This week, AHS celebrated its 100th episode. Richard was apprehended, Benjamin started a new life in Alaska, and Brooke got executed and then rescued. My name is Kent and I write the questions every week and I have a great group of people who answer them. If you are familiar with some of the other TV Show blogs that we do on the site, then you will recognize most of the names. If you would like to participate in the blog and answer my inane questions, please contact me at Please enjoy!
1. Thankfully, Trevor is still alive. Leslie Jordan returned as Courtney. Margaret is on the Lifestyles of the Rich and famous and buying up various properties, including Briarcliff from season 2’s Asylum. Talk about any of this and whether you think that Trevor will try to kill Margaret before the end of the season.
Kristi: I’m enjoying this season. I enjoy that Margaret is married to Trev. He annoyed me and she makes him miserable so that’s a win. Trevor will try to kill her. I’m confused as to if it will happen because she is an evil genius. Crazy bitch but smart. (Crazy people tend to be intelligent, but not always focused on the right things. Like, they are so overly focused on one thing but not the surroundings.)
Raylene: It’s an interesting concept what she’s doing I can see it making money in today’s society. I also feel that Ben is owed the kill of Margaret. (This stuff will always be popular because people are curious creatures and want to experience something scary while being safe. It makes sense.)
Eric: I don’t think Trevor will kill Margaret until he knows all the properties are profitable. He may have her do his bidding because of the whole you aren’t required to testify against your spouse thing and he knows so much about her cray cray. (It’s funny to me because I feel that both characters think that they have the upper hand. Trevor gave too much away, I fear.)
Melanie: So much happening that I am not ok with. Why is Margaret still a thing? Is Trevor a ghost human hybrid? Trevor will not kill Margaret, he is enjoying the money crazy train as a ghost human hybrid. Not sure who will as Margaret was a dick to so many people. (I would say that Trevor is simply alive. I think the explanation about how close to death he was, works on some level. If he was a ghost hybrid, it would stand to reason that he’d be stuck with everybody else at Camp Redwood.)
Kelly: There was so much happening this episode, I have many questions! Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous was pretty cheesy. Funny they mentioned Briarcliff (my husband predicts she may buy up Murder House). Trevor very well may kill Margaret but I wonder if she’ll return to the camp for this music festival happening and then will meet her untimely end (perhaps Trevor will be the one to drive her there?) (Have you ever seen any of the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous? I’m guessing no based on your age. I was very young when I saw it. I was waiting for the Murder House purchase. Here’s the thing, I am guessing it won’t happen. I say this because I don’t think that they are going to deeply incorporate Murder House this season because they just did it last season. So the easy tie in was in the property montage. Now, that is what I think. With that being said, I wouldn’t at all be shocked to see them trying this in and giving us at least 10-30 minutes about Murder House, and they could do this quite easily. I honestly want this to happen, but my gut reaction is not to get hopeful. Something has to let me down or piss me off this season, I don’t want it to be this missed opportunity.)
Kent: What, nobody wanted to talk about Leslie Jordan’s fabulous hair? I am quite surprised. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing him again. It was a quaint surprise for me. Everything else that I can say has been said in response to other people’s thoughts.
2. Brooke refused Richard’s offer, gets executed, and is now revived by Donna. Should she have accepted Richard’s offer? Can Brooke trust Donna? How in the hell is Donna able to do what she just did?
Kristi: She made the right choice. She didn’t want to be Satan’s servant. I feel like that’s a solid decision. Brooke can’t trust anyone but I think Donna will change her ways. I think she will be a part of this until the end. She’s a nurse, I’m guessing she knows how to counteract the meds. Or she is with satan and he has some way of making dead people come to life. Although, since she denied him, maybe not? (While I agree with you on her making the right choice, if I may, I would like to make a counterpoint. Richard seems to be having a lot of fun being Satan’s servant and most everybody else seems bitter and pissy. Maybe there is something to this. Donna has to change her ways, right?)
