Fear The Walking Dead Television

Fear The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:5 Ep:13 “Leave What You Don’t”

This week, Logan and his group got killed by a newer bigger group led by Ginny. Luciana is now their prisoner and Wes wescued a girl. My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever.  The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.

1.  At some point, either in Fear TWD or normal TWD, they need to allow somebody to have that happy moment and not die within minutes, right?  As soon as Logan seemed to come to grips with the situation, I felt it was a foregone conclusion that he was gonna die. Doesn’t this cliche or trope need to change?

Bob:  I was saddened by his death in this manner.  They are try hards with shock factors. But these aren’t the shock factors that draw you into another episode. Sophie from TWD did that…. (The Sophie death is still one of the best show deaths on television with how they executed it.  Had they given us more of Logan’s story instead of going car to car on a ladder, maybe this death could have had some impact on the viewers.)

Raylene:  This does need to change I would think eventually things will work out and people can be happy without immediately getting killed.  (Think about how strange it will be to have someone have their happy moment and then not die.  That will feel like a crazy moment.)

Kent:  This happens in other shows too often as well, but Walking Dead is notorious for this.  This past season of Wentworth had a similar death with a character making peace with her situation.  I looked at my clock once I saw that Logan had altered his thought process. I wish I had a death clock in my room to count the seconds.  Deaths in a TV show shouldn’t be THAT predictable. Also, I really wish that they had kept Logan alive and had him and Luciana stay. I would have enjoyed hearing from Logan.  I didn’t like this death.

2.  Did you find it awfully convenient that none of the true leaders of the group were there for this showdown?  No Alicia, Strand, Daniel, Morgan, or Al. If they had been there, how would that have changed the situation, in your opinion?

Bob:  The riders group would not yet have made their approach. They picked the time where they were weakest on purpose.  (It definitely felt like a strategic time to show up.  It begs the question of how long have they been scouting and we can safely assume for most of the season, if not prior.)

Raylene:  Nothing would have changed there were too many in Ginny’s group.  (Maybe nothing would have changed.  I think it would have been quite different under various circumstances.  John’s gun had infinite ammo.)

Kent:  I took a note about halfway through, maybe sooner, when Alicia or June said something about Al and Morgan being too far out of range.  I even wrote in my notes “Al and Morgan out of range, how convenient”. Given the 5 big names missing, I’d say that Strand would have negotiated and accepted Luciana’s sacrifice.  Al would have accepted it too. Alicia and Morgan, I’m not sure how to read how they would have handled things now that Alicia is doing her thing. I feel that Morgan would have tried to convince them to keep him instead.  Daniel is the biggest wildcard. Would he have let Luciana sacrifice herself? Daniel may have played the long game, or because Luciana may have reminded him of his daughter, may have gone off on this group.

3.  Did you like the opening scene this week?  Did they give away too much?

Bob:  It was fine I suppose. The episode was waiting for the end.  (Yeah, and that is too typical of TV. Why not do a death in the middle sometimes or start off with a death and retell the story of how you got there?)

Raylene:  It was needed I enjoyed it we got some backstory on Logan which was needed to know why he ended up being jaded.  (I felt it was necessary and past due, to be honest.)

Kent:  I loved this week’s opening scene.  It was probably the best of the season.  My biggest regret is not getting to learn even more about Logan because he was most definitely an interesting character, and I do believe that he could have been redeemed.  Here’s the unfortunate thing, you also had that inkling that Logan was gon get got and the opening scene made more sense. I think that it was good, but I wouldn’t have killed him, as I have already stated.  He could have been a good source of interesting storytelling.

4.  Serena got “Wescued” at the last moment.  Are you glad that Wes is back in the fold?  Do you feel that Logan had any bit of redemption in the end?

Bob:  Logan got to feel good about himself. Wes is back in for good. (I Fear that we won’t get to learn much more about Wes this season, but I think that he will be around for awhile.)

Raylene:  It’s nice to have Wes/ Heath back. I feel he did have redemption but he needed to get away from the group he was with and ultimately he did.  (It is just a shame to not use an actor like Matt Frewer for more scenes.  I’ll miss Trashcan Man.)

Kent:  Wescued is a term that I hope to get to utilize more and more.  I like Wes, but he’s another character that I want to know more about.  Adding characters is one thing, but getting to know some of them is the key, and how you tell the story is most important.  I think that Logan had his moment of redemption, I think. He tried to give Serena an out before getting torn to shreds by walkers.  I know that some people may not view that as much of anything, but it was an opportunity to not endure that brutality, and you could see it in his eyes, as well.  That’s my take.

5.  In TWD, ammo seems to be very scarce, but they seemed to have plenty of fuel for a long time.  In FTWD, the inverse appears to be true. Do you have any theories on why this is the case?

Bob:  I will venture thus… Ammo was produced and stored in the TX/AZ areas especially being so close to the border. The petrol I would suggest two things.  Maybe TWD is in an area where refined petrol had to be stored since they don’t have crude preserves. In FTWD in TX they have reserved and fields and refining so as much storage isn’t as necessary. You won’t see the oil field scene in TWD.  (Ohhhhh, well done my padawan.)

