I must admit, I didn’t expect to be happy to be back doing this particular blog. The past two seasons have been difficult to really enjoy and it made for a bad writing experience. To those people who have helped over the years, I appreciate it. Melanie was a trooper for me last year and lasted the whole season. As you will see, people are optimistic. It feels like we may have a good season on our hands, free of political nonsense and reality TV. In many people’s eyes, this is a good thing. I have a large group of people. Rest assured, people will get busy throughout the season, but I am loving having such a large group to correspond with. This is what this blog can be, a vast assortment of opinions or everybody can hate Evan Peters’ character. Thank you to each and every one of you for helping me with this. It means a lot to me. If you’re new to the blog, my name is Kent and I ask the questions and get some unique answers. Any comments in bold are from me unless otherwise stated. Please enjoy!
- Did the opening do a good job of setting everything up?
Kristi: Yes. It had me intrigued right from the beginning. I’m looking forward to seeing where this season takes us.
Raylene: Yes it did fast paced and made me definitely think this could happen at any moment in real life. (That is perhaps the scary part of this. In theory, something like this could happen.)
Cece: Usually I’d say no because it was paced so quickly, however, for the circumstances of this season, yes.
Eric: Yes
Melanie: Great job. Fast, chaotic and graphic.
Kayleigh: Yes, I enjoyed it. It was fast-paced and sucked you in.
Tom: I think it did a good job setting a tone… the panic, the fear, and the bleak outlook. It did less of a job setting up a storyline, but that seems to be AHSs style, keeps you guessing. (Now we just wait to see 17 different flashbacks.)
Kelly: To an extent, I’d say so. I’m going to be very critical this season since the last two were horrendous. Overall, I understand the concept and follow the storyline for now. I’m looking forward to seeing more from Joan Collins! (I am looking forward to you and I suspect most of us being overly critical. It may not be fair to this season, but Ryan Murphy brought this upon himself.)
Kent: The opening felt like a cross between AHS and Sharknado. It worked for me, but they would have really had to F this up in order for me not to like it. The plane scene was cheesy as hell though, in all fairness. I liked the news anchor guy. Small role, but well done.
- Will we see Billy Eichner’s character, Brock, again?
Kristi: I don’t think so.
Raylene: I would say no since they hinted to Nuclear Winter killing anyone that survived
Cece: I don’t know honestly. I don’t think so.
Eric: Nope. He dies in the blast.
Melanie: I think he is still alive and is a radiation zombie. Puss galore!!! (How am I not supposed to respond to this particular comment? So many things to say. I will go with this, I think there should be an all-girl rock band named Puss Galore. It would be great!)
Kayleigh: Yes, I think we will see him again but I have two theories. He either made it to another shelter or he will turn up mutated by the radiation. (I’m voting mutated, possibly with glowing eyes. Hopefully, with glowing eyes.)
Tom: Yes, they wouldn’t have used him for a two second part. I think he used his financial resources to buy his way into another shelter of some kind. (I am really looking forward to seeing his journey after seeing the plane take off.)
Kelly: I feel like we could see him again if he survived the blast, maybe as a nuclear character. Seems a little pointless for his appearance if he won’t be back at some point. (That’s the thing. Why have him back for that small of a role. I’ve thought that before with AHS though.)
Kent: This is interesting. The first 4 people all say he got got. The next 4 say otherwise. This is truly a divided group. I am thinking that of course, we will see him again in a flashback….right? I also suspect that he will get his radiated revenge. I hope so at least.
- Since Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters are the consistent holdovers from previous seasons, which of them intrigues you more?
Kristi: Sarah. I’m really liking her character this season.
Raylene: After season 1 Evan has annoyed me so it’ll have to be Sarah
Cece: Which actor? I love them both. Character this season? Sarah’s. She is KILLING it already. (This is the most interesting character that she’s had since Hotel, in my opinion, which oddly enough makes it a fact. I like my fantasy world.)
Eric: Sarah Paulson intrigues me more.
Melanie: Sarah Paulson is amazing this season so far. I think she intrigues me more.
Kayleigh: Sarah Paulson. She usually plays a good character and I’m interested in seeing her be a bad girl.
Tom: Well I’m not a fan of Evan’s character this season so I gotta go with Sarah. She’s badass and I want to know her motives and her end game.
Kelly: For the first time in a long time, Sarah. I don’t care for the role they put Evan in. I need psychopathic Evan and this isn’t cutting it. But, we’re one episode in so we’ll see where this goes
Kent: I thought the results would be more divided. Well, I am far more intrigued by Sarah. Does Evan just get shitty roles in the even-numbered seasons? Think about it. Lame in Asylum. Lame in Freak Show. Pretty small role in Roanoke. Now, this is happening. As Kelly pointed out though, it’s one episode in. I probably shouldn’t have asked this question so soon. That also means by midseason, I will probably ask it again if I run out of questions. Repetition, thy name is Kent.
- Did any character(s) stand out to you in a positive or negative way?
Kristi: Kathy Bates. She is one of my favorite actresses so I love seeing her on screen. It gives me Misery flashbacks, that pleases me. (Anything that brings back Misery flashbacks is a WONDERFUL thing!)
Raylene: I was pumped to see Joan Collins and I love Kathy Bates (It’s funny because you recently saw 1972 version of Joan Collins in Tales From The Crypt, and now you get her current form.)
Cece: I loved Ms. Venable and Kathy Bates’ character so far.
