American Horror Story Television

American Horror Story S:6 Ep:2 9 Deuce Discussion

The AHS 9 Deuce Discussion for season 6 episode 2

Welcome one and all to this week’s AHS 9 Deuce Discussion. We will be discussing “Chapter Two” of season six. This week I am joined by Stefanie, Tom and my former co-worker, Kelly. The format is simple: I ask questions that are sometimes reasonable, sometimes mysterious, or sometimes for laughs, and then we answer them. Annnnd away we go. If you watch Rick and Morty, you got that, otherwise, go watch Rick and Morty, I’ll be waiting right here for you.

The 9

  1. In the beginning, didn’t the one torch dude from last episode already see Shelby? If so, why is it a big deal when Kathy Bates sees her?

Stef:  I don’t how they didn’t notice her before then. I am very unsure about that. Or they were just going to continue with what they were doing, and show her what she may be in for.

Tom:  I just thought it was poor planning. They could have meant for her to see it, but still, poor planning.

Kelly:  I assume it’s because she witnessed the actual sacrificial ceremony going on versus just seeing a member of the group.

Kent:  The torch dude appeared to have seen Shelby. It appeared to me that others in the group had too. She was running around in the very dark woods, people had to have seen her. More importantly, Kathy Bates had to know that she was being followed as Shelby was yelling to check on her after the accident. So I am confused, henceforth I asked the question.


  1. Do you think that Kathy Bates is just a human who is the leader of this group/cult, or does she have some kind of supernatural powers?

Stef:  That’s a good question. I feel like she’s dead, like she’s another ghost that the see occasionally.

Tom:  She absolutely has supernatural powers or abilities. She did survive that car hit and just walked off.

Kelly:  They’ve definitely connected her character here to her character in season 3. The sacrificial ritual reminded me so much of when she “created” the minotaur in Coven. So I’m not thinking she has supernatural powers as much as I’m thinking she’s linked to Madame Delphine LaLaurie in ancestry. (I really dig that point and had contemplated her involvement last week, before I forgot everything.)

Kent:  I can see both sides of the argument.  She dresses like she is probably from an older time, but that can be explained. She survived a car hit, and that can be explained. I think she is just a human, who may have had the responsibility to lead this group passed down from ancestors, or maybe she simply earned it. She’s human. Suck it Trebek.


  1. What’s up with the knives? We have seen the knife in the piece of meat in the first episode, and now we have 6 knives in the ceiling.

Stef:  It’s obviously some form of a butcher reference, with all of the pig parts all being referenced, and they are showing us that they like to cut things up and leave bits around the place.

Tom:  Lee has been alluded to being the person doing it from Shelby’s perspective, but to us the viewers, we are led to believe that something may be supernatural.

Kelly:  Honestly, not a clue. Other than they clearly filet the pig (or that man) over the fire in the woods, so maybe it’s foreshadowing the idea that the homeowners could be skinned and cooked. Trying to scare them away maybe.

Kent:  There seems to be a lot of pigs, so I am guessing butchering is part of the culture. Knives are often involved in sacrifice rituals, so I think this is foreshadowing the sacrifice of Mason. M is for Mason. Seriously, I posted 5 pictures from 5 different scenes with cutlery. Plus the PIG teaser. Knives are going to be instrumental in moving forward.

4: Are we in danger of combining too many myths or horror things and having a similar issue as season 2 found itself, where sometimes less is better and just focus on one or 2 particular things? We have this group, we have knives, we have potential ghosts or spirits, we have killer nurses, we have a little girl (Like the Conjuring), we have Pig Head, and we haven’t really delved into spiders or other creatures, which we know that we are getting due to the teasers.

Stef:  I don’t know how they are going to tie everything together, but there is an awful lot going on there.

Tom:  I don’t think so. I think a lot of things that we see as “separate” we will see them as interconnected by the end. The nurses, maybe not.

Kelly:  The little girl, knives, and the group in the woods are all connected as one idea in my opinion. Those all count as one aspect in this. I even feel the Pig Head relates to the group. Then the ghosts are another, which makes me so happy because it’s absolutely shadowing Murder House and I love it.

Kent:  I think we are teetering on that being a very real possibility. Consider the number of things they shoved in Asylum, like alien abduction, that really got very little play. I can definitely see them tying various things together, but I fear we are in for a clusterfuck ending.

  1. Who or what did Dr. Cunningham see at the very end?


Stef:  Pig Head creature, at least that was my impression because that’s who I thought he was looking for.

Tom:  I figured it was Pig Head or a different animal man combination.

Kelly:  Based on the scene, I assume he saw Kathy Bates’ character or members of the group from the woods who end up taking him.

Kent:  Kathy Bates, I took a picture of it. I’m right.

