Fear The Walking Dead Television

Fear The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:4 Ep:11 “The Code”

This week, we meet 4 new characters, and Morgan seems to have changed, and not in a good way.  In an episode about taking what we need and leaving what we don’t, I think we would all have rather left this episode on the side of the road.   My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever.  The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.


  1.  Out of the 4 new characters (Sarah, Wendell, Jim, and the unnamed lady with the walker) who was your favorite, either because you liked them or by default?  Who was your least favorite?

Bob:  Wendell.  The H/C stall conversation was great.  Also, I still question if he is legit constrained to a wheelchair.  I don’t like the unnamed lady, not because of her part, but rather because this just seems to be a nuisance filler role on this side story.  (The stall conversation was the best part of the whole episode for me.)

Chris:  I will agree with Bob and say Wendell.  The conversation about the stall was a highlight of the episode.  For now, I’ll say least favorite is the unnamed woman, only because I don’t know enough about her yet.

Kent:  Wendell because he’s officially the coolest person in a wheelchair involved in horror.  Prior to that, you had to go all the way back to 1974’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre with Franklin.  We needed a new person to get behind. Least favorite is Jim. I love beer. I like that he wants to make beer.  The thing is, he wants to get rich in the ZA from beer, and that is so stupid. I was recently playing Dead Island, and it baffles me why currency is used in that game.  I have never understood why currency holds any value in the ZA. No banks or treasuries are backing that currency, so what the F*&# is the point? Jim sure has charisma though.  


  1.  Knowing what little we do about these 4 new characters, which one can you see being the last one alive?

Bob:  Jim. I just feel like he will have some longevity, he seems to be pretty charismatic and despite his weak character, is willing to negotiate to survive.  (So Bob, what you’re saying is that he would do really well against the Convicts in Deathrow while listening to …..)

Chris:  I’ll go with Wendell.  Others will protect him because of his handicap.  He will likely be put in less dangerous situations.  (I am actually genuinely curious about that dynamic.  We haven’t really seen how this will play out much with anybody with a handicap aside from one legged Herschel and the kids are also similar, especially Judith.  This is actually one of the things that has my attention.)

Kent:  Unnamed lady because she seems like she has a mission.  Sarah will die protecting Wendell and then Wendell will die.  Jim will die running away trying to save himself or his product and get got.  The math is simple.


  1.  This is the second time this season that conversations didn’t occur that could have saved everybody a lot of time.  In the first half of the season, Al never mentioned the mom that she met. In this episode, Jim never told Morgan who tied him up.  Do you find this realistic or all too convenient to keep the plot going?

Bob:  It’s dumb.  I think the three are altogether basically.

Chris:  Not realistic at all.  But they need to fill these episodes.  (I hate that you say this.  Not because I think you’re wrong, but moreso because you’re right.  I like background to characters, not filler or fluff.  Okay, I do like marshmallow fluff.)

Kent:  All too convenient, and it is annoying.  TWD could never have stooped to this level of convenience.  Well okay, there was the Glenn dumpster situation and Daryl and Carol in an ambulance that defied the laws of physics, but still, TWD would never … ……..that…… aww hell.


  1.  Why did Morgan initially choose not to go back to see how his friends were doing during the storm?  Feel free to have fun with this.

Bob:  They are all NUTS! And Morgan, he has a chink in his armor now. He seemed a little nutty too.  (We haven’t seen Benjamin’s armor in awhile.)

Chris:  I absolutely hate what they did to Morgan this episode.  The part where he said he was a coward was terrible. He’s Eugene with a stick….. (I guess I respect Morgan’s hair game.  I’d like to see him shave it entirely, but that may be personal bias due to my hair game, or lack thereof.)

Kent:  This actually borderline enraged me.  You bring this guy to this show so he can be the lead, and now you make him into a bigger coward that Hulk Hogan (Listen to Macho Man’s “Be A Man” song to get the reference.).  This made no sense. Morgan doesn’t die. Morgan is the good guy who does what needs to be done and put himself at risk, even when he is crazy. Why did they add this stupid layer to him?


  1.  Is Morgan just being an idiot in this episode?  Consider everything he did, the information he provided, the lies, and in the end, deciding to work with these people.

Bob:  I say, I say, I say, YES.

Chris:  See above answer….

Kent:  He’s still cooler than Tara, but the gap is closing…sigh.


Final Thoughts  Was this the worst episode of season 4 for you?

Bob:  LOL – yes.

Chris:  I’m going to pretend I didn’t watch it.

Kent:  I don’t know what episode you are talking about.  I could use some John Dorie soon though.


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