Fear The Walking Dead Television

Fear The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:4 Ep:6 “Just In Case”

We finally got Naomi/Laura’s backstory at FEMA and her daughter Rose.  That all pales in comparison to the ending with the standoff that resulted in John getting shot.  Where do we go from here with only 2 episodes until the midseason finale?   My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever.  The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.


  1.  Did you enjoy the opening to this episode with one of the Vultures at the store and then Morgan and John paying him a visit?

Bob:  Of course!

Chris:  Yes. Any scene with John and Morgan is great!  (Absolutely!  Those two have very good chemistry.)

Kent:  I love when Walking Dead gives us a different look at something for the opening scene.  Whether it be anew person, or just something that you may not see in the middle of an episode.  This is the sort of thing I enjoy. I still think my favorite opening may have been the one that showed how Bob Stuckey survived in like season 4 of TWD.  Loved that opening!


  1.  Were you satisfied with the backstory to Laura/Naomi’s child, Rose, and the FEMA shelter?

Bob:  Yes

Chris:  Yes. I thought it was nicely done and kind of explained why she always runs.  (It was something that we needed explained, and maybe any other season, we would have had a stupid, inane backstory that we would have to shrug off because it’s the TWD universe.  This season though, there’s something just so right in how they are dealing with things.)

Kent:  Yeah, quite satisfied.  We needed something different and we got it, and it made a ton of sense.  Walking Dead is at it’s best when the story is reasonable.


  1.  How do you feel about how Madison is handling things?  Has she really changed all that much from the beginning?

Bob:  It annoyed me but I see what the show is trying to do.  (You’re so negative Bob.  Why not subscribe to the power of positivity.)

Chris:  She’s not quite sure the same as the beginning, but I think she’s trying to avoid the reality.  The group won’t make it at the stadium (I know we already know, but she doesn’t know… in the past.  I mean, she obviously knows now. Is she even still alive???) (Every week, I am more and more convinced that Madison is getting got this season.  Simultaneously, I feel like I am being totally played by the writers. In the end, I will be satisfied with either outcome.  That alone is quite refreshing.)

Kent:  I know that the show, and even more so, Talking Dead is pushing the narrative of Madison kinda undergoing a radical mindset evolution.  I’m not sure if she really has. Just think about the very first episode and Madison’s refusal to give up on people, especially her junkie son, Nick.  While we have seen her experience numerous things, I feel that out of any character, she has changed the least, which is saying something because Strand is very similar to the guy we first met.  I will say this, if my theory is that we are being played by the writers, I am wondering if this stand off with The Vultures actually breaks Madison mentally and emotionally and she gives up on herself and flees like Morgan did.  It’s entirely possible. That would tie in a lot of things without killing off their main character of the franchise.


  1.  We had the revelation at the end that Naomi/Laura is working with the Vultures.  Is she basically Eugene as a Savior, or is this it’s own different story?

Bob:  Hahaha, this was a great part but no it won’t last.  (You seem so confident in this.  I wonder why.)

Chris:  It’s different, I think.  We don’t know the circumstances behind it yet.  (Yeah, it totally is.  She’s just doing what she needs to do in the moment.  That is where the similarities between her and Eugene end.)

Kent:  No, this question in preposterous!!!  Eugene is on a whole other level compared to any character outside of the smart kid in season 1.  Eugene knows what he needs to say to get to the next 3 points that he has plotted out. Naomi is going point by point as it comes to her because she has such inner turmoil.  Eugene doesn’t have all of that guilt residing inside of him. Plus, you gotta respect the hair game. When is Heath going to pop up in Fear?


  1. John got shot.  Will he die by the end of this season?  Keep in mind, Fear really hates keeping new people alive.

Bob:  He had better not die. That is not greatness.  I am not Kentertained.

Chris:  If he dies before Tara………  (Reading your statement actually angered me thinking about him dying before Tara.  Yes, I admittedly swore out loud to myself. Then I thought about this again after all of the fallout of contracts and such on TWD and I became sad.)

Kent:  I think with the new team, we won’t be seeing the same mistakes being made.  That is one thing where TWD was always superior. They would add character and eliminate so constantly giving us new dynamics. Clearly the attitude and thought process has changed this season.  John ain’t dying this season. I’m not sure that John dies before the show ends. His death would probably get me to stop watching this show. They don’t have enough strong characters to keep me invested.  Yes, I lost Abe and Carl in back to back seasons, but I always had a Eugene and a Negan and a Simon…..ahhh hell he’s dead too. Damnit. We still have a Jerry though!


Final Thoughts – Also, did this episode in general feel weaker than the rest of the season, or was it a must to set up the pieces for the final 2 episodes? Yup, we are just taking guesses here.

Bob:  JOHN LIVES!!!  LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris:  I was fine with this episode.  It’s all leading up to an awesome ending.  Oh and like Bob said, JOHN LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kent:  I guess our mantra for the past 2 weeks has been JOHN LIVES!!!!!!!!  That’s cool with me. This wasn’t a weak episode at all. It answered a lot of important things and gave us a cliffhanger.  Sometimes I toss the bait out to see if anyone will bite. Let’s face it, this week has given us so many possibilities for the franchise.  With Rick and Maggie leaving, could Madison truly be Alpha? Could John end up on TWD to replace Rick and romance with Michonne? So many odd things can happen.


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