American Horror Story Television

American Horror Story Cult – S:7 Ep:5 “Holes”

We seem to be making progress this season and it’s nice.  While I am in the midst of my horror filled month, I am still trying to best to keep my AHS posse happy.  I wish I had more to say, but I am way behind, so please enjoy this blog.  Leave a comment letting Melanie, Teddy, and Cece know that you appreciate their hard work  Leave me a comment to tell me how bad I am at doing this.

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For the month of October, if you see this logo, click on it to go see the updated list of my 100 Horror Movies In October Marathon.

  1.  Will Beverly Hope (Adina Porter) inevitably do something that makes her lose her position or power in the group/cult?

Melanie:  I don’t think anyone is safe.  

Teddy:  I feel like that brashness is gonna come back to bite her in the ass like it did with Meadow.  (Kent: That makes the most sense to me.)

Cece:  No. I think she’s beginning to be the driving force for Kai right now. She keeps him level.

Kent:  She still doesn’t have her name in the main credits.  Right now, she is being built up as a power player in the group.  That tells me that she’s gon’ get got within the next 2-3 episodes.


  1.  Is Meadow in serious danger or is this possibly a ploy to mess with Ally?

Melanie:  Meadow is in serious danger.  She disagreed with Kai’s wishes.

Teddy:  yeah she legit flipped face after dropping the knowledge of the cult to Ally.

Cece:  At first I thought it was maybe a ploy. But then when she mentioned about the cult stuff, I realized, this isn’t a lure tactic.

Kent:  I thought it was a ploy.  Then she mentioned Ivy as part of the group, and then I thought, geez, that would make the ploy all the better.  I feel that she’s in danger, but I am always wrong, so I am sticking with a ploy crafted by Ivy.


  1.  Did you want the group to try to break the nails in the head record on R.J.?

Melanie:  No.  The whole scene was so awful.  

Teddy:  I’m not a squeamish person but that scene was hard to watch…

Cece:  Of course. I was waiting on it.  (Kent: I’m still waiting…)

Kent:  That was the hope and the dream.  They did a good job in filming that scene.  I enjoyed Harrison informing IVY that she had to hold it to his head.  It made me chuckle for whatever reason.  Don’t judge me.


  1.  Was Kai right that R.J. had to die?

Melanie:  No.  But he doesn’t like when people feel bad, so in his mind he deserved it.  

Teddy:  I mean honestly prior to I thought it was Ivy going to be the one who gets it. The other guy at least partook in the activities whereas Ivy ran away and puked

Cece: I mean, probably in that circumstance. But, Ivy showed great weakness too. I see her going next.

Kent:  I have really been dwelling on this.  How much more stuff needs to be filmed?  Yes, you need people that are unquestionably committed to the cause.  If you have stuff to film, you need a good cameraman since the videos are a HUGE part of the plan so far.    I think that he could have lived, and it was more about Ivy than it was RJ.


  1.  Do you think Kai still views Ivy as weak?

Melanie:  He views everyone as weak.  (Kent: I wonder who he views as strong, like as role models.)

Teddy:  I mean if she didn’t pull that trigger she would’ve caught a few nails herself. Also why if she is there why the fuck is chaz bono also there?? Don’t they hate each other??

Cece:  He should. I did.

Kent:  With that haircut, absolutely.


  1.  Why did Bob Thompson have a gimp in his attic, and did it make you think of Pulp Fiction?

Melanie:  Because he is obsessed with nipples.  It did not make me think of Pulp FIction.  (Kent: Nipples have become quite the talking point of blogs this month oddly enough.  Glad to keep the trend continuing.)

Teddy:  I mean did anyone expect less from a guy openly fucking a news reporter and showing clear favoritism?

Cece:  I didn’t think of Pulp when I actually saw the gimp. But I did think it when he mentioned it. Who the fuck knows why he was there. Apparently Bob is a real freak.  (Kent: I thought you, out of everybody, would have jumped on that one.)

Kent:  I would suggest that Bob once met Tarantino in person and was inspired.  Obviously, I envisioned the whole scene as it’s one of my all time fav scenes.


  1.  The title of this episode was “Holes”.  What was the most important hole in this episode?

Melanie:  Many different reasons, but the way this season is going I think it was because Ryan Murphy found a hole in his sock.  (Kent: I hope that is in the commentary on one of the blu rays.)

Teddy:  Idk man most important would’ve been meadow since A. She was still alive and NOT dead, and B. She dropped the cult bomb

Cece:  Ya know, there were so many. I think maybe the hole that RJ left in the group. If you mean physically, his head was the best.

