This week, Ben is now spending time with his mom and brother, Richard and Dylan are becoming a dynamic duo, and there was a character named Stacey. My name is Kent and I write the questions every week and I have a great group of people who answer them. If you are familiar with some of the other TV Show blogs that we do on the site, then you will recognize most of the names. If you would like to participate in the blog and answer my inane questions, please contact me at Please enjoy!
1. Can Donna become the first 80’s black “Final Girl”?
Raylene: I say yes since she was one of my final picks. (Donna seems destined to last. I can’t say that I will be shocked if she dies, but I say there is a 70% chance that she lives when I play out the various scenarios in my head. The real one to watch is for Rita who got screwed over and kinda forgotten. She could want her vengeance.)
Kent: No, only because Kelly Jo Minter did it in 1989 in Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child. She played the role of Alice’s super best friend, Yvonne Miller. I really wish that they could have gotten her for a scene where she wished Donna’s character good luck when she was younger or something.
2. Are you feeling let down by how Benjamin’s story played out this week? Also, was Bobby jumping out from the water just too blatant of a rip off from Friday the 13th or are there no real boundaries?
Raylene: I felt like I was watching you play the video game and Ben’s story was crap. (This season is really missing a character named Chad.)
Kent: I was very disappointed because JCL is giving an all-time AHS performance, and I feel like this episode sunk his battleship, just a little. One could easily argue that there are no boundaries or limits. That is fine, but then it can also be called incredibly lazy. That’s what that was, even if it was to be expected to finish the commonalities between this and F13. It’s funny that Jingles is almost a Tommy Jarvis character if you think about it. Also, why isn’t Alice Cooper part of this festival? I could go on and on about F13 correlations and missed opportunities.
3. Will the curse at the camp finally be broken in the finale? If yes, do you think anybody will be doomed to stay if others are finally allowed to leave?
Raylene: I hope so I mean as it is now Ben just going to let his Bobby die basically. I say Margaret will be cursed to the camp. (If anybody is going to be stuck there, I think it is safe to assume Margaret is the prime candidate.)
Kent: I think the curse could get lifted, but that isn’t really AHS’ style, now is it? Consider the other haunted locales in the series. Secondly, it would do no good to lift the curse and then only keep 1-3 truly bad people there because they will just go on killing everybody. It’s gotta be an all or nothing approach to maintain consistency, in my opinion.
4. How do you think Dylan McDermott’s character’s story wraps up? Also, do you believe that his name is Alex, as my closed captioning claims or Bruce, as IMDB claims? Do you like him and Richard working together?
Raylene: I think he dies before the curse is lifted so he’ll continue to kill. It’s ok to see him with Richard.
Kent: I love the pairing of him and Richard. I only wish that we’d gotten it sooner in the season. I truly enjoy their chemistry. I am hoping that his name is Bruce, but I have no confirmation on this. He’s going to die at camp and be offered Satan’s services, I think. Unless Richard is just using him and then gets tired of him. Anything is on the table when it comes to Richard, which is why he is the second-best character of the season, and maybe the best, depending on how they wrap up Ben’s season.
5. Did Stacey’s character waste the viewer’s time this week? Any additional thoughts on her?
Raylene: She was just a filler story but how many know that Brooke is alive is there a manhunt for her now? (I think this is one of those things where Stacey had the scoop and probably didn’t tell anybody in fear of not being the first to write the story. That is very much a characteristic of reporters in general, real and fake ones. Just look at Greg Cote reporting Lebatard’s marriage.)
Kent: The title of this episode could have simply been “We’re gonna waste your time” because not only did Stacey waste my time, I felt half of this episode was wasted time that could have been spent furthering better stories. Stacey was worthless and I did a fist pump when she got got.
Final Thoughts – Aside from the litany of musicians that may or may not appear, we have a handful of characters who are still alive. That list includes Margaret, Brooke, Donna, Trevor, Courtney, Bruce/Alex, and possibly Richard depending on your philosophy. Out of this list, how many finish the season alive? List them if you really want to brave. Also, any final predictions are welcome.
Raylene: Donna and Courtney. God, I hope Billy Idol makes an appearance.
Kent: Rita should kill Donna, but AHS may want to be super Hollywood and make a statement with not killing Donna. I like Donna, and I am good with either outcome, but I feel that Rita deserves vengeance. Trevor dies, or so it appears from the preview. Dylan’s character seems likely to die. Margaret is pretty obvious at this point, but I would honestly love her and Richard to be the final survivors. Brooke is the tough one. If Brooke dies, Donna survives and vice versa. Richard will survive 1989, I think. Courtney is interesting. He could be a quick throwaway kill with someone trying to get to Margaret, or Margaret getting pissed off. I think we’d all be happy with Courtney living, so he’ll die. I have Donna and Richard surviving.
I’d also be okay with nobody surviving while I listen to this song.