9 Deuce Group Film Discussions

9 Deuce Horror Presents: Bird Box (2018) & A Quiet Place (2017)

I wanted the group to discuss 2 of the more talked about horror films from the past 2 years. Instead, it was just Chris and I, so we had a lot of fun talking about these two very different films. If you have any thoughts, leave us a comment.

Also, Chris and I did a podcast discussing all of these choices, so please check that out at Kenter At Your Own Risk.

The 9

1.  In Bird Box, name 3 characters that you enjoyed the most.  Tell me why or give me a quote. Have fun with it.

Chris: Tom, Mallory, and Douglas. Tom and Mallory were cool and Douglas was enough of an asshole to be entertaining

Kent:  Douglas was a given for me because it was John Malkovich, he liked to drink way too much, he was pretty much a dick but also the smartest guy in the room.  He was the guy I could relate to the most. Charlie was a solid guy because at least he offered something with his knowledge and the store. The last one was a toss-up between the mildly attractive female, BD Wong, or Rick.  I chose Rick because Pruitt Taylor Vince is one of my favorite actors in that he does really good things with small roles. He’s been in 4 or 5 different things and always wins me over.

2.  The antagonist of the film, what do you think it was?  Are we just going to buy into Charlie’s theory because he was the only one that offered one?

Chris: This was the opposite side of the US from the happening

Kent:  I hate to say this, but fucked if I know.  I have heard so many different thoughts and theories and I don’t think we are supposed to know, but we’re supposed to be scared of it.  I like knowing what things are, this mystery brought me down slightly.

3.  Would you have taken the blindfold off for the rapids scene?  

Chris: Probably not, but then I probably wouldn’t have followed directions from some rando on a radio either

Kent:  Yeah, absolutely.  I’m not afraid of the water, but drowning has long been one of my greatest fears.  By the way, you often will hear dumbasses say that drowning is a peaceful way to die.  How the hell would anybody know that? You can’t quite experience it and then relay your experience to people and be like, “Yeah, wasn’t bad at all.  I found it peaceful.” It sounds fucking horrific to me.

4.  Did you really want a happy ending?

Chris: Yes depressing endings are for real life

Kent:  No because I am this pessimistic asshole that enjoys seeing fake people suffering more than I feel I am suffering when I am hosting my self-serving pity party.

5.  Who gave your favorite performance in A Quiet Place?

Chris: John Krasinski. I liked everyone but he sold me on his sad eyes

Kent:  I guess John makes the most sense.  I will say, my favorite role was Beau, the boy who died in the opening.  If you have to live in that world, if you can die being happy, that’s not a bad thing.

6.  Will this go down as an all-time great (like top 10) horror movie opening sequence or is it only average to above average?

Chris: Above average. It was good but compare it to say, Scream or It part 1

Kent:  I think top 20 and possibly 15.  As Chris said, Scream is obviously king, Jaws, a few of the Nightmares, Devil’s Rejects, Demon Knight, Night of the Living Dead, and obviously other ones.  The fact that this was even a question is impressive enough to me.

7.  Were you a fan of the ending?

Chris: Up until Emily Blunt cocks the shotgun

Kent:  No, I didn’t love it.  It was strongly hinted at and that was fine, but as Chris said, the fucking shotgun thing and I was like, goddamnit.  I don’t like being mad at the end of a film.

8.  A Quiet place is supposed to have a sequel in the making.  Is this a good decision for anybody involved? Are you looking forward to it?

Chris: Like we said before a direct sequel would be dumb. But a different family/group in a different scenario could be interesting

Kent:  I want to say no, I know the answer is no, and yet I will stupidly watch.  I am not a good person to answer this question.

9.  Both films present scenarios that are downright terrible.  If you had to live through one of these scenarios presented in these films, which would you choose and why?

Chris: Bird Box. Since I had my son I try to put myself in the situations in movies like this with an autistic child, and I don’t think we could survive not being able to make noise.

Kent:  Bird Box for a very obvious reason.  A Quiet Place is untenable and unrealistic.  Nobody would be alive. EVERYBODY sneezes! I get that you can suppress coughs and even a sneeze, but not all of them.  Bird Box, if you can find a sanctuary of sorts, you can make it work.

Bonus Deuce

1.  While watching these movies, did they make you think of any other films?  If yes, which ones?

Chris: The creatures from A Quiet Place kind of reminded me of the monster in Cloverfield. Bird Box reminded me a better the Happening. Also Extinction, with Jeffrey Donovan and Matthew Fox had sound hunting zombies. Also, Hidden with Alexander Skarsgard gave me some vibes similar to A Quiet Place.

Kent:  A Quiet Place monsters had some features of noise sensitive creatures, like some zombies, but I want to liken them to the Licker B’s in Resident Evil games and I think some of the films.  For Bird Box, you could draw a really lame comparison to IT, depending on what you think the Bird Box stuff was, but if it is based on worst fears, you can go IT or even Freddy. Yeah, I don’t even feel good writing that.  

2.  Did you watch any of the Birdbox challenge videos on YouTube?

Chris: nope

Kent:  Hell no.  I use YouTube to watch old music videos like “Total Eclipse of the Heart” and 70’s funk.  Sometimes some video game help or Angry Video Game Nerd, and old wrestling promos. That’s really about it.

Final Thoughts – Which film did you prefer?

Chris: I liked them both but I think in horror terms I have to give the edge to A Quiet Place

Kent:  A Quiet Place would be the choice.  Better idea, better execution, better acting.  Both had their merit and would watch both again.  I ended up buying A Quiet Place and I’m not sure if there is ever a point in owning a NetFlix original movie unless you plan on not having NetFlix.

All the pictures used in this blog are for review purposes. They are the property of:

Bird Box

A Quiet Place

Please go find a copy and support the creators.

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