American Horror Story Television

American Horror Story S:6 Ep:9 – 9 Deuce Discussion – The LEEast Important Person Survives Edition

AHS S6 Ep9 9 Deuce

Hello ladies and gentlemen.  I would like to welcome you to the only AHS blog that asks the 9 Deuce.  I am your Negative Nancy of a host, Kent, and I am joined by my 4 lovely contributors, Melanie, Cece, Kelly, and Stefanie.  They all say hi.  So here’s how this goes.  I ask 11 questions, and the ladies and I answer them. They tend to have a more positive perspective, while I am typically the pessimistic prick.  We share a common goal in enjoying this show and we all want the best damn show that this can be.  So whether you are enjoying or loathing this season, there will most likely be a perspective that you find yourself agreeing with.  With all of that out of the way, let’s talk about Chapter 9.


The 9

  1. Are you happy that Lee ended up as the survivor?


Melanie:  I predicted it, so yup I am pretty pleased with myself.

Cece:  I’m happy that my first prediction was right. However, I’m not satisfied with her ever since her confession. I don’t think she deserved to live.

Kelly: I’m not surprised; there was a good chance she and/or the real Shelby would make it through.

Stef:  Though she was my original prediction, no. She turned out to be someone more rotten than I thought she was. And considering even after being axed, and thrown down into a basement, Audrey managed to survive, only to be gunned down in a heartbeat. Annoying.  (Kent:  In all fairness, Audrey shouldn’t have lasted that long, under almost any normal circumstances.)

Kent:  Are you asking me if I am happy that the LEEast interesting character survived, ha, hell no.  She killed one of the most likable characters in Mason.


  1. Who did you want to be the final victim out of Audrey, Monet, the remaining Polks, and Dylan?

Melanie:  Polks, so gross. I was pulling for Dylan being a veteran and all. (Kent:  I found myself pulling for Dylan, but then remembered what season we were in.  I couldn’t call a bookie fast enough to take my money that he would be the next to die.)

Cece:  Audrey; which, she was.

Kelly: My first desire a few episodes ago was Sidney, but since that ship has sailed, I would have taken Monet out of those four options.  (Kent: Yeah, they absolutely dropped the ball with Sidney.)

Stef:  Well all I really wanted was see ALL of the Polks die, but it appears as though one managed to get away. ugh And the fact that a highly military trained man didn’t make it as long as the girls was a little disheartening. (Kent: Hmmmm, it’s almost like Ryan Murphy is sexist, isn’t it?  Trained military dude or dumb bitches, and the dumb bitches survive.  LOGIC!!!!)

Kent:  Monet, so we could have had Lee vs Lee.  Basically, I would have been happy with anybody that wasn’t Audrey, but……fuck man.


  1. Did you find the shaky cam/go pro camera stuff in the beginning to work for this season, or do you just hate shaky cam?

Melanie:  I like the shaky cam in AHS as they actually let you see what is going on. I HATE shaky camera angle when you can’t see shit. (Kent: Yeah, when you can’t see what you want, it causes issues as well, I agree.  It’s lazy filming.  Trust me, I’ve resorted to it before.)

Cece:  I think it worked with the story pretty well, but I am anal about shaky filming because it bugs me.  (Kent: It’s downright irritating, so I’m with ya on this.)

Kelly: It’s not my style so I could have gone without it.

Stef:  I usually really hate shaky cam because very often it will almost make me nauseous, but this time it didn’t seem to bother me much.

Kent:  I usually really hate shaky cam…..and this is no different.  There’s no need for it, ever, unless you are watching COPS.  To present a story properly, we should have a clear view of what is happening from whatever perspective it is.  Then lazy fucks thought to use it, and keep using it, and it’s just a terrible cliché in horror now.


  1. Did you like how Audrey’s final scene played out?

Melanie:  I spent the whole time wondering if it was all a sham and she was still possessed, so yes.

Cece:  No. I wish she could have gotten away too.

Kelly: Hell no! The woman had been through hell, at the hands of Lee even, and THAT’S how she died? Pathetic writing.  (Kent: I concur with your last 2 words.  She deserved it.)

