This week, Alicia reached the kids and convinced them to leave with the group and then got irradiated walker blood on her face. Also, John confessed to Dwight about Sherry’s letter. This week, at the end of each question, I’m posting a YouTube video for my Kentertainment. My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure. Any comments in BOLD are written by me. I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever. The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.
1. How bad is Alicia’s situation? She got splattered with radiated walker blood and she’s alone.
Bob: I’d say the blood on or near her eyes and mouth are an issue because irradiated material can get into her bloodstream. We really don’t know the level of irradiation that these walkers have. It might not be her end or it will be a SLOW end. She dies, the show has 1 more season left. (While I wouldn’t be surprised too much to see the show end after 6 seasons, I feel like if they were to do that, they really need a good ending, unlike the comic that abruptly ended. I don’t know how good or bad that is because I am not caught up, but it didn’t feel right.)
Raylene: I say she’s pretty well screwed so that would me finally the last of this superfamily will finally be gone. Good Lord, what will this show do? (According to Bob, end next season. I think this show will go 7-8 seasons. I’m not sure if they ever truly expected it to make it this long, but if they can still provide us with something interesting, why not continue? Most of TV is not very compelling anymore.)
Kent: I have been adamant in my belief that Alicia can’t die, unless the actress wants out, ala Andy Lincoln. They have done a great job in making me question this because if she dies, it will serve as a similar death to her mother, Madison. Think about the parallels in that they both took one on the chin to save a much larger group.
2. John gave Dwight the note and it appears that Dwight is taking this as well as you can reasonably expect. Will Dwight hold this against John moving forward?
Bob: I don’t see that happening. Dwight sees that John really cares but I think he might be looking for an opportunity to “escape” to continue the search. (I can see Dwight trying to run before or after they fly. Before would feel like impending doom. I don’t think that he will though due to this added bit about the nuclear countdown going on. I must admit that they wrote this clever enough to help convince Dwight that it will be almost impossible to find her beyond this point. That is, of course, until he finds her.)
Raylene: I thought this would have come out a lot later in the storyline. I think he’s made his peace with John withholding info but that’ll change once Sherry is found dead. (I’m in agreement that I thought that they would withhold it longer. I think it’s the ticking timebomb that they are facing has made this current decision more reasonable and pretty damn smart. I’ve had a week and this whole thing just kinda started making sense to me.)
Kent: Hmmm, I thought somebody would have said that Dwight would hold it against John. I can’t imagine that they brought Dwight onto Fear just to have him as a villain because that would last all of half a season, at most. You all know that I am still of the belief that Sherry will be found with the Circle Jerks, and she will be alive. I am really looking forward to Dwight pairing up with other people like Morgan, June, and Strand.
3. Al kinda sorta told June about some of her story. Will Al ever tell the full story?
Bob: Kent, I am sorry – I don’t care one iota. It’s simply silly to imagine this is a “love” story. (I needed another question. The show keeps focusing on it. Trust me, I am in the same camp as you. I hope they either spice it up to make it somehow compelling or just drop it. I am sure it won’t be dropped until Isabelle joins the group or gets got. I’m guessing the former but safely assuming the latter. I also had to look up Isabelle’s name, so that may tell you how much I truly care about this nonsense.)
Raylene: Like give me a break you fall in love with over what a 3-day camping trip. This storyline is dumb. (Tara and Denise would disagree. Maybe Dwight will put an arrow through Isabelle’s head. Any writers or executives reading this, feel free to use this idea, just notify me and give me a credit.)
Kent: At some point, the story will be told, probably off-screen or maybe on-screen during a happy wrap-up montage with some lame music playing. Although Fear does use some good music at times. I don’t think the full story will be retold on-screen. Also, I don’t care and I don’t want to ask any more questions about this storyline. I can’t wait until next week!
4. Are you enjoying the subplot with the kids? Do you really care about what happens next with them?
Bob: I did two episodes ago but I wouldn’t miss them. Except for the little guy with the glasses. Jack the Ripper right there… (Dylan is his name. I feel like Max or Dylan is gonna get got this season. That way Annie can hold on to that pain and tell that same tired story all over again as TWD loves to do. Dylan would get the most viewer sympathy and has been given far more character development.)
Raylene: Not really, maybe when Annie gets eliminated it’ll get better. Like you have guns and no bullets. Great plan right there. (In the ZA, it does cause people to stop in their tracks at the sight of a gun, so it’s not a horrible idea. Now if this was State of Decay 2, you bring a gun and no ammo and bad things will happen.)
Kent: It’s a weird guilty pleasure now, but not in a good way. Like I am so curious about which kid(s) are going to get killed. Not all of them can survive, so either Logan is going to take them all in, which is a theory I have, or they need a Woodbury survivor plague as in season 4 of TWD.
5. Will Grace end up escaping on the plane when the group leaves?
Bob: Totally! She is in the group, FYI she is no replacement for Alicia…. (If Alicia leaves for whatever reason, Annie will take her place and Charlie will be on the sidelines wondering what the hell just happened. Man, I am really starting to believe that Alicia is screwed.)
Raylene: Sure she’s Morgan’s new love interest. (I have been worrying about Morgan having a love interest. If Morgan has some psychotic breakdown during it thought, then carry on.)
Kent: Yeah, I think she will be interested in Morgan mentoring her. Hopefully, it is just mentoring her. Maybe Strand can fall for her and Morgan secretly will have a thing for her. Oh man, there’s your season 5.5 story arc right there. I’m calling it as loudly as Russ would.
Final Thoughts – Sarah and Wendell get help from an unexpected source in next week’s midseason finale. Who do you think will help them?
Bob: LOL I am drawing a complete blank. How about the group they first set off to see via airplane. (Bob…….why you gotta steal my response?)
Raylene: I want to say Jadius/Ann no real reason or scene why it would be her. (Does the timeline match up for that? I’m seriously confused about that now. I was actually going to say Rick Grimes as a backup but that would go hand in hand with Jadis.)
Kent: Since Bob is seemingly going with Logan’s group, there aren’t many reasonable responses left. There are the Circle Jerks (Isabelle) or random group or Heath. If I had to offer probability percentages, I would say that Logan’s group is a solid 92%. I’d offer some variation on the Circle Jerks/Isabelle/Rick/Jadis at 5%. I’d give Daniel 2%. Heath gets 1%. I’m going to guess Daniel because he is still likely nearby or ran into Logan’s group.
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