Raylene: I think she had accepted that she was to die so no taking his offer. I am to assume she researched or knew what drug to inject to start the heart again. I’d be very leery if I were Brooke to trust anyone. (I remember when Stone Cold Steve Austin said “DTA..Don’t Trust Anyone.)
Eric: Donna is satan and she can do what she wants. (I love where your head is at here. Kristi also brought this up. As I said, people seem to be Livin’ la Vida Loca working for Satan, so maybe Donna realized that was her best way to quench her thirst for knowledge. People sell their souls for strange things, so it wouldn’t be terribly surprising in this scenario. By the way, I really like Angelica Ross, the actress playing Donna.)
Melanie: Brooke didn’t want to accept the offer because she doesn’t trust anyone. Can you blame her? Donna is a confident woman who knows how to incapacitate people to impersonate them and get things done. (Donna strikes me as a person who is on a whole other level of thinking and planning than anybody else on the show. I hope that they give us a little bit to see how she hatched her plan to get into the prison.)
Kelly: I’m glad she didn’t accept the offer. I think it sucks she got convicted, but I’m glad she is back because her story is totally not over. Maybe she’ll be the one to finally end Margaret? She should be… I think Brooke may be able to trust Donna now. We might learn some more secrets on her intentions in the next episode. And although I could have taken the time to research if it is possible to resuscitate someone after lethal injection, I didn’t. So I’m as clueless as anyone else. (Research? This is 9deuce! We throw out random inane ideas with aplomb. I did look it up and while I didn’t find the answer that I was looking for, I may have found something better. The best answer for the question was answered by a man named Kent. This was the only site that I opened up and I am good with calling that fate.)
Kent: I’m getting bummed out because I truly don’t have a logical way to make Brooke crazy as I had boldly predicted. I think that twist would potentially ruin the season now. Donna is slowly climbing my favorite character of the season charts. Has she been played by Adina Porter, I bet the character would suck.
3. Benjamin was not happy living with Richard, so he got a crowd to swarm and attack Richard. Benjamin became Donald, got with a former prostitute named Lorraine and had a baby. Donald then comes home from working at Videoshack only to find Lorraine murdered by Richard. Donald drops Bobby (the baby) off at Lizzie’s (Lorraine’s sister) house and is back in black and jingling his keys. What is Benjamin’s end goal here? Do you like his hair cut short? Is he strictly seeking out Richard or possibly Margaret as well?
Kristi: Benji is pissed! His inner Jingles will come out. I think he will go after Marge and Dick. I’m thinking he will try to kill the dead kids also. Maybe some kind of redemption for being accused? I do like the short hair. He looks less murdery. (I liked both “inner Jingles” and “less murdery”. Now, when you say Dick, I admit that I thought you were talking about Trevor briefly because the show obviously has alluded to that aspect of Trevor’s character.)
Raylene: I think he is out for Margaret more so. I mean he does realize that Richard can’t be killed but perhaps he’ll do something to him for Lorraine. (What if Jingles pledges his services to Satan in order to screw Richard over? What if Jingles contacts Papa Legba? Jingles still has options, I think.)
Eric: Ben is now out for blood. Coming home and finding your wife murdered after changing your life would definitely flip the switch in anyone’s life. (I read your opening sentence and thought of John Carroll Lynch dressing up like Rambo and then as The Crow. He could go the Crow route to an extent and it would be fairly badass.)
Melanie: As a person too familiar with serial killers, this is actually how Richard Ramerez gets caught. He does something stupid in broad daylight and gets beat the fuck up by an angry mob. Ben is going back to kill anyone he can. He is put for blood. (Damnit Melanie! That was going to be my only useful tidbit for this question was the knowledge of Richard’s real capture. I loved how they filmed it. It was really well done.)
