American Horror Story Television

American Horror Story 9 Deuce 1984 Ep:7 “The Lady In White”

This week, Dylan McDermott and Lily Rabe returned. Lily played Benjamin’s crazy dead mom while Dylan was a cool looking killer with sadistic plans.  My name is Kent and I write the questions every week and I have a great group of people who answer them.  If you are familiar with some of the other TV Show blogs that we do on the site, then you will recognize most of the names.  If you would like to participate in the blog and answer my inane questions, please contact me at  Please enjoy!

1.  Was Lavinia (Ben and Bobby’s mom) simply playing Benjamin to get him to kill himself or was she being sincere in giving him good advice?  Did Benjamin do the right thing by killing himself?

Kristi:  I initially thought she was messing with him but, if she hated him so much, why would she want him there forever with her? I’m thinking he thinks he did the right thing. As for me, I no flipping clue.  (The thing about having him trapped with her seems odd and that is really what caused my confusion.)

Raylene: I think in that one moment when he reveals Bobby as the name she has her Mom moment. How will he protect his kid can he leave the camp?  (There’s another fantastic question.  Can he leave because he made the deal with Satan?)

Eric:  Killing yourself is never the answer. (Had Daenerys Targaryen killed herself, it would have saved a lot of folks.  But yes, I agree in the broader sense. I just wanted to bitch about GoT.)

Melanie:  Lavinia just wanted Ben dead like her favorite. She was an awful woman and I am glad she hasn’t seen Bobby. She doesn’t deserve it. Ben did the right thing. He got out of his contract with the devil and he can kill without consequence. (Melanie and I are actually discussing this as I write this.  I didn’t quite understand the idea of him getting out of the contract.  My interpretation was different, and that is why I was so confused. It makes no sense to kill yourself if the deal with Satan is still on the table.  I am glad to get this figured out before I said too many dumb things.)

Kent:  Damnit, I am just confused now.  I am not sure how this benefits baby Bobby unless Ben thinks that he can somehow keep Richard there permanently.  I think it was bad advice, but I truly have stumped myself. I don’t understand the contracts with Satan as well as I would like to.  

2.  Dylan McDermott made an appearance as Alex.  Was this a one-time appearance for the season or will we see more of him?  What purpose does Alex serve for this season’s story?

Raylene: I’d like to see him again perhaps in jail or hospital.  (I’m cautiously optimistic for another appearance, even if it is brief.)

Eric: I was glad to see Dylan McDermott. This will be it for him because he didn’t die at the camp and only those people come back. (Your logic makes sense while also making me sad.)

Melanie:  He is canceled with his wannabe serial killer ass. Bye Felicia! (Whenever I hear that phrase I think of Phylicia Rashad from The Cosby Show.  It somehow makes it better in my mind.)

Kent:  He will appear in one more episode.  Fact. (Per IMDB, it credits him as Bruce.  While watching on Closed Captioning, I swear that his name was Alex.  I’m having a bad week.)

3.  Was Kajagoogoo the most expendable band/performers on the festival list that included the following acts:

Billy Idol
Flock of Seagulls
The Go Go’s with Belinda Carlisle
Debbie Gibson
Dexy’s Midnight Runners
Men Without Hats
Rick Springfield
Paul Shaffer
Toni Basil
Thompson Twins
Gary Numan

Raylene: It seems like it was

Eric:  I guess so? 

Melanie:  Yes, just because the name is fun to say…Kajagoogoo.  (It really is the most fun one to say. I don’t know who the second most fun one is. Flock of Seagulls or Dexy’s Midnight Runners would be choices.)

Kent:  Based on these responses, this question was clearly awful.  Still, I’d rather see Men Without Hats or Toni Basil get got.

4.  What will Margaret’s reaction be to Trevor and Montana’s fling, or whatever you want to call it?

Raylene: I don’t think it will phase her but seeing Ben will rattle her.  (I’m surprised that you don’t think that she will go all possessive bitch on his ass.)

Eric:  She will go ballistic because she only has Trevor because Montana is dead. (That’s how I see it too.  The ladies disagree with us.  What’s new?)

Melanie:  She will not care. She doesn’t give a shit about Trevor. 

Kent:  I’d like to think that I’m a bit of an expert on crazy bitches.  Even though she doesn’t really care about Trevor, she will want him to not be happy.  That’s how it goes.

5.  Are there any other 80’s horror films that you want to see involved in some way this season that we haven’t seen referenced in some capacity?

Raylene: Nightmare on Elm Street  (Really?  After years of being terrified of Freddy?)

Eric:  No

Melanie: Not really

Kent:  Where to begin?  Chopping Mall is a good start.  Killer Klowns From Outer Space would also be great.  What about some Maximum Overdrive? All kidding aside, I want to see a future generation around the campfire telling stories.  I always enjoy that cliche.

Final Thoughts – Will we see “ghost” Bobby this season?  Also, the Ask Kent Anything option is always available.

Raylene: Maybe he’ll come and finally give his mother some peace. I don’t think I’m getting all 8 season tie ins.

Eric: I am not sure. 

Melanie:  No. Bobby crossed over because he was without sin. Also, I gave thought to your question from last week. I think Satan’s gang would be called the Beelzebub Boys. (Ohhhhh, I like it. Backstreet Boys may take umbrage.)

Kent:  Rather than provide anything thoughtful here, I will simply copy and paste my conversation with Melanie.

Kent: Hey, in the blog, you said that Ben got out of his contract with the devil. How did he get out of it? I had things to say but now you are making me question myself, hahaha.

Melanie:  Because he killed himself. Dying and staying dead I think is the only way out?

Kent:  Would that essentially mean that he is also stuck at camp then?

Melanie:  I think so? Unless something happens at the camp and releases all the souls?

Kent:  Interesting theory. I spent a lot of time thinking about this. Because if his goal is to protect Bobby, being a “ghost” at the camp isn’t the most helpful tactic, but breaking his deal makes it more understandable.

Melanie:  Yes. But Bobby was without sin, so he isn’t going to be there. He went onto Heaven…or nowhere…or Chick-fil-a, depending on what you believe in. (Now I wished I added that to my answer, lol)

Kent:  I’ve never been to a Chick-fil-a, but I would like to. And I may just add this small conversation to the end of the blog, haha.

Melanie:  Love it!!

We then talked about food for a few minutes.  Yes, it’s sad but true. I’ve never been to a Chick-Fil-A.  Ghost Bobby will be teased and it will happen. It feels like something that they would do.  Major props to Lily Rabe for this episode. That girl can act. I love her and always look forward to her.

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