Stef:  NO! I thought that was bullshit. She was shot down by SEVERAL police, immediately. Wishing she had gotten in a terminating shot at Lee so at least her death wouldn’t have been in vain.

Kent:  No.  She got cleaved by the collarbone, yet the cops just lift her up by the arms, and no real huge signs of pain.  Way to sell your injury!  Way to write something that makes no sense.  The cops would have seen this injury and helped her in a different way.  But boy, did I love seeing that bitch soak up bullets like a sponge.  Best part of the whole episode!  I had hoped that they wouldn’t find Audrey until she had starved to death, but you can’t always get what you want, like a good finish to what had been a good season.  I have no idea what my friends here see in Audrey’s character, BUT this is why the blog exists to get various viewpoints, no matter how many times I shake my head adamantly, and then get a headache.  Every single week, haha.


  1. Are you excited to see Lana Winters next week?

Melanie:  Yessss!!! I can’t wait.

Cece:  Sure!

Kelly: As you know from our personal discussions as well as my opinions so far during this blog, this isn’t my favorite season. In fact, I enjoyed Asylum AND Freak Show more than this. So seeing Lana Winters next week isn’t specifically going to make me jump for joy. What will make me jump for joy is the fact that this hogwash is over. (Kent:  It’s weird, because I really liked the first 75% of this season, but under the guise that they would tie up loose ends.  With that appearing to be unlikely, I may be forced to say that this is worse than Asylum, but probably still better than Freak Show.  Rest assured, next week I’m going to irritate all of you with ranking all six seasons and I can see the eye rolling now. 

Stef:  I will admit my first reaction was total surprise when they showed next week’s preview, however my thoughts instantly switched to the next question… (Kent……nodding my head)

Kent:  For about 5 seconds, yes.  Then reality hit me, and she was from Asylum, which sucked in my opinion, especially her character, and nostalgia got pushed aside for logic. Why does middle Lana look worse than older Lana?  Is she gonna kill Lee?  Just a thought, get vengeance for her doppelganger.


  1. Do you see any issue with a character from Asylum in 1964 appearing in 2016, played by the same person?

Melanie:  No and she has aged so well, lol.  (Kent: Yeah, ain’t that some shit, right?  She looks younger now than she did then.)

Cece:  It doesn’t work so well with timelines and continuity…. (Kent: How dare you question the great and powerful Oz…I mean Murphy! Lana met Lady Gaga, who introduced her to a witch, played by Lady Gaga, and that is how the timeline works out so incredibly well!)

Kelly: Nothing surprises me about characters in this series because people come back from other eras. She could be dead for all we know which would explain her youth after all these years later. And maybe, if she did die, she didn’t die in a murderous house or hotel and can roam freely. We don’t know yet.  (Kent: Woah woah woah, put down Pandora’s Box and do not open it.  This could get ugly fast.  What if All characters played by Sarah Paulson joined all of Jessica Lange’s character and sang The Name Game?  Come on, you’d watch the hell out of that and it would be a guilty pleasure, like midget films.)

Stef:  The whole timing thing irks me. They need to pay more attention to details like this. As cool as the whole tie-in could potentially be, they need to get their shit together in terms of making things more realistic. And if they wanted to bring Sarah in as Lana Winters at all during the season, maybe Audrey should’ve been played by someone else.  (Kent: I think just using a different actress for older Lana, or have her daughter ask the questions, or just bring in Adam Levine because this season is just pandering at this point.) 

Kent:  Is Ryan Murphy even trying anymore?  Does anybody else stop him and get in his ear and say: “Listen Ryan, we know that you have a raging clue for Sarah, and you show that by ramming her down the audience’s throat season after season, but for one episode, maybe we should get an actress that is in her 70’s or 80’s.”  To which Ryan Murphy would then suggest that he’s got a fever and the only cure is more man ass!


  1. Is it time to give us a break from Sarah Paulson, or do you want to see her as much as you can every season?

Melanie:  I love her, so I do enjoy seeing her. I am VERY happy to not listen to that accent.  (Kent: it really is the worst accent that I have heard in quite some time.)

