We are back for a fifth season. Honestly, after season 2, I didn’t think this show would make it this far. We are back with a more minimalistic approach. It is Bob and Raylene with me this week, and hopefully, we will get Chris back next week. This was the big season premiere and it starts off with new faces and a plane. We got radiation, new threats, new suits, and Matt Frewer. Also, we have a nice new logo, and I want to thank Sidra for that. She’s a great talent. My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure. Any comments in BOLD are written by me. I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever. The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.
1. What did you think about the plane crash, or the fact that they are flying a plane for that matter?
Bob: Al is that person who knows how to do everything. Jack of all trades, master of none. I could see her saying, “uhm, yeah the engine failed! Yeah, that’s it!” That being said, I was slightly surprised they found viable jet fuel at this point. (I am curious about the jet fuel situation too. But you figure, aside from like the first months of the ZA, those who could use it have probably used what they could. It couldn’t have been very sought after….could it? Totally agree with you on Al. I think they have a lot of diversity in the cast as far as abilities, not as far skin color. Sorry PC America.)
Raylene: I thought it was ok I guess it makes some sense they found a plane it being still early in the outbreak or isn’t it anymore? Have we caught up with TWD timeline being Morgan is on. (Sooooo, they are at the very least, 4 years in, by my calculation. Morgan left after the Savior War. We know that TWD intentionally did two separate time jumps. One to start this most recent season, and then one after Rick left the show. So you figure there was Georgia, to Herschel’s, to the prison. That was about a year and a half. Then they wandered for a while, hit up Terminus, got found by Aaron, went to Alexandria. By the time they are in Alexandria, you have to say a minimum of 3 years unless we are not going to acknowledge all the changes in Carl, Judith, and Carol. Then add a year for seasons 6-8 which was all in one year, I think. So that brings me to 4. I could be wrong, but you have to acknowledge Carl aging…..and now he’s not aging.)
Kent: It brought back memories of flight 472 or whatever the hell that was. I would have enjoyed something beyond it crashing and I know that they explained it. I know they wanted to start off with a bang. I am a bit amused that they are flying 4-5 years into the ZA.
2. We met Dylan, Max, and Annie, the three kids. Based on what we have seen, how have they survived this long in the ZA (zombie apocalypse)? When we see them again, which feels inevitable, will they be alive or dead?
Bob: Alive and on the aggressive side. (Oh man, are they gonna turn heel as Charlie did?)
Raylene: I say only Annie will be alive. (Yup, so I would bet money that she gets got because she appeared to be the only competent one.)
Kent: Dylan was F’N useless. He’d be dead. Max wasn’t much better, but he seemed borderline competent. If he as out a lot with Dylan though, then Max would have died as well. Annie is the only one with her head on straight. We meet these kids and 3 minutes in and I’m like, nope, these kids would not have made it. I call BS!
3. As of right now, do you view Logan as a villain for simply taking back what was once his? Also, should this group be going THIS far out of their way to try to help random strangers?
Bob: It’s his. Period. (Fact! Exclamation point.)
Raylene: Technically speaking, he did take what was his. Do deeds really matter in the ZA anymore? He didn’t kill them and left them with some supplies. Perhaps not as many will go out on supply drops in the future. (You’d hope that there would be some life lesson here. At least Madison isn’t there trying to prove some stupid point.)
Kent: I feel that with a larger group, some idiot would have made some argument that Logan was a villain here. No, the great Matt Frewer (Trashcan Man in the Stand) was 100% within his rights either way. Yes, it was his, no disputing it. Also, in the ZA, if you have the manpower to take something over, it’s officially yours. There are no codes of ethics to be found when it comes to transferring property in the ZA. Would Nega have been nearly that generous? Nope. Quite frankly, I thought how he handled it was relatively smart and peaceful and its on “our” group of heroes to not be such dumbasses.
4. We have people in black suits with wires and they have the same sign or logo that was on the helicopter that picked up Rick. What do you make of any of this? Are the decapitated heads and the roadblocks of walkers related these people? What is happening? Basically, make crazy predictions.
Bob: Uniforms! I am not this creative… Just a large and organized group made up of 2 or more political subdivisions. (Will one be represented by red and gold clad headless and flayed walkers who groan the Rains of Castemere and maybe have the other just a bunch of whiteys with a king that only hangs out at night?)
Raylene: I say they are experimenting on people trying to find a cure. They are taking healthy people infecting them with a bite. Study the progress after a certain point, when nothing works, they decapitate them. The heads in the trees are the test subjects. Perhaps they are a more advanced species of The Whisperers. (Orrrrr they are secretly a biker gang from California that flew straight to Texas in a perfect line. Along the way, just like our group, some Mayan type guys crossed the border and started a turf war. Ehhhh?)
Kent: This is clearly a publicity stunt for the new Men In Black film, that looks abysmal. Or Maybe HBO was trying to get more people interested in Chernobyl. Maybe Shumpert made it from Georgia to Texas and was so fascinated by The Governor’s decorations with the fishtanks, maybe he wanted a different approach with trees? I’m also pretty sure that this was part of Carl’s dying wishes was for more decorations. Seriously though, I’m excited and ready to be thoroughly disappointed. But we still have Skidmark to look forward to.
5. It sounds like we are going to have radioactive walkers. Do you think that they may be stronger, more difficult to kill? Should there be a fear of radiation poisoning?
Bob: There should be a real fear of radioactive poisoning with exposed walkers. They should be very easy to kill, but the exposure is the problem. (Unless they are going some Incredible Hulk path, you would think that they should be easier to kill. But this is television. I was worried about the radiation poisoning too.)
Raylene: I say no unless the walkers have helmets on penetrating the brain seems to be the end all. Sure I guess radiation leaks will just add to the world’s destruction. (But what if the radiation has hardened their craniums or like melted helmets on to them, and they could still somehow see. Think about it.)
Kent: I was immediately concerned with radiation poisoning and that is how they will do their major death of this season. Or so my theory goes. It’s not gonna be Alicia though. The horror fan inside of me is actually excited for this.
Final Thoughts 2 part simple question(s). A) Which episode number this season will Dwight make his long-awaited appearance? B) Who’s the least expendable character on the show: Alicia or Morgan or Strand?
Bob: B) Morgan, A) Episode 9, second scene from last. Did you catch that? (Alright, after consulting my Eugene with a pickle Funko Pop figure, we did the math. It all added up.)

Raylene: I say episode 6 he’ll appear. I’m going with Alicia she seems to have had so much character growth and groomed to be the leader. Let’s not forget Daniel can’t wait for him maybe he’s with the black suit people.
Kent: B) Alicia only because she’s the last of her family, just like Judith. That’s only for the realistic reason. In the show, Morgan would be my answer. A) I don’t think we see Dwighty boy until the midseason finale, and it will be a teaser, just like in Utica.