This week, we meet 4 new characters, and Morgan seems to have changed, and not in a good way. In an episode about taking what we need and leaving what we don’t, I think we would all have rather left this episode on the side of the road. My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure. Any comments in BOLD are written by me. I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever. The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.
- What do you think the unknown lady’s motives are?
Bob: To cause havoc and chaos. I think it’s born out of some revenge somehow.
Kent: She seems too smart to be just cray cray. SO she could have a little Governor in her, let’s never forget the fish tanks. I could see her having some man-hating thing going on. Maybe she got wronged and is going all Dietland on us. It is AMC after all.
- Is there something more to Al’s illness, or just lack of food and water?
Bob: I think she drank tainted water from the sociopath lady.
Kent: This is something that has seemed silly to me. They really don’t touch enough on illness on this show. Consider all the cuts, scrapes, gun wounds, lack of good vitamins and nutrition. Really, we had that big outbreak in Season 4 of TWD and they blew their proverbial illness load then. Well, I think it would be best if she is just sick from poor living conditions. But it will probably be something else.
- What were your thoughts on Quinn?
Bob: And all the people said, RED SHIRT!
Kent: He bored me. Just a desperate guy trying to make it in this crazy world. He seemed dead the moment we saw him though.
- Was Al being selfish in sending June to try to recapture the van, or do you feel that it was reasonable?
Bob: Well she wasn’t well enough to get it herself and she knew the only way to motivate self-guilting June was to create a scenario whereby June had to do something.
Kent: I felt that what she did was reasonable. I don’t find the van reasonable, I feel like supplies would be incredibly hard to come by to continue fueling that thing for as long as she has survived. Taking practicality out of it, that thing is pretty safe, so I think it was a worthwhile gamble. Yeah, there was a hint of selfishness, but I would say more so reasonable.
- Did it seem like Sarah, Wendell, and Jim were very different characters from who we met last week?
Bob: They were the same characters as when we met them before Morgan had his odd interactions with them.
Kent: I don’t feel that their characters changed, I think that the way that they were presented was different and probably more in line with who they were before they dealt with Morgan. He has an effect on people. I think it is all about presentation, and this week they weren’t on edge like they were last week.
Final Thoughts – John Dorie is back next week. Did they make a mistake in not giving him more screen time to start this half-season considering the overall extremely positive feedback that his character has received?
Bob: That’s exactly why they delayed it….. NUISANCE! Just like in TWD when they had the first Negan scene and made us wait between seasons for the results.
Kent: I get making fans wait. I truly do. I am also of the belief that you should give the fans more of what they want without overdoing it. As a fan of wrestling, there is constantly that tightrope walk of when to give the fans what they want versus building up more tension and emotion. If you wait too long, you drain the fan’s energy and desire, and then you have not maximized your potential. This show waited one week too long in my opinion. One week isn’t a big deal, but 3 straight episodes without the show’s most popular character seems fool hearted. I would go so far as to say that Strand may be in a lot of people’s top 3 as well, so that is 2 characters missing 3 weeks of screen time.
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