Cece:  I love Sarah Paulson, but I haven’t loved her characters in the even seasons. (Kent: I 100% agree with that, although I think she did a great job as Dot and Bette, but I disliked them.)

Kelly: I’d rather see her in a better role, such as Sally or Dot/Bette.  (Kent: Hopefully Sally and Lana can shoot up before the interview.  I’d be so pumped.)

Stef:  I don’t mind her, honestly. I really couldn’t care either way.

Kent:  Yeah, yes, si, oui, hell yes!  Her character was great in Hotel because we didn’t have to see her every 3 minutes, and her talent shined in smaller doses.


  1. Is Ryan Murphy sexist?

Melanie:  Against men maybe…

Cece:  I don’t think so.

Kelly: I don’t think so.

Stef:  Kent, you’re just pissed that a dude didn’t survive. lol  (Kent: While I totally agree with you, I am adamantly pissed about this horrible horror cliche, if you do read my tirade directly below, you will see that I have made a legitimate argument.  Whether you agree with it or not, that’s entirely your prerogative.  Really though, Dylan is an experienced military man and lasted like 1/200th the time that Audrey did?  Really?)

Kent:  No, he still loves dat man ass!  Seriously, he has stopped giving great roles to men, which is a major hit to the overall character development.  If you want to do this, just go to E! or Lifetime.  I want to state that he did great in the first 2 seasons.  Both men and females were featured very equally, and both sexes had roles in which they were allowed to be stars.  Then Coven happened, and Aside from Axe Man, the male characters weren’t great in that season, but it was about witches, and that was fine, it made sense.  But they lost Quinto, McDermott Cromwell, and Joseph Fiennes with Kathy Bates and Angela Bassett.  He even managed to make Evan Peters awful.  Still, it made sense to a degree for that particular season, so I give him a pass.  Well, Freak Show comes along, and Evan is somehow shittier, a big percentage of the males are gay, Twisty is killed off too soon, and you are left with Dandy and Neil Patrick Harris’ characters, which is fine, but once again, most of the good roles are given to females.  Being gay doesn’t mean that it’s a good role, as there are shitty gay roles.  Season 5, they tried to bring things back.  They developed a great male character is Liz, Evan had his best season, Wes Bentley was suddenly interesting, and…..well that was it, but that was an improvement.  Still dominated by far more females, BUT at least 3 big male roles were awesome.  Then this season.  Aside from short roles from Cricket, Dr. Cunningham, and Sidney, where the fuck were the good male characters?  The character of Matt sucked, and Dom was solid, but another short role.  Pig Head had the best male role, which is saying loads for this terrible season.  So 3 out of the past 4 seasons have been incredibly unbalanced while the other 3 were simply balanced, not male dominated, just balanced.  I’m not making this stuff up, and I have presented my case.  Murphy needs to get his head out of his dick and make AHS great moving forward.  He knows how to.  Can we get some hot lesbian action with nudity next season?  I mean, we can show asses and we are supporters of the gay community, so let’s see some of that!!!!  One of them can be Asian, that would add diversity.  Let’s get these girls represented on screen Mr Murphy, unless you hate lesbians.


  1. Do you think that the remaining, living Polk will play a role in the finale?


Melanie:  The kids maybe, but not that dude or he will present himself as a changed person to get his kids back.

Cece:  Maybe so. It would be cool.

Kelly: Yes I do. He could have died that last episode, but they let him go so he’s got to have some significance.

Stef:  The thought has crossed my mind… maybe he’ll see Lee on t.v. and try to hunt that bitch down.

Kent:  He should, BUT this season has been about huge, wasted opportunities.  This isn’t even a huge opportunity.  I will go with no.  If you can’t find time to explain the various things that I will be bitching about 2 questions from now, then don’t tell me you have time on a wasted character.  I like everything that the ladies above me suggested and I would happily steal from their ideas and claim that they were mine originally, but I don’t think it’s happening.


Bonus Deuce

  1. We have one more episode left, and we’ve seen the preview. Realistically, is there any way that we see Jessica Lange this season?

