Fear The Walking Dead Television

Fear The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:5 Ep:10 “210 Words Per Minute”

This week, I felt that this was an episode that I really enjoyed despite its flaws. It focused on Morgan, Grace, and Dwight mainly and while some of the shenanigans made me laugh, it helped move the story forward. My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever.  The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.

1.  Morgan and Grace were clicking, Morgan was smiling.  And just when it looked like things may veer toward a relationship, Morgan has an epiphany that Al is out there on her own and may need help. A. Why is Al out there on her own?  B. Why do you think that Morgan bailed instead of seeing where things could go with Grace? C. Do you like them as a couple and would you like to see them eventually get together….ya know, right when Grace inevitably dies from cancer or something?

Bob:  A. Al has to calm down from the PTSD and also think on her love life and how she almost lost her life and couldn’t love anymore.

B. Morgan knows he is fragile in the head and Grace is fragile in the body. It will only end in heartbreak.  (There is a surprisingly adequate film on Prime called Fragile.  I recommend it to our readers.)

C. Yes because it is sweet but the death should be QUICK.

Raylene:  Al’s military background probably played a role into why they left her alone figured she could handle herself. Morgan I think still loves his wife carrying around the guilt he couldn’t save his family. So he thinks he doesn’t deserve happiness again. Sure but I think Morgan may die before that he’s been having alot of screen time this season.  (Morgan dying?  I don’t know if this show survives another main 5 character dying.  Not now at least, and he is pretty much the star of the show now. I’m sure Alycia is happy with that.)

Kent:  A) Apparently, they have a group of 46 people but Al felt the need to be special and go out on her own to find Isabelle perhaps.  B) Logically, you wouldn’t want to start a relationship with someone with incurable cancer. That’s obviously not the way the writers want us to think, but I’m not wrong.  They still could have hooked up, he could have gotten Snatch. Then they could have found a TV and DVD player and watched that great Brad Pitt film and then did their thing.  C) She’s the closest thing that Morgan is going to find in a woman that compliments him, I think. Alicia would be a fun short term fling and Tessa is already saddled down with a kid.  You just take the cancer chick and have fun. Not complicated!

2.  I loved the escalator scenes, but why was Morgan killing walkers and tossing them behind them instead of down the escalator?  Also, did you find any significance in the show using a Tale of Two Cities for this episode? Finally, how is this group traveling with soooo many people now and hoping that Logan doesn’t see this convoy rocking through the night?

Bob:  Morgan is a dork, that whole scene was garbage. The large group is foreshadowing shadowy times!  (Ohhhh, I like that term “shadowy times”.  It makes me want to play this N64 game called Shadowman.  Really great mix of like Tomb Raider and some mild horror and undead stuff.  Perfect for this crowd, like 20 years ago.)

Raylene:  Perhaps because they would just come back up and create the same problem tripping them up. I am not sure of Tale of Two Cities for I’ve never read it. So I really should since I don’t have a clue what’s it all about. Yeah, no way the group isn’t being noticed by Logan unless his crew is just garbage.  (I am positive that you wouldn’t be a fan of A Tale of Two Cities.  Even the Cliff Notes version was boring. I should know!)

Kent:  So I have a stupid internal fear of escalators dating back to my childhood.  I am much better now and will use them. Up to my latter teenage years, I would find any excuse to avoid them, like I would walk quite a bit extra just to use normal stairs.  I don’t mind going up, it’s the going down ones that freak me out.

Also, if anybody ever saw the terrible 80’s film “The Kiss” that may have also scarred you. To answer the questions, they wanted to block them, so using the bodies as a barricade would have made some sense.  It’s just common sense to cause a pile-up. I hate a Tale of Two Cities. I have read the first paragraph at least 30 times, could never get into it and the best thing that came from it was Garfield’s A Tale of Two Kitties. Truly, I don’t understand how they have this huge posse now.  I have long been of the belief that surviving this long in the ZA is next to impossible. Maybe I’m wrong.

3.  Why did Dwight really announce on the radio where he was going?  Secondly, should he have let Mr. Asshole walk? Thirdly, if you were Mr. Asshole and you saw Dwight, would you even bother trying to tie him up and get info or would you realize that this is a man who has been through some stuff and you weren’t gonna break him?

Bob:  Dwight is trying to keep the group safe. Mr. A did what he thought he could succeed in. Dwight doesn’t look like he is tough, he looks like a mark. He is changing and that’s why he let the guy go, he is making the effort.  (See, I keep going back and forth in my mind.  I put myself in a zombie apocalypse and I see a guy like Dwight, I am torn if the burn scar is a sign of weakness initially or a tough dude.  I have spent a lot of time dwelling on this for some inane reason. On the plus side, I recently saw a Daryl action figure in his sweatshirt why staying at Sanctuary look.  The third search result was Easy Street, which I bought a few days after the episode aired.)

Raylene:  It seems Dwight was trying to lure maybe even Logan out to try and change his mind. Sure Dwight is just trying to pay it forward I hope Mr. Kennedy just goes on his merry way. I would’ve just left him and maybe tracked his movement.  (Kennedy would have been good in that role.  I am fairly certain that he has done some acting before.  He has a great voice and charisma. He’d be a fun bad guy.)

