Television Wentworth

Wentworth Season 7 Part 1

Wentworth went through another Rita-centric season while Marie stepped her game up and Kaz got got. The season ended with a familiar face. It was another season with less and less familiar faces. We had 4 deaths, a couple of hostage situations, an appearance by Frankie, but nothing truly compared to the final scene when we saw the face of the Freak. This has left fans rejoicing. I’m breaking this blog into 3 parts. There are three of us. Any comments in bold are made by me, Kent.  Thank you for reading, and please share this with your friends, or leave a comment with your responses to the questions. 

Here are links to all 3 parts for easier navigation.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

1.  Did Rita and Ruby become more endearing to you in their second season?

Raylene:  No I really would’ve enjoyed if they had killed them off.  (Why do you have such disdain for them?  Is it because Rita always has on the same outfit despite seeing her by the laundry room?  Seriously, when does she get her clothes washed?)

Jamie:  Yes. Their characters developed more this season.  (That was a big issue last season was that they simply weren’t well developed, in my opinion.  It’s tough to thrust 2 central characters into the mix and make me care about them if they are poorly developed.)

Kent:  Rita is a no, Ruby is a yes for me.  Ruby was involved but wasn’t the center of attention too often.  Rita had her nose into too much stuff but isn’t a very charismatic character.  If you are going to have a lead involved in that much, I think that the character needs to be better.  Heisenberg, Jax Teller, Gemma Teller, Rich Grimes, Michael Scott, and even Zach Morris are fine examples of better-rounded leads.  My guess is that Rita’s middle name is Tara.

2.  Did you like that they killed off Kaz?  Did it truly serve a purpose?

Raylene:  I didn’t mind Kaz,. No, her death didn’t serve a purpose I think things would’ve played out the same if she was still alive.  (Not necessarily.  I’ll elaborate later on the one thing that changes if Kaz lives, and it really changes the landscape for next season.)

Jamie:  No, I don’t like that they killed her. But I did like how you thought you knew who did it and were completely shocked by who it turned out to be.  (I did like the mystery behind it.  I admit, they do a good job with mysteries on this show.)

Kent:  I will elaborate later on as to why Kaz had to die.  But on the surface, it felt like a very senseless killing.  Just to have a mysterious whodunnit? If that was the case, there were plenty of options that could have worked fine and kept one of the strongest actors on the show.  Kosta would have been just fine, for instance. You knew that something bad was going to happen because she seemed happy and the episode was named Karen. She was a goner.

3.  Is Marie the lamest evil inmate character in the show’s history?  Seriously, she blew 2 opportunities in the end to leave. The first one caused them to be stuck and the second time got her shot.

Raylene:  Yes, Marie was fairly lame. Her need for revenge on Ruby got her in the end. I think if she were to escape the first opportunity she would’ve been killed.  (That’s a valid point.  Marie may have gotten got upon the first try.  She had the one dude in her pocket, but that wouldn’t have guaranteed her safety.  I think that was the implication though as we travel down the rabbit hole.)

Jamie:  Now, Marie definitely serves no purpose for me. Should’ve killed her off the first time.  (The show used her as general misdirection, but how much did she really do?  You think that she killed Kaz, but no. You think she had Ray killed, but not really.  They could have just called her Red Herring and things would have made more sense.)

Kent:  Sometimes a big villain just feels lame.  Two examples of this were season 3 of Sons and Martha in season 4 of Fear TWD.  It didn’t work too well. I am just hoping that you know who comes in and immediately kills Marie.  Remember what happened to Lucy Gambaro? Yeah, let’s bump it up a notch. Also, where the hell is Maxine?

4.  Why did Vera drop down so soon if she was going to continue working as much as she did?  Also, why was she the go-to hostage this season? Did you like that they finally gave Linda “Smiles” Miles a bigger role?  Do you want to see more or less of her?

Raylene:  Perhaps her Governor, aka warden, role people saw her as the one where you could have the most leverage. I don’t think she really thought she’d have that many duties once she gave the role to Idiot. I enjoyed more of Linda’s role hopefully she’ll be able to keep herself out of trouble.  (Think about what the show would look like if the guards were just normal people who did their jobs and no focus was put on them.  Would it improve the show? I think in some ways it might. I know that the show tries to show how shitty people are whether in prison or on the outside, but it’s just not true to the extent that the show says it is.)

Jamie:  Pregnant ladies make good hostages apparently everyone wants to save them. Vera was important and didn’t have many enemies so she was a perfect hostage. I mean if she didn’t give up her role, Mr. Jackson would be done. Linda ehh didn’t really care what role they gave her.  (I think her pregnancy was the biggest reason that she was targeted.  For example, if Linda was the pregnant one instead, she would have been the hostage instead of Governor Vera, I think.  I’m really not sure. The first situation could very well have been simple bad luck. I don’t know. I have lots of hypotheticals floating in my head now.)

Kent:  I thought about this and I think that she dropped down because while she was to be away or to the doctors, it made sense to have one clear voice and leader.  It would have been difficult for Will to try to be a leader in Vera’s absence. Vera is always a great hostage candidate because she is generally liked by the prisoners, she is relatively tiny in stature, and then she was pregnant which causes everybody to lose their sensibilities.  I liked seeing more of Linda. It’s better than most of Will’s foolishness.

I find that I miss Fletcher more and more every season and they have really lousy male roles on this show. I know that it’s a big thing currently with women wanting better roles, but between this and Orange, most of the guys are caricatures of your typical male lead on the Lifetime movie of the week.  Obviously, I liked Derek Channing but he’s out of the picture. I liked Ray and Fletcher. You see where I am going with this. Will used to be a good character.

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