This week, we learned who EZ’s mother’s murderer is, Nestor got demoted, Alvarez is the new Devante, and Jimenez and Bowens got got. My name is Kent and I write the questions every week and I have a great group of people who answer them. If you are familiar with some of the other TV Show blogs that we do on the site, then you will recognize most of the names. If you would like to participate in the blog and answer my inane questions, please contact me at Please enjoy!
- We now know that Happy is the man that EZ has been chasing down. None of us got this right, specifically. Where does this go from here?
Kristi: I love that Happy has shown up. It really pleases me to see some Sons. I know this is Mayans but shit, I need some Sons. I think Happy will stick around for a while. Kurt isn’t going to give us him and take him away quite yet. We will see more of the story first. (Did you know that the dude that plays Happy is a guy that Kurt Sutter used to get a lot of info and knowledge on the biker/MC culture?)
Raylene: I am curious if they will ever write off Happy from the show? I mean it would be kind of a pointless storyline if they don’t let EZ get the kill or some type of revenge. (They could. I doubt that they will ever revive SOA, so his character is expendable. If they ever brought SOA back, I think most fans would want to start at the beginning with the Redwood Originals.)
Eric: Having never watched Sons. I don’t know who Happy is or how he played into the storyline of Sons. That being said, I hope EZ shoots this dude in the face for killing his mom. But I know that won’t happen because they still want to be able to incorporate Sons Into Mayans. (I think you may have enjoyed Happy. He was a quiet soldier who was a very reliable dude who could hold his own. I will post a video, and it won’t seem funny to you, but it was definitely one of the funniest scenes in the series. Unfortunately, without proper context, it’s not going to mean shit.)
Kent: Well, it wouldn’t be the first time that we have seen SAMCRO have an issue with the Mayans. I am actually very excited at the opportunity to get to see this war from both sides now, where like both sides. This has a lot of dynamic potential and I think this could be great. Still, wish I could have seen Chibs and Tig though.
- Let’s talk about the Jimenez and Felipe scene. That was wonderful. Did you start to believe that Felipe would go ahead with it? Felipe also revealed that he can’t do that sort of thing anymore. Will he be forced to kill again at some point? P.S. EZ had gloves on.
Kristi: I didn’t believe he would go through with it. Jimenez gave too good of a story. It had to be EZ or Angel. I do think he will kill or be killed. I noticed EZ had gloves on. About time he did something right! (That story by Jimenez, it really won me over. One of the best scenes of the season, in my opinion.)
Raylene: I started to have an “I called it moment” when I thought Felipe was going to take care of business. I do think he will be forced to kill again. I said out loud watch stupid ass EZ has no gloves on. I was pleasantly surprised he did. (Sorry Russ, no I called it moments.)
Eric: EZ FINALLY WORE GLOVES!!!!! I really don’t think you will see Felipe kill again. I feel it would ruin his character arc. (I felt like celebrating when we see EZ wearing gloves. Felipe seems like a guy that will be put in other situations moving forward that will push this particular narrative. Kinda like putting Batman in a situation where he should kill, but won’t.)
Kent: I didn’t think that Felipe would do it for 2 reasons. They showed all of those knives, which was clearly a horror red herring. Secondly, people would have heard the gun go off. Felipe knew better. Still, what a great tense scene. I thought Jimenez was an okay character, but that scene worked because I really didn’t want to see him die after that.
- Jimenez and Bowen got got by Angel and EZ. What were your thoughts on that scene?
Kristi: I liked it. I think Sutter got this right. I liked that Angel got Jimenez. I don’t know that EZ would have been able to deal with that. (Yeah, after I read this, I thought about it. Angel was the right one to get that kill. You’re right.)
Raylene: I didn’t see Bowen getting got too. Kind of a naive moment but it was tying up loose ends for Lincoln. (It would have been cool if Bowen was somehow working with the Niners, but that is just wishful thinking.)
Eric: Potter knew all along that they both were there. And that will play somehow into next season. I’m kinda glad that EZ didn’t do them both. It was more of him protecting his brother than a hit job. (Potter totally knew and knew that he could then hold it over EZ. I love how smart they make Potter. I prefer a thinking man’s villain. They can fuck you up in so many different ways.)
Kent: I think Potter knew that Bowen was going to be there, which I will talk about in the next question. I kept wanting Bowen to be awesome because there are no badass black dudes on the show. Bowen was just a little bitch though, so good riddance. I know last week I predicted that Jimenez would make it past this episode alive, but I was wrong. It made me slightly sad as I was starting to like that character. The best part though was how disappointed Lincoln was about the pie being store bought.
- Will EZ ever not be in debt to Lincoln? Are you happy that this all but guarantees that Lincoln will be returning next season?
Kristi: I am happy that Lincoln will continue. I think we will see his demise eventually though. I see him as the chic that was trying to get the SOA and ended up dead in the car. He will be hated for a while and cause drama but will get got in time. I look forward to that. (Yeah, he probably gets another season before they move on. I don’t think he will survive this time as he did in SOA. Good callback to that girl. I cannot remember her name.)