Eric: Not really. Too early to tell. (I am predicting that you will be a fan of Dylan McDermott’s character. Or Cheyenne Jackson. Just my 2 guesses for you.)
Melanie: Kathy Bates! This is such a different character for her.
Kayleigh: I guess Kathy Bates was a standout for me. She’s been ruthless so far but I could also see her character becoming a hero in the end. (She’s a hero to all of us in some fashion. Well, maybe not for Eric. I am waiting for him to sink his teeth into a character.)
Tom: I am not a fan of the boy who was snatched from his home. He doesn’t seem like he’s even an actor, more like AHS plucked him off some high school soccer team and gave him the roll. Maybe that’s by design. (I’m glad that you took the negative approach, Tom. I agree I didn’t like him, but I liked the girl named Emily. Two FX shows with a character named Emily on back to back nights. Weird. Tom, did you recognize the boy’s mother? That was Dina Meyer, the other hot chick in Starship Troopers that showed her boobs. She was also in some of the earlier Saw films.)
Kelly: I like Joan’s character personally. 🙂 Negatively, for sure Evan’s character. They just don’t use him to his potential anymore. (When I see Evan wasted on my TV screen, I just remember him as Tate and James March from Hotel and I try to be happy.)
Kent: Leslie Grossman is so amazing so far. I love her character. Mallory intrigues me with her hair. Kathy Bates is always awesome. As for negative characters, Andre was a whiny little bitch. I couldn’t stand him so far. Evan is also getting an early negative from me.
- What are you most looking forward to this season? We have witches, tie ins with season 1 & 3 at the very least, lots of people returning, the antichrist, etc.
Kristi: I’m interested to see how the selection of people who live will go. And why did they have to kill the horses?! (The horses were diseased due to the radiation exposure. I think that is the reason at least.)
Raylene: Jessica Lange (baby) I have been waiting for her return (Yeah, that’s a huge selling point for everyone. Let’s just hope it isn’t a terrible cameo.)
Cece: I am just very interested in seeing how everything will tie in together. I love Coven and Murder House, so, this should be fun. (The possibilities of where this can go is a selling point unto itself. This season has the most potential out of any of them in a long while. I always thought Asylum and Freak Show had a lot of potential, and I thought Hotel actually exceeded it’s potential. This can be very memorable though. I just hope it’s memorable for positive reasons.)
Eric: Melanie told me I should be excited about all of it. (HAHAHA, well played.)
Melanie: All of it! I can not wait to see how all of it works together. (Refer to what I wrote to Cece. This season has potential.)
Kayleigh: I want to see some of the witches return from the coven. Especially Precious! (Is she due back? I just looked her up, and no credit on IMDB yet, but that isn’t really a definitive thing, just hoping to see it already listed. She was a badass.)
Tom: I guess if I could choose anyone to make an appearance it would be….. The Axe Man! (I agree as he was one of my 2 choices. Apparently, he is in Yellowstone. That seems like a show to binge.)
Kelly: Jessica, of course! Even if it is only a one-time appearance. And I’m excited to see the connection of Murder House and Coven, as are most of us I think. It will be nice to see old faces, even annoying Emma, for the purpose of this merge. (Whether fair or not, the way that they connect what are widely regarded as the 2 most beloved AHS seasons is going to make or break this season in many people’s eyes. I am cautiously optimistic that Murphy has had this in mind for years and knew what he was doing, even when it didn’t seem like it. I swear I am the only person here that likes Emma.)
Kent: All the returning characters and locations in general. This feels like this may not be the best season, but it should be fun as hell. If we can get Denis O’Hare on my screen or the Axe Man, those would be my choices.
Final Thoughts – I know that most of us were not happy with how Roanoke and Cult went. Do you think that this will be an improvement on those 2 seasons?
Kristi: Hell yes! This season is already a million times better. I didn’t even make it through one episode of Cult.
Raylene: First half of Roanoke was great and Cult I only watched 1 episode so I really hope it’s good plus more man ass. (#FXhasthemanass)
Cece: Absolutely. Best 1 hour of this show since Hotel. (That does give me something to think about. I will admit, there were a couple of episodes of Roanoke that I enjoyed, think first half, BUT I think I agree with you.)
Eric: It seems like a better story.
Melanie: I liked Roanoke. I loathed Cult. This is getting back into the weird and I dig it. (Sorry, the first thing that came to my head was Macho Man after you said dig it. Nahh, I don’t apologize. You expect nothing less from me, haha. Early 90’s WWF was a weird time. Yes, I made it through the whole video without muting it somehow.)
Kayleigh: With what I’ve seen so far I’d definitely say yes.
Tom: Anything would be an improvement over Cult. I guess I can honestly say I haven’t been this eager to see the next episode since Hotel.
Kelly: I am not holding out hope. I truly despised Roanoke and couldn’t finish Cult because it just went too far, so I have no idea if this season will be a comeback. It’s gone downhill since Jess left, even with showstoppers like Kathy and Angela. The unity of Coven and Murder House is why I’m tuning in this year. (I miss Angela. Adina is too bland most of the time. I am truly enjoying the negativity!)
Kent: I mean, it can’t get any worse, right? I mean if this season bombs, what audience will this show have left? I loved a couple of quotes. Paulson had “I’m not embarrassed to say it gives me a tingle.” Then there was the great dinner scene quote “Oh this stew is Stu.” Dammit Melanie, now I have Macho Man stuck in my head!
Also, I knew I recognized the last song from this episode. You’re welcome.
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- Ryan Murphy Productions
- 20th Century Fox Television (in association with)
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