Melanie:  No

Cece:  I don’t think so. But it is possible.

Kelly: I find it unlikely, but as always, I hold hope for next season.

Stef:  Oh my gosh, I’m still hoping she’ll pop in there… even just for a few minutes.

Kent:  If I say no now, it will make it look like I don’t know what hell I am talking about, but you know, I told you that Lee murdered Mason, I told you that Lee would be a far more sinister character than anticipated, and I told you that Lange and Taissa would be on this season.  So yeah, we will get Lange.  If I am wrong, I totally expect to get made fun of, and look forward to it.


  1. Is there any unfinished business in your opinion, where you feel like you were left hanging, and with only one episode left, you are fearing that you won’t get closure on something?

Melanie:  Is Lee still possessed?  Will she be charged for anyone’s murder?  Will they use any of the footage?  (Kent: Technically she would have to be charged.  We are seeing this found footage, and is being aired.  So there’s no covering that up really, well there shouldn’t be, but I am dying for the inane technicality.  Whether she is still possessed is a good question as I am curious if you have to be within for many feet to remain possessed.  If not, why aren’t there more whackos out there?)

Cece:  Somewhat. I was hoping for more character development this season, which didn’t happen much, due to people dying so quickly. (Kent: Character Development?  What the hell is that?  We’re doing a horror show where we have Taiwanese people crawling on the ceilings for no reason! And you love it!)

Kelly: Priscilla and Flora for sure as well as Dr. Cunningham. Oh, and the nurses too. I wish we had seen more of them.  (Kent: Sigh……everything you just said…..sigh.  That’s how they use the great Dennis O’Hare?)

Stef:  Not really sure… I don’t think so. However, we never did get anymore back story about your girl Priscilla.  (Kent: Priscilla went on to take over as the Supreme after Gaga wanted to go into semi-retirement.  She also hates evil whores like her idol, the Butcher.  But really, they couldn’t give us the final piece to her puzzle in something that could have taken as little as 30 seconds?  I need to see Sarah Paulson and her fucking accent more instead of things that would have developed characters and told a richer story._  

Kent:  Oh gee, what a handsome question.  Yeah, how about character development for one?  How about who Priscilla’s father is?  How about, why the hell are the Chen’s a bunch of creepy ceiling crawlers?  Why is the one nurse an evil whore?  Why was Dylan the first guy to check on the place?  Why did we just waste Dr. Cunningham so quickly?  Is anybody 100% with Pig Head’s overall story, or would you like to know why he did what he did?  Oh, this last episode may touch on one of these topics if I’m lucky and then I will be left with a bunch of unanswered questions.  That’s awesome.  That’s really good, talented writing right there.  But please, give me more Sarah Paulson because we have barely seen her this season.

On a personal note, I hate to admit this, but I have checked out of this season, but I am 90% through, so of course I am going to trudge through.  I really hope that this last episode is amazing, and it would bring me great joy.  I am cheering this show on.  With that being said, I am a realist, and they supplied us with a solid first ¾ of a season and then it appears that they have flipped us off.  I’m hoping for the best and expecting the worst, and I hate that feeling because this show is so good when it clicks together.  When it doesn’t, it becomes the aspects of horror that I loathe.  As a horror fan, this season is doing what so many bad horror films do.  As of right now, I am not Kentertained!!!  I’d rather watch Nightmare on Elm Street 2, the bad one, than to sit through more shitty episodes.  So please, give your fans a great final episode.  No, you know what, screw that.  Give fans like me, who have proven to be loyal to a fault, an episode that makes me say that this ended up great.  Make this cynic a believer again.  From my perspective, you have won over my colleagues to various degrees.  Now win over your legit horror fans who have sat through cliche after cliche waiting for that moment when it’s awesome.  Also, anybody else remember those teasers before the season?  We need to talk about those next week.

Thank you to Melanie, Cece, Kelly, Stef, and Russell Crowe.  Without all of you, none of this would be possible.

All pictures used in this blog are for review purposes. They are the property of the FX Network, Ryan Murphy, and whoever else is involved.

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