This week, Strand became the Little Prince in the sky with his balloon, and it was majestic. Then bad things happened. At least the plot made progress this week. My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure. Any comments in BOLD are written by me. I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever. The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.
1. Should John have given Dwight the note? If you were John, what would you have done? These could be two different answers.
Bob: Nope. It is the only thing keeping Dwight going. In the heat of the moment, I would have done what John did and wait for a better opportunity to share the note. (I was incredibly torn on this one. In the heat of the moment, I probably wait too because John really didn’t have much time to come up with a plan.)
Raylene: John did the right thing by not giving him the note because of Dwight’s mental state right now. It will probably come out later on that he withheld this information from him when they find Sherry dead. (I think that we will see her with the Circle Jerks, as a member or as a captive, in some capacity.)
Kent: This is tough. John knows that there is a decent chance that Dwight kills himself if he finds out, but this newfound hope for Dwight can’t last for long. I think that John should have given the note to Dwight. I would have because I think the alternative is cruel, no matter how good the intentions may be.
2. In your opinion, what is the #1 driving force for the group doing everything they can to keep the kids with them?
Bob: They know the kids WILL die, period. No one wants to see kids die. (You’ve never seen the kid in The Babadook. He may make you reconsider. I get what you’re saying though.)
Raylene: Realistically, these kids will not survive on their own forever. At some point, they’ll need adult guidance because so many of them are young. Annie thinks she’s doing the best for them but it seems her brothers wanted to stay and go with our group in the plane. (Annie is doing what is best for them, from her perspective. Also, what was your answer to my actual question?)
Kent: I think that Alicia and Luciana may have different reasons than John and June, and so on. But I feel that the prevailing idea is that the children are the future and on days when the adults are sore or just feel like giving up, they see the kids and get extra motivation. Maybe that will also help keep Dwight in check. I know that there are several ways to look at it, and I feel Alicia feels this kinship of sorts. I’m not sure that there is a right or wrong answer.
3. Did you understand what Charlie was pointing out in the image with Jim’s beer? Was the balloon a smart idea?
Bob: No, I kept thinking was it a lead (Pb) thing or something. The balloon is the only idea so yes! (Speaking of Pb, I miss Peanut butter Twix. I found some old ones on Amazon that seemed questionable. Little Debbie does have a nice attempt at it, but it’s still not the same.)
Raylene: No, I didn’t get it. I thought perhaps another plane. Yes, to get them there fast but I think that because it definitely is noticeable, it will give away their position to other not so nice groups. (I kept staring to find a plane or chopper.)
Kent: I even freeze framed the image and I still didn’t get the balloon. I failed us all. I liked the idea, plus it was just a fun novelty. I like a bit of fun. But man, that one walker coming toward them had the thing around its neck. I still feel like the radiation has to kill someone, but maybe it’s just one of the kids or Grace. Grace seems like she will be this season’s Jim, minus the beer and charisma and stories about history.
4. Alicia is going to try to get the kids back and we see them in the preview for next week. My question is simple. We see a lot of walkers in front of Alicia. Should this be easy for Alicia to get through or do you think it will prove a challenge?
Bob: It should be easy, our next scene with her will be post-carnage with her in her next step. (Wow, that’s so what is going to happen. You’re right. I should have seen it coming.)
Raylene: Well as past huge growlers/walker scenes it seems like they are able to blast through them with ease. Realistically you and I could find a challenge. (I hope you ain’t talking to me. There ain’t no challenge in that unless my arm gets tired. I would own that obstacle, get the orange flag and show it off to Mark Summers. That is a Double Dare reference for those who didn’t get it.)
Kent: On the surface, it looks simple. You go one at a time, take your time, and you should be fine. I think it is safe to predict that the “chain” will break at some point and perhaps Annie comes to save Alicia. I still think it should be easy, but TV needs drama.
5. Morgan spent some time in this episode trying to replace his stick and even held his old one briefly before Grace took off. Will Morgan be able to take the lessons that he learned from his time with Eastman and find happiness in his new stick or will he continue to miss his prized possession?
Bob: His stick is gone so he will have to find a new one, not the mop handle. (I liked the mop handle. Some of the older ones were made of fairly solid wood.)
Raylene: Yes he just has to find the correct material for his new stick that mop handle is not strong enough to hold up over time I feel. (Nobody is a fan of the mop handle. I feel alone.)
Kent: I’m not sure that Morgan will ever be at peace, but he can still find solace in passing along his knowledge. He will whittle away a stick someday soon, or find someone who knows how to do that stuff, right? RIght?
Final Thoughts – Can the TWD universe just have a happy moment before it goes bad within 5 minutes ever again? Also, will Al tell June about her time with Isabelle?
Bob: No, that’s why we watch! (Fact!)
Raylene: Doesn’t seem like they can. I mean happiest moment was when they recovered Beth and she immediately got shot. Oh too soon guess I’m probably going straight to hell for that. Maybe eventually Al may confide in June but I think it’ll only happen when that group finds the black suit group. (Your disdain for Beth is unparalleled.)
Kent: No, they can’t just have a happy moment. I looked at the clock as soon as I saw everyone smiling at Strand. It didn’t take long for the smiles to vanish. I feel it’s a 5-minute policy. Aside from TWD’s original season where they find Jenner, I am trying to think of a happy time that lasted more than 5 minutes. Possibly at the prison or Jesse giving Rick a haircut. 5 minutes doesn’t seem like a long time, but it is. I think Al may tell June which will make June feel conflicted about telling the group……because drama.