This week, we saw the end of a Purge night. This will lead to us seeing how people recover for a full year to the next Purge. My name is Kent and I write the questions every week and I sometimes have people who answer them. If you are familiar with some of the other TV Show blogs that we do on the site, then you will recognize most of the names. If you would like to participate in the blog and answer my inane questions, please contact me at Please enjoy!
1. It appears that Tommy is going to get locked up for the bank robbery. Will he grow to resent his crew that he was with? Is he going to sit and plot for vengeance or do you think that he understood the risk?
Kent: I think that he understood the risk, but something bad will happen in prison and he will grow to resent his old crew and eventually plot revenge for whatever horrible thing happens to him. Just a guess. I also wish that Michael Cudlitz was the leader of the crew.
2. Esme clearly wasn’t following protocol by watching the lady professor get killed and then also made copies onto a thumb drive. Will Esme lose her job or will she keep it and spend her time using resources to uncover the mystery behind the files that the killer was seeking?
Kent: I can see it going one of two ways. I do think that she will keep her job for a little while, at the very least. This is where I am unsure. She can keep it all season, but that would mean that she is being blackmailed because we know that someone saw her. She could also lose the job after utilizing and abusing some of her resources to find answers. Then the second half, she’d be going rogue and calling in favors.
3. The one frat guy, Ben, got caught in a trap and then saved himself by murdering his assailant. Will he seek vengeance on his buddy that fled, Turner? Will he go after the whole fraternity?
Kent: I would love to see him just take out the whole fraternity. I think frats are one of the dumbest things ever. On the other hand, I like sororities because I like the horror films about them. I also like pillow fights.
4. What did you think about Marcus taking the chance on opening the car door, at night when the light would come on while the carious purgers were out? Will we discover that Marcus has a dark history?
Kent: If I am being honest, I don’t think that it was a smart play. Yes, it worked out for him, and you can argue that the guys across the street were distracted. But people have peripheral vision and we don’t know how many people were up there. I felt like there were safer options to run in the dark. I do think that Marcus has some skeletons in his closet and they will unfold and cause drama between him and his special lady friend.
5. Which of the 4 main stories was your favorite? Which one do you think has the best potential for the season?
Kent: The bank robbery stuff was my favorite. I think the frat stuff was obnoxious. I think the other two stories are going to be chock full of whiny drama. I hope that I am wrong.
Final Thoughts – Was the opening scene with the actress auditioning the best scene of the whole episode?
Kent: Yes, obviously.