Fear The Walking Dead Television

Fear The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:4 Ep:13 “Blackjack”

This week, we meet Clayton and watch John and Strand fail multiple times.  Luciana provides hope. The filthy woman attacks.   My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever.  The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.


  1.  What was more reckless: Strand insisting getting that bottle of Scotch or John’s initial square raft?

Bob:  Strand going for the booze was more reckless.  We all know John is a trial and error kind of guy so he would have kept improving and improvising.  Strand had his reasons but based on his attitude, that scotch should not have mattered. (I just don’t like Scotch, so I disapproved of his ideology.  Plus, that truck could have tumbled down and killed John.)

Raylene: Strand was more foolish but at this point I believe he is ok with the possibility of death. (I agree that Strand, in his mind, know his time is incredibly limited, and he is fine with that, so he wants some comfort.)

Kent:  I know, the reasonable thing to say here is Strand, right?  Bob gave you that side of the argument, so I will give the other perspective.  Strand, I guess I look at it and say that he saw something and he was trying to grab it, and it would have improved his situation, in his mind.  Yes, he could have died, but I ‘m not so sure that wasn’t in the back of his mind anyway. A yearn for self-destruction. John, I mean, he knew better, right?  He is trying to live and still thought that tiny thing was going to work in some way. Then to invite Strand to get on too, that is what I felt was most reckless.  Now you are endangering yourself and another survivor. I get both sides of this spectrum to be honest.


  1.  Clayton was a really good character, in my opinion at least.  Feel free to talk about what his impact was on Luciana moving forward.

Bob:  It showed Luciana what she already knew, that there is good and hope left in this world of death. Clayton was a genuine dude.  Everyone is doing… like penance… (I am glad that you used the term penance, well kinda.  I was going to use it, but now I would just feel like a hack.  But it’s really the perfect way to describe it, so I applaud you for stealing a thought of mine that you didn’t know I had.  SHAME!!!)

Raylene: It brought her back to her roots where we first had ourselves introduced to her in Mexico where she was at the little town trying to keep people safe.  (That seems like so long ago.  You’re right. Luciana still seems like a character that can have many layers.  I hope they explore more with her character.)

Kent:  Hope was the biggest thing.  There still is a reason to keep surviving.  You can’t help everyone, but those people that you can, especially given the world they are in, it feels all the more special.


  1.  Speaking of Clayton, both Fear TWD and the normal TWD have had characters appear for only one episode.  Do you recall any others that you genuinely liked or that you felt were memorable?

Bob:  Who was that kid that got bit and his dad was really sad? Oh wait that was Carl. Did that sting, Kent?  (Seriously, did they have to reveal the death on my birthday?  I instantly thought of Marcellus Wallace talking to Butch when I read your comment.)

Raylene: I got nothing.

Kent:  There was an episode in the second season of Fear that always resonated with me.  They traveled to this island where a family was still surviving. The oldest brother was becoming a hard ass, the dad did what he could, and the mom wanted Madison to take the youngest child…I think.  I always thought that episode was exceptional work. On normal TWD, the episode at the prison where the crazy woman was asking for Rick’s help and had the baby. That girl was crazy as hell.


  1.  The Filthy Woman is causing some trouble.  WIll she kill any of our group before the season is over?  Our group does include Sarah, Wendell, and Jim.

Bob:  I don’t think so. I feel like everyone is pretty likable.. so I changed my mind. Wendell is a goner.  (TOO SOON!!!)

Raylene: I feel that Jim potentially is expendable.  (But he makes beer!  That tells me that he is knowledgeable of various things that most of the characters we know are not familiar with.  So much like every doctor….yikes.)

Kent:  This is still The Walking Dead universe.  Who recently had a moment where you may consider them a beacon of hope, perhaps a moral compass.  Sorry Luciana, you gon get got.


  1.  The best moment of this episode was ______?

Bob:  John eating the candy. He hasn’t given up he is just pouting. I do apologize but I have a second one…  when on Earth do walkers simply stop and turn around and walk away when there is thrashing right in front of them and two dudes in a raft freaking out and yelling at each other. Yes voices carry over water.  Just had to tell a lot bit these walkers, they were conveniently intelligent. (Convenient plot points are convenient….and lazy.  This show sometimes, you just have to laugh.)

Raylene: I did like how we got to see Wendell’s chair and his modifications he’s made.  (Right?  Wendell is a character that I hope lasts at least a full season.  He is very endearing in his own way.)

Kent:  Morgan knocking the knife out of Sarah’s hand in the way that he did it and her reaction.  She has really grown on me somehow. I like their chemistry.


Final Thoughts – Was the gator cool or rather dull for your tastes?

Bob:  The initial introduction was cool but that gator was way too smart.

Raylene: It was very dull perhaps will be more exciting in future episodes

Kent:  It was one of those things, like Bob said, where the introduction was cool.  So I sit and I wait for it to build up more, but nope, it started at it’s peak and slowly bored me.  You always want to build something up, not slowly drop in interest level. I’m giving that Gator a nickname for boring me.  I dub thee…..Tara.


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