  1. Will we see more of Dr. Cunningham moving forward?

Stef:  Yeah, I wondered that myself, with the way the video ends. It ends without you knowing whether he got killed or not.

Tom:  I absolutely think we will see him again. We at least need to figure out what happened to him.

Kelly:  I’m really hoping he has a bigger part because Dennis O’Hare is an extraordinary actor and gives life to AHS.

Kent:  Yes. You don’t just give Denis O’Hare one episode. He has been a cornerstone to this franchise and is one of the 5 most important people in this show, period. They will show his fate at some point.

  1. Where is Flora, and what happened to her?

Stef:  I don’t think that she’s dead yet. I don’t know if they plan on killing her based on what Priscilla said. They may have taken her to lure the adults into a trap.

Tom:  We know that she’s alive because Priscilla said that she would kill her last. I’d guess that she is probably being held somewhere, but unaware that she is captured. She may be playing hide and seek with Priscilla.

Kelly:  I think Flora was lured off by the little bonnet girl, Priscilla. The next episode likely will begin with her father coming to get her and everyone freaking out because she has disappeared. I bet Lee will be in huge trouble and just when they think she’s really gone, she’ll just walk into the house like nothing happened.

Kent:  She’s playing with Priscilla in the cellar. She may come back as not the same Flora as we once knew. Perhaps she will be possessed.

  1. Do you think that Mason dies this season?

Stef:  Wellllll, he is probably the first to die. Think about his characteristics, and think about horror movie patterns, and that is indicative that he may be the first to go. (Kent: Translation, token black characters have long been mistreated in horror movies for decades.)

Tom: Yeah, I think it makes sense for him to die.

Kelly:  I think there is a chance he will die, especially because I can see him coming to the house to pick up Flora, going crazy when he finds out she’s missing, and maybe heads into the wrong area of the woods looking for her resulting in the group capturing him.

Kent:  Yes, by Halloween. Otherwise, he’d be interviewed in real life.

  1. Do you think that Flora dies this season?

Stef:  No, and I only say that because a lot of shows don’t like killing off children.

Tom:  I don’t think Flora dies, just because on the documentary side of things, she is upset, but still talking about it.

Kelly:  I do not. I don’t think Lee would be as composed discussing her daughter in the documentary if she had in fact been murdered.

Kent:  Yes, because everybody is going to die. By the end, maybe the last episode, we will get an epilogue episode explaining how all of our main characters died. Think Freak Show, only less characters. Also, where is Finn?


Bonus Deuce

  1. Throughout the years in AHS, who has been the actor/actress with the widest range that pulled off every single role? (Minimum of 2 roles)

Stef:  Evan Peters. I think that he plays all of his characters extremely well. He’s more predominant than Denis, so I will go with him.

Tom:  I will go with Evan Peters. Keep in mind that I haven’t seen season 1 and 2. But to go from a zombie type figure to lobster boy, to the suave killer in Hotel.

Kelly:  Dennis O’Hare for sure. He is brilliant! He’s been a schizophrenic husband, a mute butler, a money-hungry inhumane asshole, a transvestite, and now a professor who moved into the wrong house at the wrong time. My favorites have been Larry, Spalding, and Liz.

Kent:  I gotta give it up to Denis O’Hare with much respect to Evan, Kathy, and Lily. Taissa Farmiga would finish in last place in this category and yet I miss her. Denis performed as Larry Harvey who was perhaps the best character in Murder House, Spaulding in Coven which was such an odd role, but he nailed it, Stanley/Richard Spencer in Freak Show, and Liz Taylor in Hotel which was a wake-up call to those not giving him enough credit.

  1. If you got to name Kathy Bates and Lady Gaga’s characters right now, not trying to be funny, but give them names that would work for their characters, what would you choose?

Stef:  Kathy – Dixie Gaga – Elizabeth. Or one of them could be to Tallulah maybe… Hahaha

Tom:  Kathy will be named Dolores. Gaga will be Valaris, Queen of the Forsworn (nerds will get it).

Kelly:  I couldn’t even begin to think of what Lady Gaga is going to be in this season because I’m hoping it isn’t all this storytelling documentary style of filming. As for Bates, I’m hoping it’s a legendary name like how they incorporated LaLaurie into Coven. Someone with a rich history from Roanoke who is an extremely important legend. But the actual name, I’ve got nothing.

My other two cents… CAN WE PLEASE GET AN INTRO SCENE?! Thank you, Ryan Murphy! (Kent: Only if it involves some man ass.)

Kent:  Kathy can be something like Prudence and Gaga can be Willow. An alternative that Tom and I came up with thanks to Rocket League, is Bates as Myrtle and Gaga as Samara because Casper wouldn’t make much sense.

All pictures used in this blog are for review purposes. They are the property of the FX Network, Ryan Murphy, and whoever else is involved.

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