Kelly: We could have predicted this as soon as we were introduced to Lorraine and the baby, I certainly did. I assume Ben is going to find a way to end Richard once and for all. Also, I have a suspicion Bobby ties into Apocalypse since there was a demonic revenge sign taped to him when Ben discovers him. Spawn of Satan? I think he’ll only pursue Margaret if she’s at the festival with them. Two birds one… knife? I got jokes. (Wait, wait, wait. You mean to tell me that you predicted that a random character introduced halfway through the season and one of only 2 viable ties to Benjamin, while being a former prostitute, was gon get got? You do know, there has to be somebody out there that didn’t see it coming. I just can’t imagine who that would be. I like the Bobby theory. The jokes, they were the key part of your statement on Jingles. See, I said key. Ballin!!!!)
Kent: Since Melanie viciously stole my response, I will say that I loved everything that Ben did in the opening scene. He played some REO Speedwagon, drank his Tab. It was a thing of beauty. As a matter of fact, I loved all of the music used in the opening with Billy Idol and Black Sabbath. This has been, hands down, the best season for music. I also enjoyed “Home Sweet Home”.
4. Speaking of Richard, he got locked up in prison, then tried to help Brooke. He then did his little ritual and got a guard to set him free. What is Richard’s end goal here? Is he looking to cause as much chaos as possible, kill Ben, maybe seek vengeance on Brooke?
Kristi: Talk about looking murdery. This dude! His goal is to kill and make Satan happy. Murder. That’s his thing. He wants that. (Shit, you brought back murdery. I love not reading these responses ahead of time. I know that they couldn’t use it for a couple of reasons, but I really kept thinking of Snoop Dogg’s “Murder Was The Case” and Dr Dre and Ice Cube’s “Natural Born Killas” with Richard this week. If they can find it in their hearts to skip 3 years and have Jingles mess people up to Pantera’s “Walk”, I would be elated.)
Raylene: He wants to make sure the Night Stalker is never forgotten leaving a legacy for years to come. So I think he’s out to kill as many people as possible. (Yeah, I think legacy has to matter a little for a guy like Richard. He’s a complicated guy, so maybe not.)
Eric: He wants to leave as much carnage in his path as possible. It doesn’t matter who. (I’m trying to think of fun people for Richard to try killing. If AHS had the budget, it would just be a blast to see him take on all the action film stars of the 80’s.)
Melanie: I think he wants to convert people over to be in Satan’s gang. He will kill anyone who says no, starting with Brooke. (Serious question here. If Satan had a gang, what would that gang be named? Tell me in next week’s final thoughts.)
Kelly: All of the above, yes. Potentially no revenge on Brooke though because she didn’t do anything to him really (that I can recollect at least). (I can see him being cool with Brooke, plus I’m not sure that Brooke is gonna die this season. She had her near-death already. She still seems like the logical Final Girl.)
Kent: I think that Richard first and foremost, wants to enjoy some music at the festival. Then he can cause some carnage in such a large group. People drift away from the big group and make for perfect targets. It works on many levels.
5. Xavier and Montana are having a wonderful time killing people. Xavier explained that he was trying to do the right thing with Bertie and Margaret and got killed for it. Given his circumstances and that he is probably going to be lurking at Camp Redwood for eternity, can you really blame him? Also, why is Ray not joining in on the fun?
Kristi: Ray is still in human mind. I’m thinking he doesn’t want others to become undead and contribute to the killing. He seems to still care about humanity. I do blame him. I think he’s an asshat. I mean, yeah, you were murdered but why kill everyone. Let people come through and make the joint more popular with pics. Maybe try to get into the pictures and really fuck with people. If I saw dead people in pictures, I would go there. It would be party central. Bonfires, beer, and music. That would be my end game. (This is pretty much why I want to be a ghost after I die. I just want to fuck with people in silly ways. I wholeheartedly support this notion.)
Raylene: No I can’t really blame him at all. Ray I think is just riddled with guilt for his college murder. Also that he couldn’t help Brooke more. (I have to be honest, Ray is possibly my least favorite character, and you know how much that saddens me.)