Raylene: Hell no. He is Lincoln’s bitch now and yes I am liking Lincoln in this show. (In hindsight, I wish they had made more use of this guy in Fear The Walking Dead. Waste of talent.)
Eric: They need a main antagonist like Lincoln. I feel he plays a good character. And no, I don’t think EZ will ever not be indebted to him. (Sons was at it’s best when they not only had someone smart or powerful on their asses but also some super aggressive assholes. I think Lincoln is perfect for this show, for a little bit longer at least.
Kent: Hell yeah! I feel that anytime Lincoln or Felipe are on my screen, it’s must-see. Both of them are such tremendous performers who make their characters come to life. Just wonderful. As I said, I feel that Lincoln loves having EZ by the balls and it definitely felt intentional to me. Also, I really did enjoy the scene where Lincoln wiped EZ’s file clean. It was fun.
- Miguel reduced Nestor’s role in the hierarchy. It appears that Alvarez will be the new Devante. What were your thoughts on both of these big stories? Will Nestor lash out at his demotion? Will this put Alvarez in a can’t win situation down the line?
Raylene: Yes I think Nestor will be lashing out and it was an interesting turn to have Alvarez join Miguel. I didn’t see that coming either. (Alvarez was more surprising as a reveal than Happy was. This was really smart and there are so many possibilities.)
Eric: Don’t know if Nestor will lash out. He has loyalty to Galindo. But he might see his demotion as a slap in the face. (I think he definitely will feel insulted. He also has a level of loyalty. He saw what happened to Devante though. I can see it go either way, which is a good thing. I don’t like predictable stuff.)
Kent: Nestor instantly became one of the five most intriguing characters for next season. Kurt Sutter is really good at doing that in such a quick manner. I really don’t want to wait for 9+ months. The Alvarez thing caught me off guard, and maybe it shouldn’t have. I like it, but at some point, he is going to be forced to choose loyalty to Galindo or to the MC, and I’m guessing that he will choose the MC. Alvarez is a character that could have been used a bit more this season, in my opinion.
Final Thoughts – Let’s finish this with a 3 part question. 1. Have you been paying attention to the names of each episode being named after a specific animal and how they played a role in that episode, and do you like that sort of thing? 2. Has the theme song finally grown on you? 3. Did this season satisfy you enough to look forward to next season?
Kristi: I really haven’t been paying attention to the names. I have to admit, the theme song wasn’t much at first. I now love it. Damn Sutter in his song choices. Third, the show has grown on me. I wasn’t in love at first. Just too much going on. I am looking forward to next season. I would like them to kill off some of the story and focus more on the club though. Although I love Nestor, I’m really bored with the Galindo story. And can we get our Gemma? I need an old lady ready to fuck shit up and take care of hers. Kinda thinking it’s going to be Galindo’s mama. The look on her face after she found out he got Devante is a sign of good stuff to come. (Dita is definitely someone to keep an eye on. I didn’t correlate her to Gemma, but I like that thought. I think she has untapped potential. Next season needs to allow us more info on the MC. We really only know about EZ, Angel, and Coco. Bishop is a guy that intrigues me.)
Raylene: Nope, I haven’t been paying attention at all which shouldn’t surprise you Kent. Nor have I listened to the theme song just fast forward it. I am looking forward to it because I caught some evil eyes and tension between Dita and Emily. Good God, I hope Kurt writes a storyline like he did with Gemma and Tara and Dita takes Emily out in a way more brutal fashion that will be (I found a response video. The last one was priceless. Dita becoming a badass would be welcome.)
Eric: I like the fact that the episodes are named after animals and that plays a role in the story arc. The theme song, I can go either way, I don’t like it but I don’t hate it. I’m kinda hoping the story moves a little quicker next season. They only reason I’m watching this show is because of Vincent Vargas (Gilly) I follow him on Instagram and YouTube. I hope they are able to bring him into the show more and be less of a backdrop character. I’ll be watching next season. (Gilly is a fan favorite and I feel a lot of people wanted to see him more. Next season, I think the MC gets explored more. With Galindo working with Los Olvidados, that kinda combines two storylines, so that may allow more time to MC stuff. )
Kent: 1. Obviously, I have, and they are wonderful. I think it was very creative. Since I am guessing most don’t know the names, I will name the animals: Perro (Dog), Escorpion (Scorpion), Buho (Owl), Murciélago (Bat), Opossum, Gato (Cat), Cucaracha (Cockroach), Rata (Rat), Serpiente (Snake), and Cuervo (Crow). I really liked this gimmick. 2. It took about a month, but then it got stuck in my head and I started singing it in my head and now I really like it. It has its own distinct vibe that matches the show properly. Do I still play SOA’s “This Life” for an alarm? Yes, but this is a good song too. 3. Yeah, out of my 4 shows that I am currently watching or just finished, I think I am looking forward to this the second most behind The Walking Dead, which just rejuvenated itself, as all of you know. This is a really good show and they quickly won me over. They are not allowed to ever kill Chucky though.
Thank you to everybody who helped out this year. I hope that we will get back to this next year. Thank you to all of the readers. Thank you, Kristi, Raylene, Eric, and Melanie for taking the time to do this. I appreciate it.
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