Kent:  This whole story seemed incredibly flawed to me.  So Dwight is thinking, “Man, I gotta get the group so we can get the convoy and get these supplies and help Morgan and Grace.  On the way, I think I should help a random asshole by giving him my location, and hopefully, I get a concussion and tied up.  Then I will teach him the ultimate lesson and let him walk away free.” Really???? Complete jibber jabber. No, Dwight shouldn’t have let this guy go.  Daryl let Dwight go because he had a much better understanding of Dwight and why he had done all of these things. Dwight doesn’t know nothing about this dude.  

So I got to thinking, out of both shows, visually, who would be the person that I would least want to trifle with?  Dwight is in my top 5 easily because you don’t know why he has that burn scar, but you also wouldn’t mess with Sandor Cleagane either.  Who else cracks my top 5 you may be wondering?

Tyrese because he is very imposing in size more so than someone like T Dogg who was thick but not tall.  Merle after the arm came off because he already looked like a scrapper who had seen things and without an arm, he’s also done some stuff too. Shane just looked badass once the head was shaved and he was in good shape and you would have guessed that he had some training.  The final spot was a toss-up between Governor (eye patch plus scowl), Negan (leather jacket and Lucielle), Abe (jacked and has ginger rage capabilities), Herschel (clever old guy who is probably smarter than you), and Carl (a kid with that hat, lost an eye, long hair, and always carrying a gun).  I choose Carl because the kid hasn’t grown up with the same moral compass that the adults have.

4.  Daniel got to shave and cut Dwight’s hair.  Fill in the blank. With his new haircut, Dwight looks ______?

Bob:  He is.. handsome actually.  (Yeah, he’s not a bad looking dude.  It fits him nicely. Of course, now I would see him and definitely think that he’s an easy mark.)

Raylene:  Dwight looks like a young lad now.  (Yeah, it de-aged him….is that a term?  I feel like he got 5-10 years younger.)

Kent:  He looks good, he looks 10 years younger too.  Dapper was a word I considered. Pretty fly for a white guy was also a consideration.  In the end, I say that Dwight looks like he’s about to go to Studio 54 20 years too late.  

5.  Was it just me, or was the Chuck story really well done?

Bob:  I enjoyed it and thought the star toy was very endearing and kind. Who put the guy out before zombifying?  (I am going to guess Morgan did, the whole chivalry thing.  Plus, Grace isn’t one of the female characters that outwardly insists on showing how much of a badass they are.  I admit that she is growing on me. The star toy was really nice.)

Raylene:  I liked that they were able to restock their supplies. It was nice to see a decent story and person for once.  (Yeah, it was a short-lived, but good story.  I am wondering if this was a new edict by Scott M Gimple (the Carl slayer).  On TWD this past season, we had a few relatively short-lived characters that still had adequate stories.  The Highwaymen (I think that was their name) and the couple that Alpha killed and stole the lady’s clothes to get into the fair.  I am good with short term characters.)

Kent:  This little bit of story once they found Chuck was my favorite part of the whole episode.  I thought that they did so much in such little time. Chuck was instantly likable and I was actually legitimately happy that Grace got the star thingy for him.  It was a rare feel-good moment and somber moment at the same time.

Final Thoughts – What Kentertained you the most this episode?  What would you nominate as this episode’s Glenn Memorial Award for the most inane thing in the episode?

Bob:  Thinking urgent care would not be locked and how Morgan was simply exhausted after killing 10 walkers. This makes me long for a Rick character that just goes out and annihilates everything.  (You saying that makes me long for very particular scenes.  1. When Carl gets shot in the eye and Rick brings Carl to Denise, and then Rick just goes outside and wrecks any walker who was stupid enough to get within 4 feet of him.  2. Tyrese snapping when he gets out of the car and is surrounded by so many walkers and he takes them out with his hammer. I hope that I can find the videos.)

Raylene:  Daniel and the cinnamon buns also Grace and her jelly beans. The fact that there was an urgent care in the mall seemed odd to me. Seriously Grace not communicating she was going after the first red jacket walker moron of course Morgan was going to start searching and be distracted.  (I totally forgot about the jelly beans, and it was such a funny story to me.  As some of you know, my mom has a knack for not calling things by their proper name, so this felt very natural to me.  An urgent care in the mall was such a weird idea. Or is it? Yes, I decided to research this idea and it’s not as strange as I thought it would be.)

Kent:  Daniel asking about Cinnabon, Cinn City, or a bunnery Kentertained me the most.  My GMA nominee happened very early in the episode. Dwight yells to Morgan and Grace and then says “Our voices must have drawn them out.”  This was some John Dorie from the previous episode level of nonsense. Grace running off to kill a red shirt was a close second, and the snatch conversation was in third. Also, before Glenn was under a dumpster, let’s never forget that this ambulance has magical abilities that defy physics.

That’s right, everyone. In midair, the ambulance changed its rotation. That happened. It makes most of the silly things in Fear seem trivial, right? Just to note, I don’t own the rights to any of these videos. I strongly encourage you to support the creators. Obviously, we already support and enjoy The Walking Dead franchise. The videos are used for review purposes only.

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