This week, the group tries to get the plane fixed while far too many members of the group are trying to desperately race back to get on a plane that may or may not fly. Also, Daniel returned. My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure. Any comments in BOLD are written by me. I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever. The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.
1. The unexpected help came from Daniel. I believe one of us had that right. As it was progressing, did you think that Logan would change his mind prior to Daniel showing up?
Bob: I never thought for one second that Logan was going to change his mind who he was or be able to change his situation. (You have no faith in Trashcan Man. Maybe Fear will eventually go to Terra Haute.)
Raylene: I did not think Logan would be alive seems like he made a deal with a not so nice group. (Logan is a much lesser version of Gregory. Look at how long that lasted.)
Kent: “I’m going to guess Daniel because he is still likely nearby or ran into Logan’s group.” I get one thing right a year so I get to gloat for a moment. Drink it in, man. But yeah, I honestly expected Logan to return with a change of heart. I had given up on my Daniel prediction.
2. Speaking of Logan, do you trust that he is trying to do the right thing now?
Bob: Logan is not trying to do the right thing right now. Logan is not Hugh Jackman. He isn’t trustworthy and I think that whole thing with the heavy that person that needs help is fake. (Man, I really loved that movie. I really don’t know how they plan on finding a better Wolverine. There are a handful of people who are incredibly difficult to replace. Robert Englund as Freddy, Stallone as Rocky or Rambo, Arnold in pretty much everything, Pacino in Devil’s Advocate. The franchise did a great job with casting James McAvoy and Fassbender.)
Raylene: Trust only yourself in an emergency or apocalyptic situation so no I don’t trust him. (Stone Cold Steve Austin always used to say DTA: Don’t Trust Anybody. He had a lot of T Shirts. Russ wore a lot of them. You’re Welcome.)
Kent: I view Logan like a more off-putting Jim. Jim never felt like a true part fo the group, but he had to serve his interests and the best way to do that was to stay with the group. Logan appears to be even more self-serving, for now. I do want to go on record now and predict that Logan will see or read something in the journal that alters his current philosophy and softens him a bit. I would also speculate that Luciana helps in this regard because she needs something to work with other than this injury.
3. The most ridiculous aspect of this episode was ______?
Bob: Wendell talking on the radio before starting to crawl to light up the landing strip.(That was at least an 8 on the cringeworthy scale for me. I will compare it to something slightly worse. Shia LeBeouf in the first Transformers. The world is at stake, you hold the key to victory in your grasp. Let’s spend 3 minutes chatting up this hot chick that has no idea who you are. I miss Megan Fox. I don’t miss Shia.)
Raylene: The plane ride I seem to think the force would’ve sucked them out the open back. Yes, I know there are planes made like this and yes I know they were strapped in. (This was groan-inducing, but not cringe for me. There was so much going on that it was ridiculous. Dwight holding the little girl was very odd to see.)
Kent: I had many. I think everything with Dwight and John was absurd. I think that Grace breaking Morgan’s stick was ridiculous. Still, the most ridiculous aspect, in my opinion, was watching Morgan, Alicia, and Grace all running from the hoard as they approached the group. Why were they running? They are called “Walkers”, not “Runners”! This isn’t the rage virus of 28 Days/Weeks Later or World War Z. This isn’t a hoard like you may find in Left 4 Dead 1 or 2. No, we have seen just how easy it is to stay ahead of a hoard as long as you aren’t exhausted. SO why in the blue hell are they running?
Also, I need to take a moment to say that Grace is a hell of a driver. Seriously???? She has been out surviving on her own for how long? Now she has the 2 best fighters on FTWD with her and then she tries some horrendous turning? This reminds me of my driving in State of Decay 2 or any Halo game. There was no need for her to even attempt that maneuver at that moment, so WHY? The plot devices….damn. I don’t get it. Give her a reason to do something that dumb, and I may be on board. Grace wins the Glenn under the dumpster award for me this week. Maybe that should become a weekly award. That could be fun.
4. Will they try to make Grace a love interest of Morgan’s? What purpose will she serve?
Bob: FranklyI thought I saw a little something something between Alicia and Morgan. I really don’t know what function Grace is going to serve them being a nuclear physicist? (One would think that Grace is perhaps the “smartest” member of the group at the moment, but I don’t even think that she is Eugene level of smart. I think she knows one very unique thing incredibly well and may not be an outside of the box thinker. I would like to be wrong on this. And I noticed the Morgan and Alicia thing. It was weird for me because I am struggling to imagine Morgan being romantic with anyone. In the comic, he was with Michonne, who was very promiscuous in that version of TWD. I don’t want to see another power couple because as we saw with Rick and Michonne, it was obnoxious at times.)
Raylene: Sure everyone needs some loving. Perhaps she can be helpful with making useful items out of different parts. Shit if Eustace can make a Gasifier Truck then Grace can clearly do something. Yes, I know Grace is a fictional character. (I hear what you are saying, but isn’t this what they have Al for? She seems to be the tinkerer along with Sarah. I feel like they need to get creative with Grace before she becomes more Eustace….I mean useless than Luciana.)
Kent: Well, so far we have learned more about her weaknesses than her strengths. She is a horrible driver, not good at fixing things, and is not good at keeping places safe. So hopefully she can cook or do something very specific for Morgan, like helping him with his wood….his pole…..his stick… know his weapon. She’ll probably be a love interest and to that I say BOOOOOOOOOO! Minnie Can’t Driver!
5. Al didn’t tell anymore of her story. Sorry, Bob. Should the group continue to try to find and help other people or should they try to maintain what they have and raise the children?
Bob: Why isn’t there a good character named Bob? The meaning to really stop being altruistic and start taking care of themselves. (I loved Bob Stookey on the original Walking Dead series. His backstory was really good. Did you forget about him or are you only referring to this show? I got a character named Kent. He got killed off-screen. Sooooo there’s that.)
Raylene: They’ll always try to find more people; that’s just in Morgan’s nature. But we need to find black suits group I want some Rick Grimes hopefully on Fear. (I wonder if they ever pulled off the Rick on Fear moment, would AMC advertise it ahead of time? I feel like they would almost have to. I am not opposed to it, if kept brief.)
Kent: They should make a risk assessment team. Then when someone requests help, give it a rating out of 5 stars. If it’s above a 3, don’t go. No more flying or epic adventures. Simple risks are fine, but the focus should be on the soon to be on their deathbed children. I say that because we all know that they’re gonna keep helping people instead of fortifying themselves.
Final Thoughts – Nobody remotely important died in this episode or season for that matter (Right?). Going from the characters that we have right now, pick a character to die.
Bob: Sarah at least I think that’s her name. Why does she call Morgan by her real name? (I have wondered if she used to be called Mo Mo as a child. It seems like there is a part of her that is replaying her younger years but in a role reversal.)
Raylene: I’m saying Strand for big shock value. (I don’t like this idea. Fear is currently rocking with 3 black dudes, a Hispanic dude (technically from Panama, but his character was from El Salvador), a guy with a burned face, and John Dorie. I don’t think the male side of the cast has ever been better.)
Kent: Daniel is my answer and I hope that I am wrong. I say this because of his personal life, I don’t know how much longer that he really wants to do this show. His death could have a huge impact and even elevate some characters. I want to be wrong so bad. I got one more bold prediction. We meet Tobias again and by now, he is a serious badass zombie apocalypse survivor.
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