Fear The Walking Dead Television

Fear The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:4 Ep:9 “People Like Us”

All of our questions were answered.  We know that Althea and Madison had met prior and we also find out why the group has been so shattered as we see the conclusion to Madison’s story.  I apologize for the pictures, but this episode was very dark, so the pictures aren’t as pretty to look at.   My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever.  The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.


  1.  Do you really think Morgan is ever making it back to Virginia?

Bob:  Heck no, that’s just getting us to think about it.  Although he may in the future, I don’t think it’s this season.  (I could see it down the road, but what purpose does it serve for him to return to find Rick gone in some capacity?  I guess if there is an answer to that, then maybe.)

Chris:  No. They did a great job of teasing it though.  I’m sure too many shenanigans are going to be keeping Morgan where he is.  (The tease was well done.  People were talking when that first happened, so good job on the writer’s behalf.)

Kent:  I think there is a 15% chance that Morgan makes it to Virginia before the show ends.  I loved that they tried this to mess with fan’s heads. Let’s face it, the main show is about to do a serious time jump, not that Morgan couldn’t have been part of it, but he is now the official lead of Fear.  I feel that Alicia deserved that honor, but Morgan carries a lot of weight with his name value.


  1.  Should John be worried about June’s loyalty or intent to build a life with him?

Bob:  Yes, he should.  As soon as there is pressure, LaJuNaomi will become Elizabeth (one more syllable) and disappear.  (I think of the name Elizabeth and picture Fred Sanford screaming to her on Sanford and Son.  That theme song was so catchy.)

Chris:  Well, she’s tried to run away from various people 3,243 times so far, so…..yes?  I’m tempted to think this time will be different, but she has shown that she’ll run.  (What’s the old saying? 3,244 times is the charm?  I think I read that in The Little Prince.)

Kent:  John should be worried about that because that’s what she does.  The thing is, every new time is a different time. What I mean by that is just because your last 3 girlfriends cheated on you, it doesn’t mean that the next one will, right?  So we don’t know if anybody has shown this kind of affection toward her, and that may keep her tamed a bit better. Still, of course, he should be concerned.


  1.  We will be meeting new characters this season.  What are the odds or percentage that these new characters may actually be “good guys”?

Bob:  92% good guys, but it depends on who is judging.  (92…..what an odd, yet coincidental choice.)

Chris:  The trailer showed at least 3, and they seemed like good people.  I’m sure there will be at least one villain.  (So what you’re saying is that 3 people will somehow end up being the villain?  The percentage of new people to the show who are good is less than 50 at this point, siginificantly less.  I like that.)

Kent:  According to Talking Dead, it sounds like there’s at least 4 newbies.  They can’t all be good, right? Just like with the Vultures, not all of them were evil, mainly Charlie was pure evil, but Ennis was a good guy.  I think 2 will 100% be good. I think Person 3 will be 92% good with 8% bad because they get coerced by Person 4 who is a jerkface. Person 3 will be the one who absolutely dies.


  1.  In this episode, a lot of characters paired up at various points.  Which one was your favorite pairing?

Bob:  John/Strand – just completely different outlooks on life and coping mechanisms.  John has it mostly together and has a caring heart for others. Strand has always been about himself.  I think John is more likely to have a meltdown if things keep going bad though.  (I could watch those 2 guys for a whole episode, I think.)

Chris:  Morgan and Alicia.  I think Morgan understands what she’s going through since he’s been through it himself.  He wants to save her from self-destruction. Plus, I really enjoy how much Alicia’s character has changed throughout the show.  (Alicia has evolved in asuch a unique way.  I was kinda irritated on Talking Dead when they compared June to Carol.  If anything, Alicia has become the Carol of this show going back to the beginning and all of the various arcs, there are a ton of similarities. )

Kent:  I fully admit to liking almost all of these pairings.  I loved John with Charlie because it was the thing you just come to expect from that man.  I loved John and Strand for the reasons that Bob said. I liked Althea and June oddly enough.  Morgan and Alicia was the most compelling in many ways. But if I have to pick one, it’s gotta be Strand and Luciana.  There is zero doubt in my mind that given the opportunity to jam out to music and or get drunk as hell during the ZA, I am probably doing both.  So that spoke to me. I also would have set up better defenses in all fairness.


  1.  If you had to get rid of one of the 8 remaining characters, who would it be and why?

Bob:  Ofelia who? Ofelia pain. Ofelia wouldn’t miss ya. She is just so down and out.  Her father is where it’s at. (Dude, she’s dead.)

Chris:  Is Tara an acceptable answer?  I’ll go with Luciana. I think she is the least interesting.  (Tara is always an acceptable answer within this blog.  ALWAYS.)

Kent:  Well, let’s get this straight, I am not eliminating either black dude because that’s what Walking Dead used to do.  Morgan has long been a favorite of mine and Strand has been my favorite on Fear along with Daniel. I cannot pick John, although he is unfortunately the current moral compass.  That leaves 5 females. Alicia has to live because she’s the last of the family. I like Althea too much and I feel that we don’t know her enough yet, and I think she has many layers.  I will save Charlie because she may still be pure evil, and we always need one of them. I feel like Luciana is the less interesting choice between her and June, but I don’t feel that she has had opportunities to really shine and showcase her character.  June has had a LOT of time spent on her. If she dies, it breaks John’s heart, which will collectively break the audience’s hearts, and then he will be like this bad ass protector of Charlie. I say June.


Final Thoughts – How cool is this storm?  

Bob:  The storm is very cool.  I’m sorry but how is there not a question or comment about the cabin and how John believes it should be there because he “locked the door” when he left.  Truly an amazing quote. (HAHAHAHA, my bad.  If I run short of a question next week, i will ask that because you’re right, that was definitely something to discuss.)

Chris:  The storm is going to be great.  Although, my first thought was “zombie-nado!”  (The question is, if a zomienado crashes into a sharknado, the assumption would be that the sharks may become undead sharks.  Would Ian Ziering and Tara Reid join forces with our group?)

Kent:  This is like the epitome of Winter is coming, except it didn’t take 8 damn seasons to come.  I love it, and I loved seeing the way they did things on Talking Dead. I love to see the behind the scenes stuff.  I also have to say this, I am so glad that Chris Hardwick is back on that show. I know a lot of people that don’t like him, mainly for his comedy, but I think he is a fantastic host of that show.  I hate how everything went down with the allegations, and I truly believe that we can all do better than what people are currently doing. Things that happened years ago should have been handled years ago and not ruining people’s careers now.  Coming out years later screams that you are just trying to ruin a career rather than shed light on the awful things that you claim happen. I think people should come forward, when it is a real thing that REALLY happened, but do it in a timely manner or let it go.  I think that’s a fair compromise. Some people will not agree with my sentiments, and that’s okay. I just think that this path we are currently on is a bad one that can be improved.

Finally, I wante dto share this article.  I vehemently disagree with the sentiments shared.  I thought season 4 basically saved the series from cancellation.  I am curious what you guys think.


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