Fear The Walking Dead Television

Fear The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:4 Ep:14 “MM 54”

This week, the group seeks refuge from Martha in a hospital, and that makes us feel nostalgic.  We also find out what drives Martha.   My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever.  The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.


  1.  We finally have a backstory to The Filthy Woman, AKA Martha.  Are you satisfied with the backstory? Did you enjoy the opening to the episode in general?

Bob:  I would be happy to fully enjoy the backstory, but alas… her transition to made Martha just didn’t do it for me. I saw what they were trying to do there…. (I’m going to reference Star Wars here.  This reminded me of in Episode III when Anakin was suddenly cool with killing all of the young kids training because he was interested in the dark side.  Like it was a very drastic jump and they could have added a minute to try to smoothen the transition.)

Raylene: Yes, I did enjoy her backstory. It showed how people can be untrusting to help strangers. Martha’s losing her mind reminded me of Rick at the prisoner when he kept seeing Lori and talking with her on the phone.  (Good comparison.  I didn’t think about it, but yeah.  People are bound to lose their mind at times, if not entirely, in this world.)

Kent:  Oh definitely.  I really loved how people went so far out of their way to avoid helping or even stop.  Then the scene where she slowly lost her mind a bit, and then the Keep On Truckin’ montage.  This was one of my favorite opening in this show’s history. Good job directing, Chief Diamond Phillips.  That was a Family Guy joke, not some offensive joke for the easily offended members of society.


  1.  Why is Alicia seemingly against going to look for other members of the group?

Bob:  She does not want to suffer further disappointment.  (I think you and I are pretty close on this was one.)

Raylene:  I’m thinking perhaps since she heard the gun fire on the radio then found the burnt truck she believes Morgan’s group is being hunted down.  (So perhaps it’s a safety issue that she doesn’t want to deal with.)

Kent:  I think she believes that she is at her burden limit.  She has enough to keep herself and Charlie alive while dealing with her mom and brother having died.  She may have a bit of Morgan in her in that it may be easier for her to justify assuming the worst than to be face to face with it.


  1.  Tell the truth, did you think Jim had gotten bit?

Bob:  No, I did not. Needs a nudge off the roof.  Why hasn’t anyone poured zombie guts on themselves in these perfect opportunities?  (THANK YOU!  They know the trick thanks to Nick.  I am sure Morgan was told about it too.  I was actually going to mention this in the next question, but oh well.)

Raylene: I thought perhaps he’d got bitten on the arm not where he actually did.  (Yeah, I didn’t see that particular location, but they obviously do this stuff intentionally.)

Kent:  Well, it’s not like this the first time a man named Jim has gotten bitten in the Walking Dead universe.  Let’s not forget Jim in season one of the original show. To answer the question, yes, I guessed it because after the incident that I don’t talk about, but Bob seems to enjoy bringing up, I suspect every fight leads to a bite.  


  1.  Will Al make it out of the hospital alive?

Bob:  Oh yeah! The only way she dies is if they dedicate an entire episode to her death.  (So let me gripe here.  When they were initially making their way up the stairs to find a good floor to stop on.  They go past the door where the walker has his head and or arm sticking out, trying to hurt people.  The first like 3 people don’t bother to kill the walker while Luciana and somebody else was defenseless while carrying Wendell up the stairs.  Is that not absurd?  That irritated me!)

Raylene:  I hope so she seems to be knowledgeable on many combat survival skills but I think she revealed she was in the service so that makes sense.  (Yeah, she should be gangsta enough.  Hell, Morgan should be able to slowly clear the hospital.)

Kent:  Yeah. They already killed Jim and I think Al has a lot of potential on this show that we haven’t had a chance to explore yet.


  1.  What callbacks from the very first episode of The Walking Dead did you enjoy the most in this episode?

Bob:  I guess I saw this as a statement of the era, not necessarily TWD. Now, I know I am wrong…

Raylene:  I would have to say everything involving the hospital although I found it a tad far-fetched that they could get the generators running

Kent:  I know the locked door was probably the biggest, but for me, it was just the hands on the glass.  There is something so satisfying about that little detail.


Final Thoughts – Wendell keeps impressing.  Moving forward this season, or even next season (if he survives), which character do you most want to see him paired up with for an episode or two?

Bob:  Ofelia.(Why am I laughing at this?  I can’t help it.)

Raylene:  I would enjoy Wendell with Strand those two would just feed off of each other. I will go as far as saying shit Negan would work well with him too.  (Negan would be fun with him.  The thing is, Negan would find a job for him and give him a leadership role I suspect.)

Kent:  I am torn on a few choices.  I would be satisfied with John Dorie because of his eternal optimism.  I would love Strand and Wendell to have this battle of verbal wits and comebacks.  I think him and Luciana would be pleasing. My answer though is odd, I know, but I am going with Charlie.  It would be nice to have her open up a bit to him. Walking Dead really likes putting “weaker” characters together so they can step up and protect.  Like Eugene when he grew a pair. I picture Charlie being scared a bit, but stepping up to help keep Wendell safe.


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