Melanie: Xavier is taking it out on anyone now. He feels like he is better than the living, so they should be dead because he is dead. Ray wanted to be a doctor, so he had already decided he valued life-except for the dude he killed. (Ohhh, bringing up the doctor thing. That escaped my mind entirely. I still don’t like him, but that makes a whole lotta sense.)
Kelly: I feel for Xavier honesty. He didn’t have any ill-intentions (just like Trevor) which is why I ended up really liking their characters during those Night 1 scenes. Ray has the death of his college classmate on his conscience so I’m sure he wants nothing to do with unnecessary murders of innocent people. (Xavier really has grown on me. I am also fine with him kinda going 180.)
Kent: I am totally down with Xavier and what he’s got going on. Unfortunately, somebody has to tie up Montana and Xavierso they can’t keep on killing. I know that is not exactly what you’d expect me to say. I want you to consider something. Everybody that they kill is going to be stuck there. You’re creating overpopulation. Furthermore, if you kill people, once they start to re-exist, they’re going to just try to make your existence shitty. Then you are creating a very hostile environment.
Final Thoughts – This was the 100th episode of AHS. I would like you to feel free to ask me any AHS questions that you have and also reveal your favorite character from the franchise, not just an actor or actress, but one specific character. Also, tell me the season that got you hooked on the series, to begin with.
Raylene: I gotta go with Constance Langdon and Axeman. It was something you wanted to watch so I tuned in with you. The actors and actresses in Murder House season were phenomenal and I was hooked.
Eric: Melanie got me hooked. She was just so into it, I gave it a shot for her. Coven and Cult have been my favorite seasons. I don’t have a favorite. I think they are all equally insane.
Melanie: Murder house was what got me hooked. I am a fan of the strange and unusual, so this really just was more than I could have ever asked for. I can’t just pick one character.i have had two or three favorites each season.
Kelly: Murder House, of course, is where I began and it was great! Just enough sex, gore, murder, and romance for my liking. The characters were great from season one, too. I cannot simply pick one character, you know this. So I’ll elaborate on some faves. Constance and Moira of course. I loved the dynamic duo of Fiona Goode and Marie Laveau in Coven when they finally team-up. Kathy Bates has nailed every one of her characters so all of them with the exception of Roanoke since that season was a travesty. And Hotel was wonderful! So I enjoyed many of those characters!
Kent: For me, like most of the people here, I got hooked immediately on Murder House. I have pretty much seen every episode within 24 hours of it airing with a few exceptions. Favorite character is tough and I regret asking that one. If I had to do season by season, it would still be tough as hell. If I have to go with just one, I gotta go Axe Man. That should come as no surprise to anybody who has followed this blog. Danny Huston was phenomenal in that role. It was the closest thing to a romance that I can enjoy in a TV show. Kathy Bates would probably have 3 characters in my top 10. I love that lady. Denis O’Hare may also make multiple appearances. Mr. March may be my 2nd or 3rd from Hotel. I have so many questions. Like, who is my favorite character of each of the actors that have been around for awhile? Would you go Twisty or Jingles? Constance or Fiona? Madame Delphine La Laurie or Thomasin “The Butcher” White? Liz Taylor, Larry, or Spalding? The rabbit hole is deep. Oddly enough, the 2 with the most shows are Evan and Sarah, and I think both have clear cut best roles and both occurred in Hotel.
By the way, Cheyenne Jackson was in episode 2 of Watchmen on HBO. I am definitely recommending that show. It’s really solid. Also, I am just realizing that I mentioned Ice Cube in a blog with a discussion about a Lethal Injection. I guess it’s time for me to hit you with the Bop Gun. Yes, that is George Clinton in this song. I don’t own the rights to this song and most of Ice Cube’s songs gets removed from YouTube. I did own an Ice Cube bandana though.