This week, this show was really trying our patience with the stupid Tessa house situation. I would like to say something more positive, but this wasn’t a good episode. I think we need some YouTube videos to make this more fun this week. As always, I don’t own the rights to any of these videos. They are just for review purposes and to help lighten the mood. My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure. Any comments in BOLD are written by me. I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever. The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.
1. What was your biggest takeaway from the Tessa situation? Do you think that Tessa and her son will be a part of the main group or just part of a list of people that have been helped by the main group?
Bob: I think they will be part of the group but will not be starring characters. (I think the group needs to find them some red shirts.)
Raylene: My takeaway is Morgan and the rest of the group are stupid. Yeah, you don’t go running into an active minefield and then all just stay around. I think they will stay and perhaps now Grace has competition for Morgan’s affection. (With Dorie taken, I guess Morgan is the most eligible straight bachelor. So it makes sense.)
Kent: I wanted to invest myself in the story there, but it was used as a vehicle for Morgan to talk about his wife and Duane Jones, named after the lead actor in Night of the Living Dead. I honestly felt that this took away from the Tessa story, which is fine if she’s not going to be a big deal, but there was no suspense for it and it took me out of the moment. I think she is just gonna be a person that they helped and will get got by Logan’s crew.
2. Did they leave Wendell to be the only adult with all of those kids? Do you want to see some scenes with that group?
Bob: I was wondering where Wendell went, I was thinking did I forget him dying? (Wendell still gets the rest of this season and my guess is next season too. Especially if they use him in this capacity. It appears that he’s a good role model so I say that they should keep him around as long as it makes sense.)
Raylene: I was wondering did I miss something is Wendell dead? This makes sense he’s with the kids. Yes, we need to know what’s happening with them. (I think there could be some funny scenes if they wanted to go that route. Or they could be held captive eventually by Logan. I’d prefer the former.)
Kent: They let Luciana do the camerawork and left Wendell with the kids. I get it that Annie was probably running that ship, so to speak, but they could have left someone else with Wendell. Dwight or Daniel or both could have been super fun and given us some cool scenes. Really, neither added much to this episode, so I consider this a missed opportunity.
3. With how things were left with Logan in the midseason finale, did it seem odd how they didn’t really offer any scenes to cover that more or was it sufficient for you?
Bob: I kinda thought that was great, it was enough to get the point across. (Sometimes less is better. Sometimes dead is better, per Pet Sematary. That remake was not very good. Makes me sad.)
Raylene: When I saw that scene I said well that’s going to bite the group in the ass at some point. Like you knew what group he’s with and the guns. Unless they were able to get ammo for the swat vehicle. (Every time they get ammo, I feel like John has to go through it as quickly as humanly possible.)
Kent: I am guessing that they had scenes to go slightly more in-depth but they got cut and that is a shame because there was a lot of fluff here in this episode. All the interviews, the minute in the pharmacy, etc. Edits could have been made, and I think should have been made if Logan is to be this season’s “Big Bad”. I wish they did this slightly different, but in a few weeks, perhaps I will see a flaw in my logic….doubt it.
4. What do you think that Wes will do after Logan’s group did what they did?
Bob: Join the group but we won’t know where his Leslie’s lie. (But who will know where his Leslie’s lie?)
Raylene: I thought that was Heath. Yes, I know I’m being a stereotyping person, but I really thought it was him. I would hope he just decides to join the group. (In all fairness, I thought it was Corey Hawkins too, that was my hope. It didn’t add up and then I really looked at his eyes and he was younger. The dude is pretty young. We will get Heath, I truly believe we will get him on Fear.)
Kent: Wes has my attention. I think that he has some potential to be solid here. Obviously, he’s gonna radio the group. I am curious if he is going to try to bail as soon as possible or stick with the group to try to get some modicum of vengeance against Logan’s group. I have to support a dude dumb enough to consider attacking a gun-toting group while only holding a knife. That is how you get my attention.
5. Do you like the direction that they appear to be taking Alicia in?
Bob: mehhhhhhhh oh yeah! If she becomes brutal with the stick it is worth it. (Big if there, but would totally be worth it.)
Raylene: Listen she’s no Carol so eventually in this world you will have to kill again human or Walker. (Yeah, it felt too much like a few characters that we have seen. Although it feels redundant, you have to imagine that it would take a toll on a person’s psyche to go through all of this killing. So I get it, but if they need to do it, I’d like them to really explore the psychology of it. Not just have her revert by the end of the season.)
Kent: No. I loved the idea of Morgan training her, but we have to keep remembering Madison instead. I’m so sick of the Madison memories and Travis never gets any love. So now Alicia is going to wear brighter colored clothing and have a lame spiritual journey. I love pissed off Terminator Alicia. Don’t make me dislike her again.
Final Thoughts – What was the most fun or ridiculous scene of this week, better known as the Glenn Memorial Award?
Bob: They should have encouraged walkers not stopped them… (It’s not like the dude put the mines so close to the house to hurt his family, so why not encourage the walkers??)
Raylene: The land mine area just pissed me off. The charging in there like a bunch of morons. Then everyone just standing so close to Morgan while he’s digging around the mine. Al yes I know she was in the military but really she supposedly was an expert on mines. Oh yeah the when he finally steps off let’s all still look and be taping maybe we can record this guy we care about getting blown up instead of taking cover. The only thing I did enjoy is Daniel razzing Dwight about a hair cut. (I did enjoy the Dwight and Daniel stuff. You’re right, that everybody was so close and hellbent on filming it. It seemed morbid and ridiculous. Not FTWD’s finest hour. This felt like a season 2 episode at times. I miss Travis.)
Kent: I mean, they played Convoy. That made me want to watch the 1978 classic film starring Kris Kristofferson. So my GMA for this episode was a super cringeworthy aspect to the Tessa scenes. John is shooting the zombies from a distance but kept worrying about the landmines drawing more walkers. Well, sir, your gun is also drawing more walkers, so what the hell? At some point, the noise damage was done, either via landmine or gunshot, so no point in bringing it up. Also, I think he was asking for more ammo. If you are gonna use that as your primary weapon, then perhaps you should carry more ammo with you. This was not John’s finest hour, to say the least.