Fear The Walking Dead Television

Fear The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:4 Ep:16 “I Lose Myself”

Unsealed water bottles can be killer.  The group attempts to survive being poisoned while Morgan has one final showdown with Martha over being weak.  In the end, we appear to be on the path to a new beginning.  My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever.  The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.

Please note at the bottom, there is info for my fundraiser for the month of October to help keep up and running.


  1.  Is it weird that nobody cared or noticed that the water bottles were unsealed?

Bob:  I. I just..  you would immediately be suspicious if you didn’t feel that cracking of the seal especially in a new case! Can we ask the question – does anyone know how hard it would be to reorganize all those bottles after taking them all out to get them to sit all nice and tight in the plastic packaging?  (Dude, that would be such an arduous task and I feel that you’d stretch the plastic too much.  You’d have to start the outer ring and work toward the middle, right?)

Chris:  I’m glad you asked this question!!!  How could literally NO ONE notice this????  I know it’s the zombie apocalypse and all, but my 4-year old knows not to drink an unsealed bottle…  (4-year olds are smarter than survivors in the ZA.  In some ways, this fact doesn’t surprise me in the least.)

Raylene:  I think perhaps they just weren’t thinking because supplies have been low since the hurricane that it was just a horrible oversight. My thought also was like really Martha you went through all of those waters on the pallets that were there and were able to stack them neatly back. (Not only did she get them to fit back perfectly, but yes, she also restacked them oh so neatly.)

Kent:  I have such a hard time believing that with like 7 people all drinking these bottle, even Charlie should have known.  I get it possibly being an oversight by one or two people, that’s pushing it. Seven people??? Hell no!


  1.  Did Al do the right thing in unleashing her guns while Strand and Luciana were trying to get the ethanol?

Bob:  Yes. The amazing thing to me was how the ethanol was pouring out from holes, slower than the release in the back and no one could get their mouth underneath one of the leaks or the container. Try hard writers.  (Okay, so that was going to be the big component to my answer.  They still could have gotten some ethanol. They were safe for a good 20 seconds, so catch the leaks in your canister.  Not complicated!

Chris:  Well, it didn’t work out well, but she did what she thought she had to do.  Given the fact that they were all dying, it was worth the risk. (There is a solid chance that Luciana and Strand get got if she doesn’t unleash her guns.  Doesn’t that speak to how poorly thought out the plan was or is that covered under the “they were poisoned and couldn’t think straight” umbrella?  Rhianna would suggest the latter.)

Raylene:  I don’t think she really had any other choice in the matter unless she wanted to see them get ripped apart.  (Well, at least she had options.)

Kent:  Yeah, honestly it actually served it’s purpose and better than the original plan if you think about it.  They had access to the ethanol, which is also spelled ethynol but spell check keeps giving me shit. Anyway, this tactic actually cleared walkers and in a way “opened the valve”.  They had it. It was there for the taking. This was dumb.


  1.  Were you hoping that Martha would have a Merle like escape and live, or did you want her gone?

Bob:  She was destined to be gone. I agreed with her destiny.  (She certainly was Destiny’s  Child.)

Chris:  I wanted her gone.  Besides, she was bitten, so even if she had escaped, she would have died.  (The fact that she was bitten makes my question foolish in hindsight.  Thanks, Chris, I appreciate it.)

Raylene:  I wanted somehow to have Martha show up on walking dead as a whisperer. (When the Whisperers do appear, I hope you are pleased.  You have been waiting for this for what, 4 years now?)

Kent:  Okay, I just wanted to mention Merle, but inevitable things are inevitable.


  1.  Were you surprised that Jim’s “secret” didn’t come out in this episode?

Bob:  I felt like Jim’s secret was only for a moment in the show with no future value.

Chris:  Yes, but I’m sure whatever it is will tie into a story from next season.

Raylene:  It may just be one of life’s mysteries

Kent:  Here we have 3 very different responses.  While I Fear Bob and Raylene are correct, I am agreeing with Chris that the secret will eventually play a role.  Just wait for the episode when in the opening when they show what happened the previous week when they show Sarah getting the recipe, and you’ll know it then.


  1.  Was Martha’s run as the lead antagonist good, bad, or somewhere in the middle?

Bob:  I see they are trying to do the opposite of TWD where there is community-fighting and in FTWD it is a single person.  (I think you’re onto something here. For better or worse, this show tries to offer an alternative to the main show.  At first, they were trying to be too hard to be like their big brother. They have carved their own path and it works, in my opinion.)

Chris:  Not going to lie, I still haven’t caught up on the episodes with her, so I can’t comment much on her.  (I think you will find her better than the sea pirates and probably the first half of season 3 debacle.)

Raylene:  I enjoyed Martha a lot sad to see her gone.  (I’m sad because she was such a good actress.)

Kent:  Let’s break this down analytically, shall we?  I will bring up the antagonist in each half season and see if I thought they were better or worse than Martha. 1. The Government was a weak story that should have been explored deeper. Worse. 2A. Sea pirates were cartoony and boring.  Worse by far. 2B. Mexico and that community with Abigail and Nick losing his mind a bit. Better than Martha. 3A. The Otto family and Ofelia and the group feuding with the Ottos. I would say they were even with Martha. 3B. All the nonsense at the damn.  Worse, much worse. 4A. The Vultures at the baseball field. Better because their appearance resulted in Nick and Madison’s death so that counts. I would have Martha tied for third. The big thing holding her back was that she didn’t kill anybody from the group.  But she gets props for almost killing all of them.


Final Thoughts – Did this ending remind you of how season 3 of TWD ended?  At the end, they transported the people of Woodbury to the prison, in case you needed a reminder.

Bob:  Ahhh, no I could almost just stop watching Fear now.  (So they are all going to contract a virus from some idiot and everyone is going to get sick.  That’s a spoiler, I know.)

Chris:  Somewhat similar.  The biggest difference was the group dynamic.  Morgan & co. seemed optimistic about the future.  When season 3 of TWD ended, there was a lot of turmoil and some building distrust of Rick.  I’m totally hoping for some seasons as good as the prison ones. (I think they did try to plant seeds of distrust in Morgan’s leadership, except on Jim took the bait, which I thought was smart.)

Raylene:  Sure I can see that shit let’s have to group run into the governor starting Woodbury I am game for that. I was saying to myself when AL was watching the tapes don’t you show Abe or I’ll cry again but interesting that we got maybe a little of her past I do believe her family is on them. (That ginger ain’t making an appearance.)

Kent:  It’s just an excuse to constantly add more characters and cannon fodder and to give us characters to die and cause drama.  Who knows, maybe some romance for Strand or Al.

Finally, I want to thank Bob, Chris and Raylene for all the help all of these weeks for this season of Fear The Walking Dead.  This isn’t a huge blog, but I have a lot of fun with it.  So cheers to all of you and to the readers who trudge through all of this with us.

R.I.P. Scott Wilson AKA Hershel Greene – Carl should have taken the shot!


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