Raylene:  Perhaps they have a Eugene in their group that knows how to make ammo. I think are main group has just been lucky with finding ammo.  (Lucky…..convenient……words that the show must live by.)

Kent:  I LOVE making up theories, as you guys know.  I wanted to say that there would be more gun owners in Texas which would also mean more ammo, which makes sense.  But they also have the oil fields, so you’d think more fuel as well. In TWD, I was surprised at how long they were using vehicles, so I am glad that they switched it up to horses.  It just made more sense….except how the hell are there so many horses alive? We haven’t seen a community that was taking care of a nice farm since Herschel’s. I now have more questions than I did when I started this response.

6.  What are your first thoughts on the Pioneers or Settlers group?  What nickname should they go by?

Bob:  When Dwight said Pioneers and that was it, I was like, yeah, Saviors. They should be called Manifest Destiny.  (1.  I love that name. 2. I always wished Destiny the video game didn’t have longest loading screens ever.)

Raylene:  As I said who is this bitch on the horse. I just didn’t like her. I felt that she, as an actress, was trying too hard. (I will give Ginny until the end of the season, even though the blog will feature far more instant reaction responses because that’s how things have to be.  Right now, I don’t think that she is going to click with the audience.)

Kent:  Ginny didn’t appeal to me in any capacity.  With that being said, I wasn’t fond of Alpha initially and ended up really liking her.  I really liked Martha initially but wasn’t a fan by the end. So my initial reaction is that we now truly have FTWD’s version of the Saviors.  Quite frankly, they’d be better off just traveling somewhere and write off their losses, but we know that can’t happen on this show. I find the timing weird to reveal this group in the 13th episode of a season.  All I know is that we need more deaths because killing Logan’s small crew didn’t solve the “too many people” problem. I would love to call this group The Posse because it has a western vibe to it and it eliminates any racial connotations. Thanks, LeBron James.

7.  Is Luciana going to have a Daryl or Eugene type experience being held by this new group, or will the group immediately try to rescue her?

Bob:  More like Eugene.  (It would almost have to be more similar to Eugene because Negan saw something different in Daryl than what he saw in Eugene.  I can’t see Ginny really trying to break Luciana to join her group.)

Raylene:  I think once she’s forced to teach them how to make gas she’ll be killed.  (Good, we need deaths on this show.  It makes me want to watch Too Many Cooks.)

Kent:  Luciana is more like Daryl in spirit and for that, I think she may have to listen to some Easy Street, which was just playing.  Seriously, I have a 427 song playlist shuffled, and that came on while doing my answers. I’m trying to think about how this will play out.  Luciana will meet a guy who was forced to join and they will end up growing a love interest. In the meantime, the main group will try to take out small groups, like TWD did with the outposts.  Realistically, that is the smart play if they are insistent on getting Luciana back. Then just when they have captured some of these Pioneers and agree to do an exchange for Luciana. Then Luci will get mad at Ginny and kill her, then somebody will shoot Luciana and then the shooting stops.  They agree to walk away with Luci’s new love interest. The following season, he will die in a revolving door and have the most gruesome FTWD death ever. Oh, and Strand will be there to watch.

Final Thoughts – I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s GMA (Glenn Memorial Award for the most inane aspect of the episode) nominee is.  What say you?

Bob:  When Wes Wescued woman with one shot. All the walkers were together and we hear one shot. Huge delay, more shots. I know it could work out that way, like she sees Wes and knows she is about to be Wescued by Wes, she Wescues herself from the first or nearest walker.  Then Wes Wescues her from the rest of the Walkers, thereby wescuing Logan from being bad and wescuing WAlicia and Stwand from failing so not one of them has to wallow in self pity. Witty, Walking Dead, vewy witty. (Everybody should be reading this in Elmer Fudd’s voice for maximum effect.)

Raylene: That Dwight let that guy go again. Really fool me once shame on you, but fool me twice I’m just an idiot. (Too many characters trying to have redemption instead of thinking about logic.)

Kent:  I have 2 nominees, one more obvious than the other.  John Dorie appeared to have found Herschel’s blacksmith and found a gun with unlimited ammo, or maybe he pressed up up down down left right left right B A.  I don’t know, but I don’t think we saw him reload ever. That one is obvious and great. But one thing that actually cracked me up more was when the walker was approaching John and June from behind.  June goes to grab her gun and then the walker is show. June then looks at her gun. Are you kidding me? You’re looking at your gun and not at who took the shot and may be after you next? REALLY? Looking at your gun, that was the decision?  

I want to offer this observation.  The actress that plays Grace is named Karen David.  Think back to season 4 of TWD. Patrick gets sick and he and Lizzie and Mika’s father get it too.  2 people get killed though and Tyrese went crazy on Rick and Daryl. We found out it was Carol who killed them.  The 2 character’s names were Karen and David. You’re welcome.

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