Tales From The Crypt

Tales From The Crypt – S1 E1 “The Man Who Was Death”

Hello and welcome to the start of a fun journey through one of my all-time favorite TV series, Tales From The Crypt. This episode is a bit of an oddity because the Crypt Keeper doesn’t say the name of the episode, and he isn’t nearly as eccentric as usually is. It doesn’t feel right. The […]

House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon S1 Ep10 “The Black Queen”

Welcome, everyone, to the season 1 finale of House of the Dragon. Did this season’s finale disappoint? Were we happy with how it ended? Overall, was it a success? All of these questions will be answered and much more in this blog. A moment of honesty. I really messed up by not posting this when […]

House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon S1 Ep9 “The Green Council”

Chris, Jim, and Kent are back to break down this week’s episode, The Green Council, faster than Crispin can kill an old dissenting member of the small council. Okay, maybe not that fast. Faster than Larys can……nope, I can’t. We’re gonna do our best. Normally, I would do lots of comments to Chris and Jim’s […]

House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon S1 Ep8 “The Lord Of The Tides”

It’s Jim and Kent this week to discuss this week’s episode of House of the Dragon titled “The Lord Of The Tides”. This was a great episode with a sad, but inevitable conclusion. We will discuss all the great, terrible, and hilarious moments of the week. Any comments in BOLD are made by Kent. 1.  […]

House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon S1 Ep7 “Driftmark”

Did you see those kids fighting? It kinda made the battle at the Stepstones look like a joke. Anyway, Chris, Jim, and Kent are back to break down the episode and answer all the important questions nobody else cares to ask. Seriously, would you rather cut your lip or your palm? Anything written in BOLD […]

House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon S1 Ep6 “The Princess and the Queen”

This week, at least for now, it is Jim and Me. Chris is in Florida, so he’s in Hurricane Hell. We wish him well. This week’s episode, “The Princess and the Queen”, concludes the time jump, for the foreseeable future. We have new actors playing Rhaenyra, Alicent, Laena, and Laenor. We have 7 children of […]

House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon S1 Ep5 “We Light the Way”

Last week finally felt like a Game of Thrones show, but this week had a Westerosi Wedding, and it was awesome. One could argue that the first 4 episodes existed to build up this single episode, and I am not sure I would argue against it. Chris and Jim are here to help me answer […]

House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon S1 Ep4 “King of the Narrow Sea”

Chris, Jim, and I give their thoughts on a most interesting episode of House of the Dragon. This episode had sex, betrayal, more betrayal…. a lot of betrayals, and a puppet show. But did anything Daemon do in this episode make that much sense? As always, anything written in BOLD is from me. 1. What […]

House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon S1 Ep3 “Second of His Name”

Jim is finally here with Chris and I, and we got the crew together, officially. This episode did a lot of good with character development, but the ending didn’t please everybody. I still want to know why there is a day dedicated to giving a child its middle name. Seems frivolous. As always, anything written […]

House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon S1 Ep2 “The Rogue Prince”

Welcome back, everyone! Chris and I are back. The ghost of Jim still haunts us, but he will be joining us soon. This week, we see the plot move forward to help make sense of the impending time jump. This worked rather well. Also, we get a little insight into the Crab Feeder. 1.   […]