This week, Ginny’s group reinforced Morgan’s stick, Al almost got bitten, Grace is still dying but singing well with Daniel, and we met Tom. My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure. Any comments in BOLD are written by me. I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever. The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.
1. Did Morgan and Al’s adventure this week accomplish anything aside from Morgan getting a new stick? Speaking of which, Morgan got a new stick!!!!!!
Bob: Yes, they are terrified inside! (There are horror films named “Terrifier” and “Inside”. Both are better than this episode. Neither are suitable for 95% of the audience.)
Raylene: Not really but I’m pleased his stick is fixed. (Yes! The stick is back and just when he needs it most, it’ll break, or he will use it to kill Ginny.)
Kent: Uhmmmm, we met the super useful Tom. Ginny seemed even more pointless this week than last. No, nothing was accomplished aside from the new stick. Sooooo, trailers for Terrifier and Inside it is! This is not appropriate for children or Wimpy sacks, only for Hefty sacks. Millennials won’t get that one.
2. Daniel asked the question of the week. Which do you prefer: orange or grape soda?
Bob: Orange soda, hands down.
Raylene: Grape
Kent: Orange all the way, but add a scoop of good vanilla ice cream in either and you have yourself a dandy of a treat.
3. Sooo Grace is going to die now that Morgan is accepting being happy, right? I’m pretty sure I said this a few weeks ago. If you see this playing out any other way, let me know.
Bob: I will go out on a limb and say Grace has malaria. (I would like to join you on that limb, but it doesn’t like it can support me… financially.)
Raylene: It made sense that she would have the radiation poison because everyone else she was with did. Let’s not forget Alicia probably will have the same date. Yes, you called it RBT!! (A date with death? But what should she wear? Upon clarification, she meant fate instead of date, but she’s from the super Clarke family, so she can’t die.)
Kent: Grace is a really good character as far as her scenes aren’t terribly boring. We’re going to have at least one big death between now and the end of episode 16. Grace is gonna die and possibly sacrifice herself. This will make Morgan go into crazy mode again. I’m okay with crazy Morgan again. He’s more interesting.
4. Morgan didn’t feel the need to let Al know that there was a walker near her by the pool. Thoughts?
Bob: Uhhh I missed this perhaps…. (It’s okay. If the writers missed it as well, I would say it was entirely missable.)
Raylene: Seriously why was he so damn stupid. (He knows better! He learned from the great Carl Grimes and the murderer on AHS 1984.)
Kent: This one really, truly blew my mind. Not a single communication? Are the writers even trying anymore?
5. Which was the better TWD call back this week: Ginny dipping her finger in jam/jelly like Daryl did with peanut butter in season 4 or Grace singing beautifully like Beth did in season 3 (I think with Tom Waits’ “Hold On” among other singing)?
Bob: The singing was nice but not as genuine feeling as Beth’s. (It was the single greatest thing that Beth did on the show, per my recollection. Merle looks great in this.)
Raylene: Screw Beth and Daniel did it best. (Well, of course, Daniel did it best.)
Kent: I will opt for the singing because it irked me when Daryl did that with the peanut butter when it happened. Obviously, this is all just a ruse for me to play some Tom Waits.
Final Thoughts – There are only 2 episodes remaining in this season. Just sayin’. Give me you GMA (Glenn Memorial Award) nominee for the week for the most inane part of this week’s episode.
Bob: Al, please have a scratch on your arm. (Hahaha, I can see that. BUT wait! What if she finally tells us of this scratch right before she is reunited with Isabelle. What a tweest!!)
Raylene: You know my answer Al avoiding the bite underwater that was inches from her neck she would’ve gotten it. Such poop show as of late. (Well, the movement underwater is a tad more difficult for walkers. They aren’t Jaws or a 3 headed shark or even the monster from Hypothermia starring Michael Rooker.)
Kent: The preview next week leads me to believe that the group will be in a similar situation of severe struggle, just like the TWD group in season 5, right before they meet Aaron. For this week, the whole idea of the Tom character. Then they just hide in the minivan and the horse is practically telling the guy to check this out, and the idiot wasn’t having it. How fortuitous for our heroes! But the real answer is that Daniel is on the Tara diet where he is somehow gaining weight in the ZA. Tara at least had an excuse with her pregnancy. Daniel, what have you been doing?
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