Fear The Walking Dead Television

Fear The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:4 Ep:10 “Close Your Eyes”

This week the focus was on 2 very broken characters, Alicia and Charlie.  To see how these two characters could find each other, work through their issues, and attempt to understand one another, it was a very interesting dynamic.   My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever.  The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.


  1.  What say you; is Charlie still evil?

Bob:  She was never evil, she is a kid and surviving.

Chris:  I never really thought she was evil.  She’s just a scared kid who got caught up in some bad situations.

Kent:  I want her to be evil, I keep trying to talk myself into her being evil.  Still, anybody who truly believes in her being evil, put yourself in her shoes and tell me that you wouldn’t have done the same damn thing.  She killed Nick, get over it. Nick should have heeded Morgan’s advice, but we don’t put the blame on Nick. No, we blame the little girl.


  1.  When seeing the school bus overturned at the end of the episode, Alicia says that “they are gone”.  Is she speaking literally, figuratively, or both? As in Madison’s version of “gone”.

Bob:  She was speaking in Madison’s version of gone for the viewer, but the show will obviously double back on the weakness of the statement to bring them back.  (Yup, the double back is inevitable.)

Chris:  She is speaking in Madison’s version I think,  but she doesn’t sound overly confident that they are alive.  (The confidence isn’t there.  Alicia still doesn’t strike me as a leader in normal terms, but given that it’s just her and Charlie, she will fake it til she makes it.)

Kent:  I’ve watched it 3 times now.  I know that they are trying to make it Madison’s version, that’s why they used that particular word, but in the moment, I say it just meant that those characters weren’t there.  Otherwise, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to use it in the Madison version.


  1.  The storm really made the episode very unique.  The last time that we had a cool storm was season 5 episode 10 called Them, when the group was starving and stayed in a barn the whole night and then they met Jesus.  Are you hoping that we see how the other characters fared during the storm or are you good with no more storm?

Bob:  I was fearing that this episode was going to be a crazy Alicia episode – and I was right.  The storm although cool, lost its luster after a while. In particular, when the basement was flooding but the basement lights still had light streaming in – guess what the water is going any higher…  Anyway, I am done with the storm.  (What is the storm was played by Halle Berry?)

Chris:  I want to see how everyone else fared in the storm.  Based on how Walking Dead has done things in the past, I’m pretty sure we’ll get a Morgan episode, a Strand/John one, etc.  (I’d say that is very likely, with Morgan this week, June & Althea the following week, leaving Strand and John with some Luciana sprinkled in somewhere.)

Kent:  Like Christopher Walken wanting more cowbell, I want more storm.  There are still a bunch of different things that can happen. In some ways, I feared that they used too many things for just one episode.  Storms can be scary if used properly, and this is supposed to have some scares in it, so why not utilize it.


  1.  Who benefited most this episode: Charlie or Alicia?

Bob:  Alicia, her head came back – Charlie was already in a better state because she began the episode by doing something healing with pictures and showing tenderness.  (I kinda liked the whole story with the pictures.  Sometimes TWD tries this stuff and fails, but this worked for me.)

Chris: Charlie.  I’m still not sure Alicia has resolved the issues she’s having.  Charlie went from wanting to die to seeming like a normal kid towards the end.  (I’d say a lot of Charlie’s problems were helped by the end of the episode, ya know, aside from living in a zombie apocalypse with one of the only people still alive who may want to kill her.)

Kent:  A question that I asked that I honestly like.  I am usually a self-loathing human being, so this is an odd feeling.  Alicia was crazy and potentially murderous but came away nurturing and insightful.  Charlie came in with redemption in mind, but hopelessness and suicidal tendencies. I will say Charlie.  Alicia wasn’t in danger of dying, she was in danger of killing. Charlie was in multiple situations of near death this episode, and by the end, she was smiling thinking about the beach.


  1.  Last week, Bob called me out.  He wrote: “I’m sorry but how is there not a question or comment about the cabin and how John believes it should be there because he “locked the door” when he left.  Truly an amazing quote.” So let’s talk about a quote from last week’s episode. Is John the kind of guy that would just unlock the door and walk into the cabin without inspecting it first?

Bob:  YES, but I feel like whoever he is with will smarten him up.  “The door’s still locked – it’s safe.” He is such a good character.  He was a police officer so he has already seen the bad side of others, so Strand should not be surprising to him.  But he has an air of innocence and cheerfulness and at the same time, he is melancholy. So he HOPES the cabin is safe and he cared about it because he locked the door.  He cares for others because he didn’t ravage that convenience store. So yeah he should just walk on in but if we make back to the cabin, he won’t just walk in, my bet is that the storm wiped it out.  (I will not take your bet.)

Chris: Of course he wouldn’t walk right in……. not before taking his shoes off!!!!!  In all seriousness, he’s got such an innocent quality to him that I don’t think he’d be worried walking into his house.  (I can totally picture him removing his shoes before walking in.)

Kent:  You would think most people would be super suspect of just walking in.  A former police officer you kinda triple those odds. It seems rational.  But in this world, John also hasn’t seemingly dealt with a lot of bad people and he just lives his life the way he sees fit.  I feel that he is the exception to the common sense rule here. I think he will just be happy to be back to a place of familiarity.  Now, if Charlie was with him, some protective instinct may override some of his normal thoughts. Still, I fear for the well being of the cabin, if and when he does make it back to it.


Final Thoughts  – Next week, Morgan appears to meet 4 new characters.  Are you excited to add new blood so soon, or would you prefer spending more time with our core group of 8?  Also, out of the 4 new people, how many of the 4 will be alive by the end of the season? If this was Fear season 2 or 3, you may guess 0 or 1.  Season 4 is a different beast…..potentially.

Bob:  It’s about time! I am actually fatigued from the dynamic (or lack of it) of this core group.  2 will live by the end of this season.

Chris:  I’m excited.  This show is still evolving.  It’s the zombie apocalypse. Walking Dead had so many characters from season 1 & 2 live for so long, the show had become stale.  Changing characters up will keep the show fresh and keep us guessing as to who will survive. My guess is 3 of 4 will survive the season.

Kent:  I am excited to meet new characters, as long as they are well-done characters.  So many new characters tend to be one dimensional, maybe two, but rarely three. As I hypothesized last week, at least one of the four will be a “bad” character.  Where there is a bad character, there is at least a good character to balance it out. Typically in Walking Dead, that good character pays for the on-screen sins of the evil one before the evil one gets struck down later in the season.  I would say 65% likely to have two remaining and 26% that three will survive. 3% on the other three combinations being: all four survive, one survives, none survives. If these were legit odds, I would obviously gamble on one surviving, but odds state two survivors.  If you like terrible math like this, please have a good laugh at this video.  You don’t need to like wrestling or anything, in particular, to have fun with this.


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