Kent:  There are so many ways to take it, and that makes me think of the Gimp’s hole, but that’s just lewd.  Meadow being in the hole seemed to be the most important thing to me, but I also enjoyed the dream.


  1.  We have now seen a glimpse into Kai’s home life prior to being the leader of this clown posse.  Did the backstory make Kai’s character any more sympathetic to you?

Melanie:  Yes, but they always make you feel feelings for the main antagonist.  Also, this explains why he is bat shit crazy.  

Teddy:  Not even. The psycho isnt something developed. It’s something that’s always there. This just made it worse.  (Kent: I gotta disagree.  The psycho is sure as shit crafted from a young age.)

Cece:  Not at all. Sure, his dad was a piece of shit. But this doesn’t mean he needed to become one as well. He could have left town and started over as a better person.  (Kent: Doesn’t mean that he has to be, but this is a normal cycle, which probably happens more often than it doesn’t.  Think about all of the piece of shit abusive fucks in the world.  By now, that shit should have been weeded out, but it’s a cycle.)

Kent:  I think it did for me.  I needed to know what made him tick.  Maybe some of that stuff hit a little too close to home for me.  I loved the whole idea of locking them in the bedroom as well.  


  1.  We now know that Kai, Winter, and Dr. Rudy Vincent are all siblings.  Does this cement the thinking that Rudy is in on  this with Kai’s group in some capacity, working together?

Melanie:  I did not see that coming at all.  It makes so much sense now.   (Kent: Yeah, I didn’t see them being siblings.  I’m not sure many people really did.)

Teddy:  I fucking called this from a mile away xD. If he is psycho enough to come up with the parent cover up then he is def in on it. Also I’m pretty sure that he is giving Kai pills

Cece:  Absolutely. I called it from way early on.

Kent:  It makes the most sense, but in all fairness, it was something being discussed from the first episode, so this surprises nobody, but further solidifies the theory in people’s minds.  At this point, the bigger twist would be that he’s actually a good guy.


Bonus Deuce

  1.  Do you think that if Ryan Murphy hadn’t been so heavy handed with the politics in the season premiere, that perhaps more people would be watching this show at the moment?

Melanie: I think more people would enjoy the season.   

Teddy:  I don’t think so. People went in expecting way more politics (Remember it was “gonna” be called election night). I feel this show has politics in it but its only minute, such as the occasional jill stein reference or Chaz Bono’s MAGA hat.  (Kent: As a person who loathes politics, I can say that you are glossing over a bunch of shit.  It’s there, still, and it’s heavy handed.)

Cece:  I think so, yeah. The show has definitely gotten much better over the past 2 weeks.

Kent:  Ratings haven’t been kind.  People aren’t as excited this season.  Even the people that I talk to most about this show all seem to have a similar downtrodden way of speaking when the show is brought up.  I think Ryan Murphy over thought it, received bad advice, or was forced by FX to do it that way.  I don’t know who to blame, but it was a terrible decision.  I can say that because we have had 2-3 decent episodes now, but is anybody really excited or jovial when discussing the show?  Nope, still morose.  (Teddy: I think Roanoke was what caused this not necessarily the politics in the show)  To address Teddy, Roanoke caused a lot of bad shit that they have not recovered from, unfortunately.


  1.  If you could get to know one of the characters better, one that we have seen in the first 5 episodes, who would it be and why?

Melanie:  I really want to know more about the lady drinking wine in the background.  What kind is she drinking?  Does she recommend it?  (Kent: She recommends it, absolutely.)

Teddy:  Winter. She is probably my favorite character so far. Well aside from not rolling up her sleeves in the tub diddle scene xD

Cece:  I guess the answer would be Kai. I want to know more about what drove him to be the way that he is. I want to understand what he thinks and how he thinks.

Kent:  Beverley Hope intrigues me as does Dr Rudy.  I admit that Adina has a role that I am enjoying…finally.  I am sure we will get more on Rudy.  So my answer is Meadow because she is such a fascinating character to me.


Were you Kentertained by this week’s episode?

Melanie:  Yes, but only because the previous episodes were shite!!

Teddy:  I would say it’s picking up but I think last weeks episode did it more for me.

Cece:  Yes. Absolutely. It’s picking up and I am enjoying the gore/horror elements better.

Kent:  Every episode is better than the last in my opinion.  Right now, things are going well, so yes, quite Kentertained.  

At the end of this blog, there will be a TLDR version of what I wrote for your millennial reading pleasure.

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