation or how he wants to handle things.)

Eric:  It is hard to say.  He needs to handle Lincoln at the same time. (Yeah, that’s what is so interesting to me.  I hope that the resolution actually makes sense.  That’s all I can ask for.)

Kent:  I feel like he is beyond that point now.  He may look back and regret not doing something much sooner in regards to Los Olvidados, instead of being so greedy, but not now.  A man backed into a corner fighting for his life and family has no time to regret much.


  1.  Rodrigo appeared to be getting some protection from Nestor, and most likely Galindo.  Will Rodrigo be the catalyst for a falling out between Galindo and Los Olvidado’s?


Raylene:  Hell yes he will. He seems to have a way of getting people to help then getting them killed.  

Eric:  Yes he will be.

Kent:  I was hoping for someone to provide me a reason to think otherwise.  This feels fairly unanimous and I have nothing to add. Wait, yes I do.  I didn’t ask about Jimenez, but I am super curious about his role moving forward.  I think he is going to stay in the background just long enough so we stop worrying about him.  He could be Lincoln’s downfall.


Final Thoughts – WilL EZ and Angel be out of jail by end of next week’s episode?


Raylene: I say no because those two assholes deserve it. You put a dead body in a car and don’t check over the car prior to going on the road. Even if everything went smoothly you still do a once over. Huge oversight especially when Angel was so jumping over the damn rat and why would you take anyone’s car from the MC? Like rent a car or buy a junker car; something.  (While they deserve it, I struggle to see them in for more than an episode.  Also, I can’t wait for the season finale to discuss all of the various animals that episodes have been named after.)

Eric:  Sure. It will help with the storyline.  (I concur with that sentiment.)

Kent:  With the show’s pace so far, I would say that they will be out.  If this was Walking Dead season 7 or 8, they would be in for half or more of a season.  The pacing for Mayans is fast and reckless at times, just as Sons was. I like it that way.


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